The world is desperate for leaders. There are plenty of people willing to accept the perks and privileges of leadership, but are unwilling to accept the accompanying personal risk and responsibility. Ethical leadership is an enlightened philosophy that gives leadership sparkle. Ethical leadership embodies how a leader presents themselves to others.

This course identifies the five principles of ethical leadership and contrasts those principles against five behaviors of immoral and amoral leaders using real life examples. You will learn how to hone your own leadership style to embolden an ethical posture which will strengthen your ability to lead others and achieve more. You will also learn to identify the signs where your leadership style may be undermining your follower’s levels of motivation and commitment.

Learning Objectives
  • Discover and discuss the role ethics plays in leadership.
  • Identify principles that define ethical leadership from other forms of leadership.
  • Identify amoral and immoral behaviors that undermine leadership.
Last updated/reviewed: March 9, 2024
44 Reviews (184 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course has some good and important content, certainly shared through a political lens. It's easy to champion Fred Rogers (a true hero and leader). I would caution against vilifying certain groups or people that may not fall into a popular cultural narrative or agenda. I tend to really enjoy Blair's teachings, but this one is not a highlight. Still, I find value in critical thinking through the concepts shared.

Member's Profile
This course was well-articulated and engaging. I appreciated their use of storytelling to convey the principals being taught in the course. For the other reviewers, the teachers are Canadian. Much like how American viewers understand Putin to be an immoral leader, the teachers understand leaders of other countries to be immoral as well.

Member's Profile
Though the material in this course was well thought out and presented, I found it distasteful and unpatriotic to include a former president, not just as an example of an amoral/immoral leader, but also the answer to an exam question. Keep your politics out of my professional learning materials...

Anonymous Author
Definitely an example of how to be an unethical leader by forcing political views "as a teacher/leader" through not only the presentation but the test was demonstrated in this training (forced to pick an answer that demonstrated one person's opinion to pass a test). Very disappointed!!

Member's Profile
This was the most politically motivated piece of crap course I have ever seen. In order to pass this course you must have an immoral, and amoral sense of beliefs and lead specifically on one side of the political spectrum. Remove this piece of crap asap

Anonymous Author
Blair and Jen, you both excelled in this presentation. I liked the opening phrase in the presentation "we are facilitators of ethical principles/behavior". You were too good to go through some invigorating live examples to elucidate the key points:).

Member's Profile
This course was a disgrace to the CPA profession and to the United States of America. Very politically-leaning courses and questions and answers in CPE have absolutely no place in the CPA designation - no matter how left or right they lean

Anonymous Author
The course provided a great baseline for ethical leadership but also compared these principles to unethical leadership styles. The examples were relevant and the material was aligned to the learning objective.

Anonymous Author
A good course that is applicable for today's leaders. Our culture emphasis is on make the most money and be happy without regard to other people. This should change with managers being moral and ethical.

Anonymous Author
Excellent examples in real world. I enjoyed hearing about different styles of leadership and could see examples that I have dealt with in the past. Very interesting content.

Anonymous Author
This was an interesting course that made me think. The examples were very pertinent to the questions being asked. This course is valuable to everyone.

Anonymous Author
Love the Mister Rogers, Scott Tucker stories as the were really solid examples of the different kinds of behaviors our leaders exhibit. Great course.

Member's Profile
This was a great course to establish the principles of ethical leadership. I really enjoyed the real world examples included within the presentation.

Member's Profile
This appears to have been a presentation that was prepared for a different platform. There are some issues with how it transitioned to Illumeo.

Member's Profile
It is very good, The program materials were relevant and contributed to achieving the learning objectives, i will tell others about this course.

Anonymous Author
Best examples - enjoyed the question on which leader is most likely to be an immoral leader...with the clear answer being Donald Trump.

Anonymous Author
I really appreciated the in depth examples, they felt like we were going through a case study where the examples really came to life.

Anonymous Author
Not great. The slides provided are not the one from the course. Also, the fact that there is a duo speaking is not really pleasant.

Member's Profile
Great course! The instructors provided real life examples that provided the foundation to understand the principles of Ethics.

Anonymous Author
Great presenter which kept the course interesting and I also liked the video examples as well which were also very interesting.

Anonymous Author
I dont think you needed to get political with your exam question. Especially since its opinion. It seemed a bit unethical.

Anonymous Author
It is a quite interesting course to understand Principles of Ethical Leadership with using actual examples in a history.

Anonymous Author
Please keep politics out of learning material. Example: referencing Donald Trump as immoral, which is purely an opinion.

Anonymous Author
Great course with lots of examples and insights, I enjoyed learning more about ethical leadership through this course.

Member's Profile
Seriously - Donald Trump? You can't keep opinion and woke politics out of even CPE? This is absolutely unacceptable.

Anonymous Author
Not a bad course but some questions were either badly worded or led to erroneous answers being selected for the exam

Anonymous Author
This course was informative and utilized good examples. I appreciated the thoughtful input while learning.

Anonymous Author
This was the worst course I have taken on Illumeo. It was political and biased. The slides were worthless.

Anonymous Author
The speakers are good and the materials are also beneficial. The examples provided are also helpful.

Anonymous Author
This was an interesting course which gave practical examples of ethical and non-ethical behaviours

Anonymous Author
This is a great course on ethical leadership. I recommend for all levels of leadership.

Anonymous Author
This course was presented in a clear concise manner for the information subject matter.

Anonymous Author
The course highlights principles of ethical leadership and provides relevant examples.

Anonymous Author
Great presentation and practical examples in the principles of ethnical behaviour.

Anonymous Author
Enjoyed the slide deck. It was a different, more engaging way to present Ethics

Member's Profile
Would have been better to have fewer slides and more content on each slide.

Member's Profile
Best ethics CPE I have taken since becoming certified 17 years ago.

Anonymous Author
Have to agree with others that politics have no place in this course.

Anonymous Author
Good course, good presentation materials, well organized.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed learning case studies about ethical leadership!

Anonymous Author
The slides and presentation were difficult to follow.

Anonymous Author
Great course with real world references and examples.

Anonymous Author
Confusing as terms interchangeable.................

Anonymous Author
Great course, highly recommended. Great examples

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisite education required for this course.
Prerequisite Experience: Managerial experience.

It is recommended to take other related modules of this course.
Principles of Ethical Team Leadership
Principles of Ethical Organizational Leadership
Principles of Ethical Leadership in the World

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Principles of Ethical Leadership1:45
  Welcome Message2:09
Principles of Ethical Leadership-1
  Ethics Awareness5:31
  Moral Compass7:53
  Ethical Intelligence3:40
  Ethical Framework8:29
Principles of Ethical Leadership-2
  Fred Rogers Behavioral Example11:45
  Scott Tucker Part 111:50
  Scott Tucker Part 24:47
  Leadership Principles15:08
  Principles of Ethical Leadership1:30:45
  Slides: Principles of Ethical LeadershipPDF
  Principles of Ethical Leadership Glossary/ IndexPDF
  Workbook: Principles Behaviors MatrixXLSX