The is a recorded version of the live discussion between Lynn Fountain, creator of the Sarbanes-Oxley Certificate program, and certain certificate holders of the SOX certificate. The session was held in late April 2020 to obtain input and feedback about the issues companies are currently facing with SOX compliance.
The legislation originally created in 2002 is still effective and all concepts presented in the certificate program are still applicable. But it would be amiss to not recognize that it has been 20 years since the legislation has passed and many processes in the business world have changed. The economic environment has certainly changed, cybersecurity and information technology controls have changed, COSO implemented in 2013 framework since the initial years of compliance and companies are much more into outsourcing services.
In this session we discuss many of these concepts and outline some of the recent courses developed by this author on SOX - 20 years later. The presenter obtains live input and feedback from current certificate holders on their challenges with Sarbanes-Oxley in today’s environment.
Learning Objectives
- Discover and overview the new courses created on SOX 20 years later.
- Identify and obtain feedback from participants on their view of the certificate course.
- Explore and obtain input on current issues and challenges facing companies in the current environment.
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No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
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