(Executive Director at Alfalit International) | Dec 15, 2020
I received an error message that the site could not send me an email. It's probably the confirmation email, but I would like this for my records. Thank you.
Alan Rashid
(Manager, Content Ops at Illumeo) | Dec 16, 2020
Normally it does not happen like that but as you have faced the issue so please refer to your completed activity and find the certificate there. If you have any further question please contact at supportillumeo [dot] com
I received an error message that the site could not send me an email. It's probably the confirmation email, but I would like this for my records. Thank you.
Normally it does not happen like that but as you have faced the issue so please refer to your completed activity and find the certificate there. If you have any further question please contact at support
illumeo [dot] com