Fraudsters seek new ways to exploit private information. Cybercrime and fraud prevention is an evolving field based on varied tactics used by fraudsters. In order to be prepared to mitigate fraud risks, you must understand the current fraud trends.

The initial segment of this series focused on fraud trends that have been identified for 2023 and beyond. Broadly, these trends include:

  • Automation
  • Account Takeover
  • Adoption of new digital payment methods
  • Balancing fraud and consumer friction
  • Rise of synthetic identities
  • Escalating cost of fraud
  • Targeted attacks
  • Strong need for real-time assessment
  • Need for multi-layered fraud assessment.
  • Account security

In the initial segment we evaluated areas of automation and machine learning fraud. Session two evaluated the concept of account takeover. This session focuses on adoption of digital payment methods and the various deterrence and mitigation techniques available to prevent fraud.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

7 CoursesFraud Trends for the Future

  1. Fraud Trends for the Future - Examining Automation and Machine Learning
  2. Fraud Trends for the Future - Understanding and Addressing Account Takeover
  3. Fraud Trends for the Future - Digital Payments Fraud
  4. Fraud Trends for the Future - Mitigation Methods for Synthetic Identities
  5. Fraud Trends for the Future - Understanding Synthetic Identities
  6. Fraud Trends for the Future - Need for Real-time Risk Assessment - Part one
  7. Fraud Trends for The Future - Targeted Attacks and Payment Management
Learning Objectives
  • Explore and evaluate Top fraud trends in 2023 and beyond.
  • Explore and examine new digital payment methods and trends.
  • Discover and evaluate compliance trends.
  • Identify and researching beyond digital payments.
  • Explore and examine digital payment fraud mitigation tactics.
Last updated/reviewed: March 27, 2024
20 Reviews (103 ratings)


Member's Profile
The course was very focused and met the titles intent. The presenter provided good compilation of sources citing her work as she went. The sourcing is intricate as the data needs to be relevant and peer review takes time.

Anonymous Author
For such a short course, Lynn Fountain shares a large amount of information. The numbers (statistics) are staggering and eye-opening. Great course to become familiar with current and possible future fraud trends.

Member's Profile
One of the highlights of the course is Lynn's teaching style. She presents complex concepts in a manner that is easy to understand, breaking down intricate topics into digestible chunks.

Anonymous Author
An important course given the nature of payments is ever changing, especially with the introduction of cryptocurrencies and soon enough, the digital dollar to be issued by governments.

Anonymous Author
Interesting topic. I've seen several of my clients consider expanding their use of digital payments, as they're receiving pressure to accept more forms of it.

Anonymous Author
Great information that focuses on adoption of digital payment methods and the various deterrence and mitigation techniques available to prevent fraud.

Anonymous Author
Lynn was very thorough in covering the topic and measures that firms can utilize to manage and reduce their risk in the digital payment space.

Anonymous Author
I always enjoy Lynn's courses because they are well written and presented, and there are also real world scenarios presented.

Anonymous Author
Very informative. Learnt a lot of new ideas. Also quite impressed by the broad knowledge required to operate in the space

Anonymous Author
Especially liked the glossary. There are a lot of terms I see in daily life and I now know what they mean.

Member's Profile
This course was a high-level, basic information on fraud trends and statistics in the last few years..

Anonymous Author
Good comprehensive course, that was easy to understand and tested on what was taught.

Anonymous Author
Very interesting and informative course. Lynn Fountain is an excellent instructor!

Anonymous Author
Interesting course on digital payments fraud and mitigation techniques and tools.

Anonymous Author
I like how I learned about all the different methods to prevent Fraud Digitally

Member's Profile
This was a great course. Lots of detail and was up to date on it's information.

Anonymous Author
Great course on various digital payments fraud, this course is super helpful.

Anonymous Author
Speaker was well spoken and made very good points in the broadcast

Anonymous Author
Important topics discussed in to help keep up with the times.

Anonymous Author
Very insightful course. Happy I took it as I learned a lot.

Course Complexity: Foundational
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Examining Adoption of new Digital Payments Fraud3:30
  Top Fraud Trends in 2023 and Beyond21:27
  Compliance Trends9:16
  Beyond Digital Payments3:26
  Mitigation Tactics7:40
  Other Holistic Fraud Mitigation Approaches18:20
  Tools and Processes Needed to Mitigate7:10
  Fraud Detection Software5:36
  Fraud Trends for the Future - Digital Payments Fraud1:18:27
  Slides: Fraud Trends for the Future - Digital Payments FraudPDF
  Fraud Trends for the Future - Digital Payments Fraud Glossary/IndexPDF