Whether we recognize it or not, we are confronted with Ethical Situations everyday.  Ethics dictate how we act, how we behave, and guides the decisions we make.  How do we avoid regretting our actions later on in life?  Regret can sometimes sink in almost immediately, but it can also take years to surface. 

In this course, you learn two approaches to dealing with ethical situations and preventing regret.  Using a Principles-Based Approach, you learn to take actions and make decisions keeping in mind five simple to remember (but harder to live by) principles.  A prescriptive approach will help you embed ethics into your decision-making process. Both approaches are demonstrated through an integrated video case.

Learning Objectives
  • Recognize how to apply ethical principles in everyday situations and avoid regret.
  • Discover how to apply an ethical decision-making framework to ethical situations to reach optimal solutions.
Last updated/reviewed: March 18, 2024
55 Reviews (244 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course provided a good overview of evaluating ethical dilemmas as well as many effective considerations to employ when dealing with how to approach/respond to ethical situations in the workplace. A great refresher for anyone in the workplace to keep ethical thinking top of mind in our day-to-day interactions. The instructors presented content in an informative and highly-engaging way, including supporting materials to reiterate key concepts taught throughout the course.

Anonymous Author
I really liked the two approaches to ethical decision making laid out in this course. The first is so common sense, I wish someone had laid this out in a course years ago! It just makes sense. The second also has merits in certain business situations as well. Thanks for tools!

Member's Profile
Review/Exam questions are worded in a way that makes it difficult to answer based on the way the material was presented. In other words not clear what the correct answers should be based on what I "heard". I probably will not take any more classes with these instructors as such.

Anonymous Author
The material is aligned well with the learning objectives. The examples are relevant to the ethical situations a person may face. Each prescribed approach can be applied to a person's professional and personal life. The "before responding" example should be prescribed to.

Anonymous Author
The course has two approaches to ethical decisions and gives several situations with potential ethical decisions. I felt it was a somewhat new approach with new ideas and enjoyed the presentation. The situations presented were thought provoking.

Member's Profile
Nice continuation from the first course, Ethical Intelligence, in which the speakers build upon the original content. The materials were helpful and relevant. The case study at the end of the course was a great way to tie it all together.

Anonymous Author
В процессе обучения излагается очень своеобразный подход к решению этическим проблем. Для общего развития стоит это послушать

Anonymous Author
2 approaches to dealing with ethical situations were well explained. The 5 principles of the principles-based approach and the 8 steps of the prescriptive approach were very informative.

Anonymous Author
It was interesting to not only learn about the five principles of Ethical Intelligence - Principles Approach; but also the Prescriptive Approach which has eight steps.

Anonymous Author
Another great course by this duo. I appreciated the scenarios/examples used in the presentation to help provide further understanding of the subject matter.

Anonymous Author
I like the approach used: discuss the background ideas and present the principles and then use an interesting case to show how the principles are applied.

Member's Profile
Very well structured, prepared and presented. In some ways, a complex subject. However, though their preparation, the presenters made it say to follow.

Member's Profile
Pleased to attend that course cause its very informative and easily guiding you on how to use the right approach in dealing with different situations.

Member's Profile
This course provided very interesting examples of how to apply the ethical decision making process. The course was both applicable and interesting.

Member's Profile
I really enjoyed this course and will uses both the principles and the prescriptive approaches as guides to help me make the best ethical decisions.

Anonymous Author
Approaches are described in a clear and concise manner with great, evolving examples that progressively captures the possible complexity of events.

Anonymous Author
This course was very helpful and it was interesting to learn about the two approaches to ethical situations as I haven't heard of this before.

Member's Profile
I found the wording of the exam questions to be confusing, not strictly based on the language in the lesson. But I did like the scenarios.

Anonymous Author
The presentation was extremely well-ordered and seamlessly moved through teaching the facts then applying with examples of each approach.

Anonymous Author
The principles could have been presented in a better way, but over-all it's a very good discussion which complements the other lectures

Member's Profile
Interesting! I've always done a few of these, but the addition of (or identification of) the others will lead to better decisions.

Anonymous Author
It was ok. I didn't agree with some of the principles in a work environment but they might work better in a personal environment.

Member's Profile
good course, a bit tricky because personal instincts tend to take over in many situations. This is a good guide for the future.

Anonymous Author
Approaches to Ethical Intelligence was a great, easy to follow seminar. The five principles are very useful and applicable.

Member's Profile
Good overview of different ethical approaches and an accompanying case that highlights a real world case of failed ethics.

Anonymous Author
Excellent insight into approaches that can be used to evaluate ethical situations in today’s business environment,

Anonymous Author
Interesting course. Thought provoking questions and situations. Valuable material to help with ethical decisions.

Member's Profile
Concise presentation of two ethical decision making framework. Presentation is well scripted, and clearly spoken.

Anonymous Author
Interesting topics on ethical intelligence. Put the 5 principles in different perspective with good examples.

Member's Profile
Provides a systematic approach to evaluating ethical situations. Case study helped tie the concepts together.

Member's Profile
Great course and interesting case study. I like that it was a one-hour bite-sized course. Great presenters.

Member's Profile
Great presentation providing a lot of insight into applying the priciples behind ethical decisions.Kudos!!!

Anonymous Author
I was surprised by the amount of emotion involved with making many ethical decisions, opposed to fact base.

Anonymous Author
Good overall course and helpful to think of these sorts of things with terminology and frameworks.

Anonymous Author
good frameworks for ethical decision making; examples were helpful in reinforcing the concepts

Member's Profile
Kept my level of interest while teaching a course about things that should be common sense.

Anonymous Author
The case presented was very detailed and demonstater how to use the principles provided.

Member's Profile
This review of two approaches to address ethical problems should be helpful for anyone.

Member's Profile
I enjoyed the class and found it thoughtful and challenging in ways that made me think.

Anonymous Author
Great class with real world examples. Should be able to implement very soon with my job

Anonymous Author
The course met the purposes it was intended for. The speaker was easy to listen to.

Member's Profile
Quite an interesting course. Some new information; presented in a very engaging way.

Member's Profile
I appreciated the realistic and nuanced case studies that this course went through.

Member's Profile
This is nice course on Ethics and it will help in making complex ethical decisions

Anonymous Author
Blair always does a great job of provoking thought and insightful decision-making.

Member's Profile
Good basic rules to evaluate decision making. Had to use them today. Very helpful.

Anonymous Author
Very interesting, fun, and informative. Notably, the quizzes were excellent.

Anonymous Author
Well developed, good coverage of subject. Good refresher on subject matter.

Anonymous Author
GREAT case studies and very informative material. Keep up the great work.

Member's Profile
The speaker is very engaging and the quiz relates to every day life.

Anonymous Author
Good application in every-day work. Interesting case illustrations

Member's Profile
Course was informative and I enjoyed using a case study throughout.

Member's Profile
Interesting and helpful framework to ethical decision making.

Member's Profile
very rudimentary look at this complex topic. too simplistic

Anonymous Author
Good content. Dynamic presentation. Engaging presenters.

Course Complexity: Foundational
  • Prerequisite Education: None.
  • Prerequisite Experience: None.
  • Prerequisite Preparation:  None 
Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Approaches to Ethical Situations2:35
  Principles Approach16:31
  Prescriptive Approach4:56
  Spaves Case20:36
  Approaches to Ethical Situations49:14
  Slides: Approaches to Ethical SituationsPDF
  Approaches to Ethical Situations Glossary/IndexPDF