Most corporate finance professionals believe their skills, hard work, and loyalty are all that should be required for career success. That is why many finance professionals never reach their career potential. The world is increasingly competitive and constantly changing. The result is that the traditional ways of succeeding will not be sufficient for the future.

This course outlines what the road map to career success is, beginning with an in-depth look at why you need to compete in your career, what a career road map should look like, and how to define your passion and vision for your career. Then you'll begin to understand how to close the gaps between what you want and what you're getting, how to help others understand you, how to communicate with others, and most importantly, how to sell yourself to decision makers.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify the global trends that are impacting financial professionals today, explore how the steps you are taking may not be the best investment of your time and money, and discover the strategic formula for providing you a strategic model that you can follow today and continue using for the rest of your life.
  • Identify where you have competitive gaps using the Strategic Formula #1.
  • Define the concept of a Value Worker and the Laws of Business, and recognize how to personally apply them for career success.
  • Discover the Strategic Career Road Map for providing you a strategic model with tactical steps that you can follow today and continue using for the rest of your life.
  • Explore How to Identify What Your Passion Is and Is Not, Why Passion makes a huge difference, How to Identify Your Passions, and How to Identify What Your Vision Is and Is Not.
  • Recognize Why having a Clear Vision Matters.
  • Identify How to Define Your Vision and Red Lights
  • Explore why Red Lights matter and why Perceptions matter.
  • Recognize how Red Lights are a Two-Way Street.
  • Explore The Secret Formula #2 and recognize why it matters.
  • Explore how an Advisory Program differs from being Mentored and how using an Advisor can accelerate your career or job search.
  • Discover what a Brand is, recognize its value, and explore how can you create your Brand.
  • Discover what a Value Proposition is, recognize it’s critical purpose, and explore how can you create your Value Proposition
  • Recognize how stories are used and discover what Layered Conversation is.
  • Explore what a Marketing Document is and identify what a Marketing Action Plan is.
  • Discover how you can target where to network, ientify the Networking Big Picture, and explore Insider Networking Techniques.
  • Explore the concept of a Referral Meeting.
  • Identify what a Resume is and recognize when it is used.
  • Discover what an Interview really is and how to approach it.
  • Recognize when and how you negotiate terms.
  • Identify what you should do after landing a promotion or new job.
Last updated/reviewed: March 20, 2024
64 Reviews (249 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Concepts at a high level were good, and clearly the speaker had managed his career well himself over the years. I wish the speaker was a bit more dynamic, as the series got very dry over time. Additionally, some of the comments felt a bit too "out of touch" in my opinion.... i.e. the story about him telling a woman on his team she dresses too provocative, or saying that some women need more makeup than others. I understand that these concepts are realities in Corporate America, but I think the messages could have been delivered a little better.

Anonymous Author
While I appreciate most of the material and find it very helpful, I did not appreciate the misogynistic comments about how women should dress and wear makeup. Women should not have to alter how their face looks any more than men should. If we could simply focus on looking our best professional selves (however that may be) and balancing our values (whether that is with God, organized religion, or not) it could help this training be more effective and inclusive.

Member's Profile
Excellent material! From beginning to end, how to make the best investment of time and money to follow your passion/vision and map a career path for yourself. The materials really highlights the influence others can have on your career and how to best seek them out by networking. A personal brand and stories were something I had known as important to relaying your message about yourself to further your career.

Anonymous Author
Clearly a very thorough series of courses and the speaker brought a lot of personal experience to the courses. A young grad wishing to climb the ladder would benefit from this series. I wish the final exam could have been taken in pieces as I progressed through the series as opposed to doing all 61 questions after listening to the 8 courses.

Member's Profile
The information presented was very good, but the presenter could use more enthusiasm in his tone. It is a very important topic that applies to more than just one's career. If Mr. Villwock could motivate his audience a little more, my rating would be 5-stars. Since it is a video, he could mix up his presentation like a "TED Talk".

Anonymous Author
There are a lot of good, specific tips. I have never thought of creating such a detailed road map for my career. My greatest takeaway is that I need to focus on what I want, how to get it, and how to keep it if I want to find a great fit that will bring me long term satisfaction in my career.

Member's Profile
I thought these topics were all very relevant to the current job market and how to build influence. I really agree with the instructor's call outs. This course would be good for someone who is new to networking and relationship building in the workplace, or building their resume up and out.

Anonymous Author
This course is quite detailed and a super helpful resource for those looking to scale their careers. It walks you through step-by-step and takes into consideration a lot of intangibles that anyone would ordinarily overlook. Would recommend to anyone trying to forge a successful career.

Member's Profile
This course is designed in details and is teaching me step by step to develop my career path. It also has learning slides that I can use as a reference while preparing for a change in career. It is designed perfectly and I would recommend to any one.

Member's Profile
I liked this course and shared parts of it with my husband, who is in a new job. I believe I lost track of some of the issues with story layering and how to have nine stories to tell. I could have used more precise discussion in that area.

Anonymous Author
Good course for new grad on the basics of career progression and development of your personal brand. Covers a lot of the things we know we should do but introverted people may not want to hear. So much about this world is who you know.

Member's Profile
This course providing a good roadmap for career success. This class is helpful for anyone wanting to move forward in their career and find continued success. It may be particularly interesting for new managers.

Anonymous Author
Interesting subject matter. Slides were fairly helpful. Points out things that are good to sit back and think about for people who are too buried in the minutiae of their daily job duties.

Anonymous Author
Great review for someone long in their career path to remember even little things like brand can matter and relationships are still important in this ever changing competitive world.

Anonymous Author
Very helpful especially if you are at a crossroads in your career. It's not about you! It's about what you can do for potential employers. That was my key takeaway and make a plan!

Anonymous Author
Very good content though I believe it can be condensed. It would be good to have a handout that summarizes the main points. This is a course that will need to be relistened to.

Member's Profile
did not like the presentation being disjointed. Should be able to present the slides in one file, which would make the presentation more coherent since titling was off.

Anonymous Author
Good course. Could be updated for some current changes to networking, interviews, etc. Solid material to make you think about your career currently and in the future.

Member's Profile
I learned how to look at my career from an overhead perspective and determine what my passions on to make appropriate steps in the right direction. It was great!

Anonymous Author
This was such an amazing course!!!!!!!!! I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in this topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Member's Profile
I really appreciate this course and its help in career growth and overall help in gaining knowledge in who we are, who we want to be and what our passions are.

Anonymous Author
very useful guide to help with mapping your career and being successful. Lots of common sense that merits periodic review as it's easy to get stuck in ruts.

Anonymous Author
This course has a lot of excellent tips for career building and growth. I was surprised to see how in-depth the instructor went on the topics covered.

Member's Profile
Great course and excellent material. It was very informative and it definitely increased my knowledge and assist me in preparing for success.

Member's Profile
As an executive, I can attest that much of what is in this course is spot on. I liked the Results x Relationships = Success formula a lot.

Anonymous Author
The Road Map to Career Success is FULL of helpful insights and thought provoking guidance. If used properly, it will make a difference.

Member's Profile
Loved this course, this will be a great resource for me where I at in my career. I plan on leveraging this information going forward.

Member's Profile
Materials had an issue opening up for me so I had access to only about half the slides. The lecture could of been more engaging.

Anonymous Author
Great course, I feel very confident in pursuing a new career after taking this! Can't wait to start putting together my brand!

Anonymous Author
Very insightful information on how to make sure you have a clear career plan and goals and how to reach these goals.

Anonymous Author
very informative on the way to define success and have that success definition guide you in jobs you seek and take

Member's Profile
Found this systematic program for charting your career very actionable and a great self-investment opportunity.

Member's Profile
I thought this was very helpful and provided me a lot of things to consider and tools to use to help my career.

Member's Profile
Very interesting topic. I have never thought of 'branding" myself or about really having a plan for my vision.

Anonymous Author
Good Overall Course, that will help me with some tips and tricks to propel my career to the next level.

Anonymous Author
Great techniques offered from beginning of the career process to the end. I would recommend this course.

Anonymous Author
All good things to know and refresh ourselves with as we go through career lifecycles. Good information

Member's Profile
Great stuff. Nice reminder of things we often lose sight of when not looking for a new job. Thanks, Jim!

Anonymous Author
The course contained very interesting and informative information that will help me with career success.

Anonymous Author
Very informative course. A couple of topics were new to me and so I greatly enjoyed learning about it.

Member's Profile
The course is lengthy but provided very practical examples and methods, I would recommend this course

Member's Profile
Excellent presentation for how your career fits a sale pyramid and how to use it for career success.

Anonymous Author
Golly, what a great course! Man, I really liked it. A Lot of good points. Not an easy exam!

Member's Profile
Seems like this process and guidance is a little out of touch with modern post-covid society.

Anonymous Author
Very practical and relevant content. Always a refresher, especially in the current climate.

Anonymous Author
Pretty generic in its presentation, good for those who are starting fresh out of college.

Member's Profile
This course was very beneficial to my understanding and betterment of my career course.

Member's Profile
I really enjoyed this course and it was a great refresher how to excel in your career.

Anonymous Author
Very good course on career advice. Wished this was available when I started my career.

Member's Profile
Excellent presentation.The training is virtually a road-map to a successful career.

Anonymous Author
Good reminders of what to do and what not to do on your career plan and development

Anonymous Author
Intuitive concepts that were framed in a way that refreshed and reinvigorated them.

Anonymous Author
Some of the content was obvious, but the parts with actionable steps are valuable.

Member's Profile
I valued the practical steps for career success included within this course.

Member's Profile
Course study met objectives as stated and exam questions were appropriate

Anonymous Author
Enjoyable course. I found the many precise ideas to be quite helpful.

Member's Profile
Good review and organization of a lot of thoughts we should know.

Anonymous Author
This course gave very good suggestions on how to handle my career.

Anonymous Author
Helpful course for networking and finding success in your career.

Anonymous Author
It was resourceful and provided a lot of career guidance.

Anonymous Author
Valuable information that was presented well. Thank you!

Anonymous Author
very interesting course. gave me some ideas to digest.

Member's Profile
A great course to use as a guide to build your career.

Member's Profile
Excellent course with very high value proposition.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Why Do You Need to Compete in Your Career?1:12:41
  What is the Road Map to Career Success 1:09:24
  What do You Really Want to Do? Defining Your Passion and Vision for Your Career1:06:21
  How to Close the Gaps Between What You Want Versus Are Getting1:15:09
  How Can You Help Others to Know Who You Are? 1:04:36
  How can You Communicate with Others? 1:04:20
  How can You Sell Yourself to Decision Makers? Part One 1:06:34
  How can You Sell Yourself to Decision Makers? Part Two1:08:53
Supporting Materials
  The Road Map to Career Success Combined Supporting MaterialsZIP