Prospecting is the most essential sales skill to build your business. No salesperson can depend on leads or referrals alone, so prospecting for new business is a great choice to create a pipeline of interested, qualified prospects. If not done correctly, prospecting is frustrating and challenging, especially in today’s marketplace, where executives are conditioned not to answer their phones and are very selective in responding to emails.  

The key to prospecting involves three steps:  (1) set goals and plan to use multi-media; (2) hone your message to “sell the appointment” and (3) use a variety of media methods (often in concert) to constantly make contacts. Consistency in prospecting is one of the  success factors of a prospecting strategy, capitalizing on quantity of calls and contact attempts. Effective prospecting means doing it on schedule, and knowing the ideal frequency for ongoing prospect follow-up.  

In this course, you learn how to develop a campaign utilizing four interacting media methods: phone, email, social media, networking.  Different skills are required for each one of these in delivering powerful messages that will motivate the prospect to respond or agree to an appointment.  You also learn the optimum frequency and cadence for contacting each prospective customer.     

Learning Objectives
  • Discover the importance and challenges of prospecting.
  • Identify a variety of prospecting techniques and skills.
  • Explore how to combine prospecting methods: phone, email, social media,  and networking. 
Last updated/reviewed: March 19, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

8 CoursesPorter Henry Salesperson Certification

  1. Consultative Selling Success – Employ an Exclusive Sales Process to Improve Performance
  2. Leveraging Objections to Gain Commitment – Objections Are an Asset, Not a Liability
  3. Prospecting by Phone, Email and Social Media
  4. Managing Your Time and Territory – Two Critical Routes to Sales Success
  5. Strategic Multi-Level Selling – The Ultimate Solution for Selling High, Wide, and Deep in Complex Accounts
  6. Value-Driven Selling
  7. Win-Win Sales Negotiating Strategy and Tactics
  8. Win-Win Sales Negotiating: How to Balance Offers and Maintain Relationships
Course Complexity: Intermediate

We recommend that you complete related courses, Consultative Selling Success and Leveraging Objections to Gain Commitment . You can download a Prospecting Guide and use it as an effective planning tool. 


Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Prospecting by Phone, Email, Social Media2:36
  Effective Prospecting Techniques10:14
  Best Buiness Prospecting Methods6:27
  Keys to Effective Prospecting 8:11
  Prospecting Steps 3-68:56
  Prospecting by Phone, Email, Social Media 48:12
  Slides: Prospecting by Phone, Email & Social MediaPDF
  Prospecting by Phone, Email & Social Media Glossary/IndexPDF
  Prospecting Call PlannerDOCX