Improving Productivity
and Profitability Certification
This certificate program introduces the work practices associated with the management of productivity and profitability.
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Certificate Highlights

Increasing sales is often a top priority for most businesses. But, decreasing costs and reducing waste tends to only come into focus when and organization is grappling with declining sales.
Although it makes sense to try and cut back on costs during difficult trading period, you have to wonder why companies don’t maximize profitability even when sales are booming. It’s not difficult to come to the conclusion that even great businesses tend to be rather inefficient.
If you think that your “business as usual” might actually be squandering a lot of money, then this certificate program is designed to get you thinking about how to prevent money and resources from being wasted.
In this certificate program, we introduce the work practices associated with the management of productivity and profitability. This includes providing a practical toolkit and a range of techniques that can be deployed to reduce costs, increase revenue, increase productivity and increase efficiency. It also includes an understanding of how to assess an organization’s profitability, deliver growth for the bottom line and how to plan and manage change.
Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I be Illumeo Certified?
In short, you would do this to get better at what you already do, or to get a significant knowledge jump on something you want to do for a living. And, via the certificate itself, to be able to show others that you have attained this knowledge.
Why should I hire a Professional with an Illumeo Certification?
You would hire this Professional because they bring deep knowledge, on concrete topics, to your team. Simply completing the Illumeo certification denotes that the person is a serious professional willing to take the time to become very good at what they do, and that they put in the time, passed the tests, and are knowledgeable in their area of certification.
What happens if I fail the exam?
There is an exam for every course and you must pass every one in order to receive your certification. You may re-study the content and re-take any exam until you pass it.
Why would I want a subscription on Illumeo?
A subscription to Illumeo helps fill out your professional knowledge with its unfettered access to hundreds of up-to-date on demand courses taught by long-time practitioners - just like the instructor of this certification program.

Carrie Foster, Chartered FCIPD
Organization Development Practitioner

Carrie is a recognized expert in her field, appearing alongside CIPD Chief Executive Peter Cheese in a panel discussion on the Future of HR. She is a published author with a successful commercial career covering FMCG, Industrial, Manufacturing and Professional Services, she has a track record of providing OD and coaching programs across UK, Europe, Russia and the Middle East that have met both the individual and business needs.
8 Courses