M&A Due Diligence - Introduction
Video Transcript:
"Hello. Thank you for selecting the course M&A Due Diligence Best Practices Beyond Functional Checklists. My name is Rob Halfric. I've been in corporate development roles pretty much my entire career, between Fortune 500 companies, Johnson & Johnson, United Technologies, and also some midsize companies as well. The 500 million to 1 billion range. I've seen a lot within those 25 years. I've seen a lot of good projects, bad projects, good due diligence, well-managed due diligence. Some things that could have done better.
What I wanted to do today is share with you some of those approaches to achieving what you attend to achieve within the acquisition project. I've conducted and led multiple due diligence projects and I've seen the best and the worst. Some of the most successful acquisitions are those which provide or conduct both functional and business due diligence which was completed to its entirety.
Within this course I'll explain the difference between each approach; that is, functional and business due diligence; and their necessity. I'll provide you with a few templates and tools for managing that process and achieving what you want to achieve. Let's get started.
The learning objectives of this course. First off, I will provide you with some examples of techniques, templates, and best practices for conducting both functional and business due diligence. Secondly, we'll also cover how to best utilize and lead internal and external resources within the project. I'll share a few examples of techniques for managing large, multi-functional internal teams on a due diligence engagement.
Lastly, we'll cover when to walk away on a project or when to walk away on a deal. Due diligence will undoubtedly uncover warts on the frog. I'll share a few tools to keep the project within perspective as well as ensure the goals of what you're attempting to achieve are met. Furthermore, how to engage the seller when not pursuing the transaction."