I believe that having the right attitude is far more powerful and useful than all the written rules in the world.

This course explores the interaction between ethics, attitude and some workplace laws – with multiple examples of how they are applied in the workplace.

The course discusses ethical and legal dilemmas, changes over time, some workplace laws, some examples of differences in international business, the question of whether social responsibility should or should not be a workplace mandate, attitudes and how they affect laws such as those in Title VII, and how moral beliefs changed over time.

The examples given are from real workplace experiences and some of them will have the reader wondering whether his or her prior opinion continues to be valid.

Finally, there will be a series of tips to make a code of ethics live and breathe inside the workplace.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore how to determine the special needs of individuals
  • Identify Bonafide Occupational Qualifications
  • Identify how to articulate values
Last updated/reviewed: March 8, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

29 CoursesMastering Management Certification

  1. Preventing Harassment, Abusive Behavior, Bullying, And Discrimination In the Workplace
  2. The Art and Science of Interviewing
  3. Investigating a Complaint of Inappropriate Behavior in The Workplace
  4. Understanding Our Unconscious Biases
  5. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Management’s Role
  6. Management Providing Safety and Better Ergonomics
  7. Maintaining a Culture of Innovation and Creativity
  8. Managing Passive People
  9. Group Decision Making and Problem Solving
  10. Resolving Workplace Conflict
  11. Company Culture: Creating and Maintaining the Best
  12. Part I: Cultural and Behavioral Information for Business in an International – Global Environment
  13. Part II: Country Specific, Cultural, and Behavioral Information - Doing Business in a Global Environment
  14. Effective Time Management and Goal Setting/Delegation
  15. Culture: Inside the Company and Outside the Country
  16. Cognitive Styles (Styles of Thinking, Talking, Giving and Receiving Information)
  17. Finding Success with Teams Working Far Apart
  18. Change Management: The People Side
  19. Effective Workplace Negotiation and Persuasion
  20. Ethics and Attitude in the Workplace
  21. Creating Rewards and Recognitions that Get You What You Want to Achieve
  22. Onboarding: From Entry-Level to Senior Executive
  23. Marrying Career Development with Succession Planning
  24. Visibility Enhances Promotability
  25. Delegating Skills for Managers
  26. Assertiveness Skills for Executives, Managers and HR Professionals
  27. How EQ Helps Motivate Your Staff
  28. Effective Meeting Management for Leaders, Managers, and Facilitators
  29. Communication: A Two-Way Process
87 Reviews (340 ratings)


Member's Profile
I was surprised and a bit baffled by the number of examples that appeared to be grounded in white/Christian fragility. Beyond multiple defenses of the rights of the religious to disrespect homosexuals or refuse "marrying gays", there was the unreal "hostile work environment" example given of Black men using the n-word in their communications with one another, creating a hostile work environment for white employees in earshot. Really? That's the example? There was also commentary slamming protections for whistleblowers making complaints about an employee's misconduct.

Member's Profile
As a JD, the over simplification of legal topics in my opinion confuse the student. As a licensed accounting professional with several credentials, this class seems like a typical college class that circles many topics unrelated to the primarily topic - ethics. Only the Tips of The Trade portion I find appropriate and helpful to students. I do not find it helpful to readily promote ethics in a corporate setting.

Anonymous Author
This course provides a solid overview of the difference kinds of ethics and morality, and how it applies to the workplace. Various examples are provided throughout the exercise to layout a concrete understanding, including past work experiences of the course instructor. Take this course if you are looking a general overview of this topic.

Member's Profile
1. The course was too simple and didn't really dig deep into complex ethical dilemmas. 2. Monotonous tone, seemed like reading off of a script. 3. GAAP stands for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles not Government Accepted Practices.

Anonymous Author
Great real life examples to tie the material in with what we would really experience. The example where we had to think about what we would do kept the training interactive as you were listening for teachings that would support your decision.

Anonymous Author
It was interesting to see how ethics and moral are 2 different things and can vary from person to person depending on culture and other factors but it does not necessarily mean one is right and the other is wrong.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed the real life examples that the professor used to explain the subject matter. There was a lot more discussion about law than anticipated but overall this was a worth while course.

Anonymous Author
I liked the example the instructor started with as it provided the duality of ethical and moral. The course is real-life rather than theoretical, which makes the lessons applicable.

Member's Profile
I liked the examples the instructor gave me. Giving examples such as what happened when she was hired, or how the doctor introduced the person with a condition drove home the point.

Member's Profile
I enjoyed this course. I liked the examples. I learned more about hiring process than I was aware of. I feel HR department would benefit the most from this course.

Anonymous Author
Course met objectives and matched description, which should be read before enrolling. Solution to example is most likely too impracticable to have been illustrative.

Anonymous Author
great topical course that could be very beneficial to individuals entering the management corps. a good refresher for the rest of us who have done this a while.

Anonymous Author
This course was very basic. I found it to be a description of standard Biblical Principles that should already be present in employees/company in general.

Member's Profile
Thank you for taking the time to review the variations of morality and the ethical standards in international business. This was a solid course all around.

Anonymous Author
Great course! Brief and to the point but with very relevant content. Loved the instructor's voice and the way the material was organized and presented.

Anonymous Author
It is a great and refresher course for everyone. The speaker discussed every topic very well. She gave interesting examples for easy understanding.

Member's Profile
Instructor gave good workplace examples. She obviously has thought a lot about the course material.

Member's Profile
Great overview of the ethics subject. Interesting to relate attitudes with ethics and the realization that accepted morality changes over time.

Member's Profile
I was pleasantly surprised at how Ms. Diamond captured and retained my interest throughout the entire course. Very informative and helpful.

Member's Profile
I didn't know what "bonafide occupational qualification" meant before this course. Tidbits like this keep students interested. Loved it.

Member's Profile
I actually think that this course could have been longer than one hour. There is so much important information in a course like this.

Anonymous Author
Interesting take on ethics.

Member's Profile
It was an intersting course with a lot of good examples. It was mostly common knowledge, but it was good to hear it reaffirmed.

Anonymous Author
Course was OK. Would have preferred more real life examples of ethical situations that we are confronted with in business.

Member's Profile
very simplistic. this course could conatin valuable insights but instead sluffs over topics that impact the corporation

Member's Profile
Excellent course on ethics in the workplace. The presentation was interesting and engaging. Very helpful information.

Anonymous Author
Presentation had few moments that made me think regarding the right way and my way of dealing with it. Good. Thanx.

Anonymous Author
OK, good speaker but boring content. The content was short and precise, good for the most part for a 1 hour CPE.

Member's Profile
A nice primer on ethics. Presenter has good speaking skills and spices up the content with real world examples.

Member's Profile
A good introductory ethics course with workplace examples. The instructor is knowledgeable and engaging.

Member's Profile
This was way too complicated. She went all over the place with the slides and what she was talking about.

Anonymous Author
Part of slides/training discussed topics about law which I am unable to find relativity on the subject.

Anonymous Author
clearly and concisely laid out, really liked the examples, will help this class stick with me longer.

Anonymous Author
Interesting course on Ethics and Attitude in the Workplace. This will be beneficiary to everyone.

Member's Profile
This was a good overview of ethics and include some good, current examples of ethical decisions.

Member's Profile
I liked the examples. Ethics courses without good examples fail to get their points across,

Anonymous Author
Лично для меня многие примеры понять было сложно

Anonymous Author
Good Class to take. Highly recommended. Take the time and you will learn something.

Anonymous Author
instructor was enthusiastic with many real world examples

Member's Profile
Having someone just read the slides in a monotone does not add anything to the course.

Anonymous Author
I thoroughly enjoyed the personal insights and examples provided by the instructor.

Member's Profile
Ethics and attitude in the workplace is important to establish a good company culture

Member's Profile
Course was basic, but provided reminders of Ethical dilemmas and how to address them

Member's Profile
Course includes examples to better illustrate and helps to remember concepts.

Anonymous Author
Great general overview covering several areas maybe not previously considered

Anonymous Author
It has simple questiom but also has essential knowledge. Very uesful lesson.

Member's Profile
Good overview of attitude and ethics and how they can affect the workplace.

Member's Profile
Well done!!! The course covered a lot of great points relating to ethics.

Member's Profile
Excellent course with great examples of how ethics change over time.

Anonymous Author
this was the perfect course in a overview of ethics in the work place

Anonymous Author
well organized and well presented --interesting and important topic

Anonymous Author
This course was incredibly helpful and insightful. Very beneficial.

Member's Profile
Enjoyed this course as a good general review on ethical concepts

Member's Profile
The materials were ok but I do not think the course was useful.

Member's Profile
I liked the overview and distinction between Ethics and Law.

Anonymous Author
Very informative course that every employee should complete.

Anonymous Author
Effective information that can be used in the workplace.

Member's Profile
Very good. However, seemed a little off track at times.

Member's Profile
I really enjoyed this course and I believe it is helpful

Member's Profile
Interesting course, many examples make it fun.

Member's Profile
Very interesting examples and a great topic.

Anonymous Author
It is good to learn these useful knowledges

Anonymous Author
The examples helped to put in to context.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of basic concepts and

Member's Profile
Informative and easy to listen to.

Member's Profile
Thank you for the valuable course.

Anonymous Author
Slides could provide more examples

Member's Profile
Great course, learned a lot.

Anonymous Author
good content and teaching

Anonymous Author
like info about hiring

Anonymous Author
Simple and easy class.

Member's Profile
Good practical advice

Member's Profile
highly recommend!

Anonymous Author
excellant course

Anonymous Author
Good information.

Member's Profile

Anonymous Author
helpful overview

Anonymous Author
very informative

Member's Profile
Course was good

Member's Profile
Good refresher

Anonymous Author
Great overview

Member's Profile
Good overview.

Anonymous Author
great course

Anonymous Author
good review

Member's Profile
thanks bro

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Ethics and Attitude1:57
Introduction to Ethics and Attitude
  Example One12:29
  Handshakes and Contracts 14:24
  Variations of Morality 11:56
  Ethical Standards in International Business9:07
  Tips of The Trade7:59
Continuous Play
  Ethics and Attitude in the Workplace57:54
  Slides: Ethics and Attitude in the WorkplacePDF
  Ethics and Attitude in the Workplace Glossary/IndexPDF