In this course we discuss the basics of planning, promoting and producing a successful corporate event. We start with the event objective and then create an event checklist, realistic timeline and working budget. From there location scouting is discussed with special attention and consideration given to the venue selection process and having a back-up plan.
We then take a look at the event basics which include invitations, food & beverage, entertainment, transportation, decor, security, labor, etc are examined. Evaluating contracts, sponsorships, and sustainability are also considered to help increase the event ROI.
This course serves business professionals who are tasked with producing a special event for their company. It will sharpen their fundamental understanding of creating a successful event from idea to post-function evaluation. While this course is geared towards corporate events, the principles discussed can be applied to any event.
Course Series
This course is included in the following series:
2 CoursesSpecial Events: Sponsorship, Organization, and Management
- Special Events Organization and Management
- How to Attract Special Event Sponsorships
Learning Objectives
- Explore the basics of creating a successful event from start to finish
- Identify the building blocks of a special event
- Identify key attributes to help increase ROI
- Discover the added value of events in the overall marketing campaign
2 Reviews (3 ratings)
No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course.
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