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Fraudsters seek new ways to exploit private information. Cybercrime and fraud prevention is an evolving field based on varied tactics used by fraudsters. In order to be prepared to mitigate fraud risks, you must understand the current fraud trends.

The initial segment of this series focuses on fraud trends that have been identified for 2023 and beyond. Broadly, these trends include:

  • Automation
  • Account Takeover
  • Adoption of new digital payment methods
  • Balancing fraud and consumer friction
  • Rise of synthetic identities
  • Escalating cost of fraud
  • Targeted attacks
  • Strong need for real-time assessment
  • Need for multi-layered fraud assessment
  • Account security

Within each succeeding segment we will focus on specific aspects to enable professionals to start adapting and integrating the trend into their business.

After we discuss the fraud trends, we will delve into the first trend that deals with automation and ML.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

7 CoursesFraud Trends for the Future

  1. Fraud Trends for the Future - Examining Automation and Machine Learning
  2. Fraud Trends for the Future - Understanding and Addressing Account Takeover
  3. Fraud Trends for the Future - Digital Payments Fraud
  4. Fraud Trends for the Future - Mitigation Methods for Synthetic Identities
  5. Fraud Trends for the Future - Understanding Synthetic Identities
  6. Fraud Trends for the Future - Need for Real-time Risk Assessment - Part one
  7. Fraud Trends for The Future - Targeted Attacks and Payment Management
Learning Objectives
  • Explore and evaluate Fraud trends for 2023 and beyond.
  • Explore and examine how ML works.
  • Identify and drill down on automation trends and ML tools.
    • Understand the term Blackbox vs. Whitebox.
    • Understand the challenges and benefits of both.
  • Discover and examine specific cases of ML.
  • Identify steps for sustainable automated fraud detection process for your business.
  • Explore and evaluate what to look for in a fraud software.
  • Identify and examine some leading software packages.
Last updated/reviewed: March 24, 2024
8 Reviews (40 ratings)


Anonymous Author
I really enjoyed this course. I hadn't heard of many of these terms and I appreciated getting a base level understanding of machine learning and how it is affecting fraud today.

Anonymous Author
I like how it describe the difference between a black box and the white box. This course also taught me the importance of MFA applications.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this dive into automation and machine learning as it relates to fraud. There was a lot I already knew, but a lot that I didn't.

Member's Profile
Quit extensive course that gives a good idea about basics of fraud trends and methods for prevention in modern world

Member's Profile
A lot of the slides are read verbatim in this training which makes the slides as valuable as the presenter.

Anonymous Author
It is a challenging yet very informative session. Samples of fraudulent events would have been helpful.

Anonymous Author
Great introduction and overview of the topic. Clearly presented in logical order and format.

Anonymous Author
Super interesting and very timely topic and materials. This was a fantastic course.

Course Complexity: Foundational
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Fraud Trends for the Future - Examining Automation and Machine Learning6:36
  Top Fraud Trends 2023 and Beyond24:17
  Addressing Fraud trends14:05
  Machine Learning Tools12:28
  How a Blackbox Works10:14
  Whitebox and its Comparison with Blackbox7:02
  Benefits and Disadvantages of ML in Fraud Detection2:28
  Cases for Machine Learning4:12
  Steps for Sustainable Automated Fraud Detection Process5:50
  Fraud Software5:39
  Fraud Trends for the Future - Examining Automation and Machine Learning1:33:38
  Slides: Fraud Trends for the Future - Examining Automation and Machine LearningPDF
  Fraud Trends for the Future - Examining Automation and Machine Learning Glossary/IndexPDF