The (fairly) Simple ROI of Professional Development for Finance and Accounting
Is It Worth It?

4 Ways to Save Money and Do Better on Training and CPE for Accounting & Corporate Finance
Let's face it, training for both accounting and corporate finance professionals is tough and expensive, and most companies don'

Imagine a World Without LMSs
Learning Management Systems, (LMSs) are a great way to collect and organize professional development activities across your company.

Illumeo Responds To Top User Request - Launches CPE Compliance Monitor
For years Illumeo has been the leader in Continuing Professional Education (aka CPE, CE, and RCH) for CPAs and over two dozen other professional certification types (e.g.

The Virtuous Cycle of Illumeo Course Consumption
Today I wanted to write a bit about how Illumeo works with its instructors so you, dear user or prospective user, can understand the fundamental 'flywheel effect' of Illumeo's course library.

Illumeo Awarded a 2019 "Most Promising Education Technology Solution" by CIO Review
Illumeo is proud to announce that it has been selected as one of CIO Review Magazine’s “20 Most Promising Education Technology Solution Providers” for 2019.

Illumeo Surpasses 1,000 Courses!
Never thought we'd get here. Illumeo recenty posted its 1,000th course - and then we just kept on going.

Use Your CPE To Learn Something Completely Different
Filling CPE Hours Can Be A Chore

Getting Ahead of Your CPE Requirements
How does everyone feel about CPE?Nobody I've met (and I know a lot of CPAs) likes their Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirement. Nobody!

Why Free CPE Is So Important to CPAs
We get this question a lot, “Does Illumeo provide free CPE?” The short answer is “yes”.