XBRL stands for eXtensible Business Reporting Language. First passed in 2009, XBRL is a global electronic information format designed to transmit and store business information in a machine readable format. XBRL is also referred to as “interactive data” by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Companies that use XBRL assign unique, electronically readable tags to all individual disclosure items within business reports. These tags are part of taxonomies developed by market constituents and are publicly available and license free. Taxonomies consist of financial concept definitions in which each business concept is defined and assigned a relationship to other concepts.
The idea behind XBRL is simple. Historically business reports treated financial information as blocks of text like a printed document or a web page. Blocks of text cannot be read by computers. But with XBRL, identifying tags provide each individual item of data with electronic content markers.
The SEC now mandates XBRL for all publicly traded companies. XBRL is required to be applied to companies:
- 10K (annual financial statements)
- 10Q (Quarterly financial statements)
- Registration statements
- 8K (filing of important investor information)
- 20F certain foreign private issuers to provide information
- 40F Registrations and Annual Report for Canadian Securities.
This course reviews the basic concepts of XBRL, what it is, why it is required by the SEC and important facts regarding terminology and implementation. The course also introduces the requirements of Inline XBRL and the phase in dates for compliance.
Learning Objectives
- Explore the purpose behind XBRL.
- Identify compliance requirements for XBRL.
- Identify features and benefits of XBRL.
- Explore the definition of XBRL terms.
- Explore how XBRL works.
- Identify who uses XBRL.
- Explore steps and rules to create XBRL.
Included In Certifications
This course is included in the following Certification Programs:
18 CoursesFinancial Statement Preparation, Reporting and Auditing Certification
- Financial Statement Introduction
- GAAP Principles, Assumptions and Considerations
- GAAP Presentation of Financial Statements
- Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Update
- Sarbanes Oxley Overview
- Sarbanes-Oxley Section 302: ICFR
- XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language) Introduction to Basics - Updated
- XBRL - Connection to SOX 302/404 and Critical Roles
- Analyzing Financial Ratios - Solvency, Liquidity and Debt
- Analyzing Financial Ratios - Leverage
- Analyzing Financial Ratios - Performance And Efficiency
- Financial Statement Audit in Accordance with GAAS - General Standards
- Financial Statement Audit in Accordance with GAAS - Conducting the Audit
- Financial Statement Audit in Accordance with GAAS - Auditors' Report and Opinion
- Introduction to Accounting for Income Taxes Based on Income
- Practical Application For Accounting For Income Taxes Based On Income Part 1
- Practical Application For Accounting For Income Taxes Based On Income Part 2
- FASB Codification Research System
30 Reviews (131 ratings)
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
Education Provider Information
Course Questions and Answers1 Question

Participants - please note the title of this class. It is Basic to assist in understanding the terms and requirements. The course does not go into the process involved with tagging individual line items