Fraud Trends
for the Future
This course series covers the Fraud Trends For the Future.
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Fraudsters seek new ways to exploit private information. Cybercrime and fraud prevention is an evolving field based on varied tactics used by fraudsters. In order to be prepared to mitigate fraud risks, you must understand the current fraud trends.
The initial segment of this series focused on fraud trends that have been identified for 2023 and beyond. Broadly, these trends include:
• Automation
• Account Takeover
• Adoption of new digital payment methods
• Balancing fraud and consumer friction
• Rise of synthetic identities
• Escalating cost of fraud
• Targeted attacks
• Strong need for real-time assessment
• Need for multi-layered fraud assessment.
• Account security
In the initial segment we evaluated areas of automation and machine learning fraud. Session two evaluated the concept of account takeover. Session three focuses on adoption of digital payment methods and the various deterrence and mitigation techniques available to prevent fraud.
Within each succeeding segment we will focus on specific aspects to enable professionals to start adapting and integrating the trend into their business.
After we discuss the fraud trends, we will delve into the first trend that deals with automation and ML. Fraud trends for the future - Mitigation methods for synthetic identity fraud.
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Lynn Fountain, CPA MBA CGMA CRMA
Consultant, Author, Trainer, and past Chief Audit Executive

Lynn Fountain is widely considered an expert in the field of Sarbanes-Oxley and has led initiatives in compliance efforts. In addition, her expertise in the field has been recognized through her ability to provide individualized training on the legislation and compliance requirements as well as assist organizations in establishing the proper control framework for compliance. Course participants have been quoted as saying: “Ms. Fountain should instruct a PhD in Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance.” Ms. Fountain’s ability to break-down the various aspects of the legislation and communicate its importance in relevant terms is the key to the success of her courses.
7 Courses