If a Vendor has not received payment for goods or services, it should be their responsibility to perform the work to collect the amounts due, right?  Maybe, but what if the aged Open Payables amounts are Credit Memos representing amounts due to the Company?  What if the amount of an Outstanding Check is an overpayment or was not due to the Vendor for many reasons?

In these cases, it is up to the Company to perform the research then take the necessary action.  In this course, we cover methods for determining what needs to be audited.  Research options and the order of these steps will also be addressed.

The benefit to the Company in performing this work?  Potentially  the recovery of funds due to the Company and/or corrections to costs and liabilities.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore how aged Open Payables can impact a Company’s financials.
  • Discover the benefits of reconciling aged Open Payables.
  • Recognize the impact of outstanding checks on both the Vendors and the Company.
  • Identify ways for researching then resolving aged Open Payables and Outstanding Checks.
Last updated/reviewed: March 28, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

16 CoursesAccounts Payable Management Certification

  1. Accounts Payable - Learn the Terminology
  2. A Deep Dive into the Responsibilities of Accounts Payable Operations
  3. The Vendor Master – Creating A Solid Foundation for Accounts Payable Processing
  4. The Basics of 1099's
  5. Prioritizing Accounts Payable Workload - Divide and Conquer
  6. Strengthening Vendor Relationships - Steps That Can Be Taken by Accounts Payable
  7. The Benefits of Reconciling Purchase Order Goods Receipts Not Yet Invoiced
  8. Reconciling Aged Open Payables and Outstanding Checks
  9. Benefits of An Accounts Payable Recovery Audit
  10. No PO, No Pay – Can It Work for Your Organization?
  11. What to Consider in an Accounts Payable Workflow Solution
  12. Creating an Accounts Payable Documentation Management Policy
  13. Communicating the Role of Accounts Payable to Others
  14. Justifying and Presenting the Needs of Accounts Payable Operations
  15. The Basics of Project Management for Accounts Payable
  16. KPIs and Metrics for Accounts Payable Manual Processes
22 Reviews (91 ratings)


Anonymous Author
My brother, who is a CPA, was equally confused by the exam wording. Content was fine, but exam was poorly written and less than half of the questions were directly referenced in a comment or a slide. The content was probably best used in a consulting context, hence the instructor's CV, but the exam was written as if we were testing on the psychology of the vendor. "What would happen if.." seems far too ambiguous for an accounting course.

Anonymous Author
I felt the question phrasing was somewhat disconnected from the content, or that while the questions pertained to the content, they didn't really test on the content the way it was taught. I need multiple attempts to pass the final exam because of the lack of clarity I perceived. The class content was great and very informative, my issue was with the structure of the exam.

Anonymous Author
The course was fine but the questions on the quiz were worded strangely. Illumeo would benefit from letting you know what answers are correct so you can actually learn instead of having to do process of elimination.

Member's Profile
Anyone who works with cash, fixed assets, expenses, AP reconciliations or other functions in general accounting or who oversees AP would get the most out of this class.

Anonymous Author
Great lesson plan. Workflow provided in the examples were slightly different than my company, but still able to apply what was learned.

Member's Profile
This material may be more suited for novice Accounts Payable personnel but was not what i was looking for

Member's Profile
Be sure to take notes to assist with slides when taking test. Comments were part of material tested.

Anonymous Author
What you would expect for a foundation level course. The questions proved to be a nice refresher.

Anonymous Author
some opinions rather than facts presented. Repetition of items. Exam questions are ambiguous.

Anonymous Author
Great source of information to keep as reference. Would recommend this course to others

Anonymous Author
Hard to understand this course from listening to the course and then reading the slides

Anonymous Author
Instructor was clear and information was presented in a format that was easy to grasp.

Member's Profile
I liked how the instructor broke down the reconciliation process for open payables.

Anonymous Author
Exam was much harder than I expected. Pay close attention to Anne's discussion.

Anonymous Author
Good refresher course on aging and open payables and outstanding payments

Anonymous Author
I thought the wording used on the exam questions was somewhat unclear.

Member's Profile
This course was a decent introduction to aged outstanding payables.

Member's Profile
Appreciate Anne’s ability, informative material and explanations.

Anonymous Author
lots of great tips and explanations on why things should be done

Anonymous Author
again, quiz questions are good, but complicated to understand

Anonymous Author
The questions on the final exam were very poorly worded.

Anonymous Author
Great course! Nice overview of the payables process.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

It is recommended to take the following course prior to taking this one: "The Payment Process".

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Reconciling Aged Items1:58
Aged Open Payables
  Reconciling Aged Open Payables – Part 18:00
  Reconciling Aged Open Payables – Part 210:32
  Open Payables - Making Corrections2:38
Outstanding Payments
  Introduction to Aged Outstanding Payments1:13
  Outstanding Payments – Doing the Research8:15
  Outstanding Payments – Making Corrections3:23
  Reconciling Aged Items - Conclusion3:45
  Reconciling Aged Open Payables and Outstanding Payments Continuous Play39:44
  Slides: Reconciling Aged Open Payables and Outstanding ChecksPDF
  Reconciling Aged Open Payables and Outstanding Checks Glossary/IndexPDF