Everyone moans when faced with a full inbox, but no one can work on all the items at the same time. Decisions need to be made on what to address first, second, third, etc. This is a real challenge for most of us.
This is no different for Accounts Payable teams. Not only does the work need to be prioritized, but those doing the work need to be kept motivated.
Ranking the work that needs to be done each day does not need to be solely on the shoulders of the Accounts Payable Manager or Supervisor. This course teaches tips and tricks that can be used to delegate workload decisions to processors or specialists so they can start addressing the most critical items as soon as they turn on their system.
Additionally, emergency inquiries from Vendors or internal customers can immediately change the order of work to be done but that doesn’t mean these issues should go to the top of the list. This course supplies a series of questions which could be applied to such interruptions to better judge their place on a priority list.
Divide the work into smaller piles. As you conquer each one, learn to feel a level of accomplishment as you move to the next.
Learning Objectives
- Identify small ways to keep the team motivated.
- Explore methods for dividing up the daily work list.
- Discover the benefits of empowering the Accounts Payable team.
- Recognize when an inquiry from a Vendor or fellow employee can be put lower on the priority list.
Included In Certifications
This course is included in the following Certification Programs:
16 CoursesAccounts Payable Management Certification
- Accounts Payable - Learn the Terminology
- A Deep Dive into the Responsibilities of Accounts Payable Operations
- The Vendor Master – Creating A Solid Foundation for Accounts Payable Processing
- The Basics of 1099's
- Prioritizing Accounts Payable Workload - Divide and Conquer
- Strengthening Vendor Relationships - Steps That Can Be Taken by Accounts Payable
- The Benefits of Reconciling Purchase Order Goods Receipts Not Yet Invoiced
- Reconciling Aged Open Payables and Outstanding Checks
- Benefits of An Accounts Payable Recovery Audit
- No PO, No Pay – Can It Work for Your Organization?
- What to Consider in an Accounts Payable Workflow Solution
- Creating an Accounts Payable Documentation Management Policy
- Communicating the Role of Accounts Payable to Others
- Justifying and Presenting the Needs of Accounts Payable Operations
- The Basics of Project Management for Accounts Payable
- KPIs and Metrics for Accounts Payable Manual Processes
16 Reviews (73 ratings)
Review the Glossary of Terms available in the Supporting Materials section of the Course Overview
It is recommended to take the following course prior to taking this one:
- A Deep Dive into Accounts Payable Operations
Education Provider Information
Course Questions and Answers1 Question

very good