Connie Kadansky is an exceptional sales coach and trainer who shares with clients how to increase sales and revenue generating bandwidth. She has discovered the art of developing and maintaining a sales process that works. Connie has a passion for helping clients take proactive steps to move the sales conversation forward and make sure the client is served.
For the past 19 years, Connie has been licensed by Behavioral Sciences Research Press, Dallas, Texas, the world-renowned behavioral scientists who address emotional blocks that keep salespeople from being more successful.
She has consulted with more than 1800 clients across the globe and has coached and/or trained clients in the financial services, insurance, real estate, banking, pharmaceutical, software, medical device, medical malpractice and microbiological culture media manufacturing. Connie is particularly gifted in helping sales managers empower their teams to reach their goals.
As an accomplished executive coach, trainer and public speaker, Connie is known for helping individuals develop strategy, structure and actions plans. She simplifies proven sales techniques into bite-sized steps. At the strategic and tactical skill level, Connie developed and imparts fundamentally sound systems and tools that work. Many of her clients write testimonials about the positive career impact they’ve experienced years after she has worked with them.
Connie’s mantra is “The better it gets, the better it gets.” She enjoys working with sales managers, seasoned and mid-career salespeople, and rookies. Her client list includes Bank of Montreal, Merrill Lynch, American Express, Bank of America, Shamrock Foods, Management Recruiters International, Forest Lawn Memorial Parks & Mortuaries, New York Life, LAMMICO, Allstate, and Glenmark Pharmaceuticals.
Interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Business, Investor’s Business Daily, and Inc. Magazine, Connie shared insightful thoughts on topics that cover demonstrating increased productivity, creating a positive mindset, leveraging practical execution, overcoming limiting beliefs, and restarting a stalled career. She authored articles for Forbes and Salesforce.com. She is a certified Conversational Intelligence™ coach and is certified through the International Coach Federation (ICF).
Connie facilitates The 12 Week Year: weekly on-line, on-camera mastermind groups and daily, short huddles. Clients benefit from the rhythm of accountability and productivity.
Connie believes there is no such thing as failure—only lessons. She delights in laughter, and tries to experience something new every day.