Getting your prospect to pick up the phone is more challenging today. Some business professionals and salespeople give up and don’t even leave a voicemail. That is no way to sell. Your telephone selling starts with your effective introduction. Learn what you can say to get a prospect to pick up the phone or return your call. You can prepare your compelling voicemail message and your prospects will want to learn more and they will return your call.
Prospects are more likely to stay on the telephone and talk with you about their business when they are engaged in a conversation. You will learn how to engage a prospect in a conversation. You will then have an opportunity to ask the questions that guide your prospects to understand why he should buy from you now. Your vocal characteristics can convey confidence to the listener. You can develop your confidence to sell more effectively on the telephone.
In this course, you learn simple and effective ways to develop and execute your telephone selling strategies so you can sell more.
Learning Objectives
- Explore how to sound more confident on the telephone.
- Discover the questions you should ask to guide your customer to buy.
- Explore how to avoid the vocal characteristics that detract from confidence.
- Discover why the telephone presents unique selling challenges.
- Identify the components of your telephone introduction.
- Discover ways to make it easier for customers to listen to your message.
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
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