Not all discovery questions are the same, and knowing when to use which type of question often differentiates the successful sale from the lost sale. Done correctly, discovery questions build credibility and gain insight into a prospect’s organization. They are essential to the modern complex business to business (B2B) sale. If discovery questions are so important, how do you know which questions to use and when to use them?

This course is designed to provide participants with definitions and uses of the five “SPOTS” types of discovery questions: Scene-setting, Priority, Opportunity or problem, Trial-close, and Success metric. Participants learn how to identify the five types of discovery questions and understand when and how each type should be used when conducting business conversations.

Supplemental Learning Materials: an optional participant workbook is provided to aid with notetaking and facilitate learning.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

3 CoursesDiscovery Questions: B2B Sales

  1. Discovery Questions 101: Introduction for B2B Sales
  2. Discovery Questions 102: Five Types of Questions for B2B Sales
  3. Discovery Questions 103: Question-Asking Tactics for B2B Sales
Learning Objectives
  • Identify the five “SPOTS” types of discovery questions, which is an acronym that stands for Scene-setting, Priority, Opportunity or problem, Trial-close, and Success metric.
  • Discover when and how to use each type of discovery question.
  • Explore how to transform good discovery questions into excellent, sophisticated questions.
Last updated/reviewed: March 14, 2024
Course Complexity: Intermediate

This course has no prerequisites. However, for learners unfamiliar with the basics of discovery questions, viewing Discovery Questions 101: Introduction for B2B Sales is recommended.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Discovery Questions 102: Five Types of Questions for B2B Sales1:21
  Five Types of Discovery Questions (S)3:43
  Five Types of Discovery Questions (P)3:46
  Five Types of Discovery Questions (O)3:41
  Five Types of Discovery Questions (T)3:55
  Five Types of Discovery Questions (S)3:11
  Course Summary 2:25
Continuous Play
  Discovery Questions 102:Five Types of Questions for B2B Sales 22:02
  Slides: Five Types of Questions for B2B SalesPDF
  Five Types of Questions for B2B Sales Glossary/IndexPDF
  Workbook: Five Types of Questions for B2B SalesPDF