This comprehensive course is designed to provide all employees how to understand and prevent inappropriate behaviors in the workplace – as well as in work-related areas outside the workplace – such as in sales, or off-site parties and other events.

The laws have recently changed, requiring much more responsibility of people in positions of power. As of January 1, 2020 companies MUST train if they have five (5) or more employees (including part-time, contractors, part-timers and even unpaid interns and others)

We discuss the most recent federal government regulations, as well as providing a brief history of the development of these workplace protections. We also discuss in detail California’s requirements in preventing harassment, abusive behavior, bullying and discrimination.

California is usually among the states providing the most stringent protections – and other states usually follow these examples. Although we cannot cover the requirements in each and every state in a few hour course, we believe that by following the combination of federal and California State Law, plus our recommendations to be even more prudent, you will be in compliance.

Many examples of behaviors that could be construed as either appropriate or inappropriate – depending on the point of view of those involved will be offered as well as examples of clear inappropriate behaviors.

Laws against Abusive behavior – bullying – are new. We not only discuss these in detail but recommend two other courses on bullying developed for Illumeo by a colleague.

In addition, there is a section on general prevention training – how to conduct it.

We cover the laws and examples of discrimination, harassment (sexual and otherwise) and the rights of the victim. Finally, we offer information about handling complaints and refer those we are instructing to other courses about investigating and dealing with conflict provided by Dr. Diamond for Illumeo.

This author strongly suggests that this training be given to employees at least annually no matter how large or small the head count. It only takes two people to have a behavior reported as either harassment, bullying, or discrimination.

This is a valuable course that will help everyone in the workplace learn to be more understanding and courteous to others.

Learning Objectives
  • Discover the laws governing workplace protections from harassment, bullying and discrimination.
  • Explore the many examples of behaviors that need to be analyzed and make your own decisions regarding them
  • Identify things such as adverse treatment and adverse impact.
  • Discover types of harassment, bullying and discrimination and what you can and cannot allow in the workplace.
  • Recognize the more subtle forms of harassment, bullying and discrimination (such as hostile work environment and third-party harassment) and learn how to respond to them.
  • Identify ways to investigate, sanction and offer remedies stopping all inappropriate behaviors
Last updated/reviewed: March 23, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

29 CoursesMastering Management Certification

  1. Preventing Harassment, Abusive Behavior, Bullying, And Discrimination In the Workplace
  2. The Art and Science of Interviewing
  3. Investigating a Complaint of Inappropriate Behavior in The Workplace
  4. Understanding Our Unconscious Biases
  5. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Management’s Role
  6. Management Providing Safety and Better Ergonomics
  7. Maintaining a Culture of Innovation and Creativity
  8. Managing Passive People
  9. Group Decision Making and Problem Solving
  10. Resolving Workplace Conflict
  11. Company Culture: Creating and Maintaining the Best
  12. Part I: Cultural and Behavioral Information for Business in an International – Global Environment
  13. Part II: Country Specific, Cultural, and Behavioral Information - Doing Business in a Global Environment
  14. Effective Time Management and Goal Setting/Delegation
  15. Culture: Inside the Company and Outside the Country
  16. Cognitive Styles (Styles of Thinking, Talking, Giving and Receiving Information)
  17. Finding Success with Teams Working Far Apart
  18. Change Management: The People Side
  19. Effective Workplace Negotiation and Persuasion
  20. Ethics and Attitude in the Workplace
  21. Creating Rewards and Recognitions that Get You What You Want to Achieve
  22. Onboarding: From Entry-Level to Senior Executive
  23. Marrying Career Development with Succession Planning
  24. Visibility Enhances Promotability
  25. Delegating Skills for Managers
  26. Assertiveness Skills for Executives, Managers and HR Professionals
  27. How EQ Helps Motivate Your Staff
  28. Effective Meeting Management for Leaders, Managers, and Facilitators
  29. Communication: A Two-Way Process
26 Reviews (98 ratings)


Member's Profile
I found several sections of the training repetitive and too focused on the stereotypical sexual harassment scenario of a male employee making a female employee uncomfortable. References to differences in culture and groups other then females were made, but I think the training would be more impactful if less emphasis was made on the forms of harassment that I would certainly hope are already clear to all. Obviously the training should cover those more typical scenarios, but I think an opportunity was missed by not spending more time discussing all of the other forms of behavior that may not be as obvious.

Anonymous Author
This course served as an excellent refresher, incorporating several real-world scenarios throughout the presentation. The supporting materials aligned nicely with ArLyne's presentation to reiterate key concepts. I also appreciate that this course dedicated a segment to bullying as it's a growing concern for many in today's society.

Member's Profile
A difficult course but offers good information. Recommended for anyone in a management role or those who wish to understand workforce issues. I did not like the quiz and test questions are difficult and not found in the material. I also think this particular review requires too many words. What else can I say? Let me see,

Anonymous Author
Preventing Sexual Harassment, Abusive Behavior, Bullying and Discrimination Management’s Responsibility slides did not align with the test. For example the slide state all organizations with 5 (five) employees must provide this training yet the test did not show 5 as an option.

Anonymous Author
This is very important information for any HR or leadership position to be aware of. Investigations is one area I do not have much experience in, so the guidance in this lesson will be very useful for me to implement if ever necessary.

Anonymous Author
This was very informative, I learned new things even though harassments training usually seems like common sense. I liked the questions that the instructor asked to keep us engaged.

Member's Profile
This is a good overview of training that should take place to prevent harassment. Unfortunately, the presentation was updated for current law but the final exam was not.

Member's Profile
Too long but informative. I'm not sure what else to write here but you are insisting on 50 characters minimum so i'm hoping this fulfills the requirement.

Anonymous Author
The content of this training was very informative; but was also very repetative, not sure if this was to make up the 2 hour law requirement or not.

Anonymous Author
Excellent program - So much information all presented in an interesting and captivating manner. Very knowledgeable, one of my favorite presenters.

Anonymous Author
This course was difficult, but gave good guidance on how to handle various employee situations. This course also gave a number of good examples.

Member's Profile
This course was well prepared and thoughtfully presented with excellent examples of workplace situations, as well as legal aspects.

Anonymous Author
Exam questions and training were a bit bizarre. Training was repetitive but I guess that was to fill up the 2 hour requirement.

Anonymous Author
I found the material to be extremely repetitive. At times the instructor spoke too fast, or the slides moved too quickly.

Anonymous Author
a lot of the material was common sense, i found it helpful but again its material that everyone should have some sense of

Anonymous Author
Great course and well laid out. Work place discrimination is something that happens to often and needs to be improved.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of requirements for preventing harassment and bullying. Helpful for all sizes of employer.

Anonymous Author
great training though the examples seemed a bit extreme. there are more subtle examples of harassment.

Member's Profile
Good Course, comprehensive and well explained. Learnt more about conducting investigations.

Anonymous Author
this was a good course. Important information. Perhaps too many slides.

Member's Profile
My exam had some technical issues. Had to retake a bunch of times.

Anonymous Author
Good review course for me. Well structured and well presented.

Member's Profile
Great refresher on work place harassment and behaviour

Member's Profile
should be updated to reflect current requirements.

Member's Profile
The slides are awful - too many mistakes to mention.

Member's Profile
Great course series.

Course Complexity: Foundational

None required – although it is strongly recommended that the following Illumeo courses be taken in conjunction with this one.

Diamond, ArLyne, Ph.D.

  • Investigating a Complaint of Inappropriate Behavior in the Workplace
  • Resolving Workplace Conflict
  • Preventing Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination


Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Preventing Harassment, Abusive Behavior, Bullying and Discrimination in The Workplace 2020 Update 7:26
  Federal Government Code Section 12950 7:34
  Elements of The Training 3:48
  California Assembly Bill AB2053 Preventing Abusive Behavior3:58
  Prevention Training History and Requirements10:00
  Discrimination 22:51
  Harassment Sexual and Other Kinds18:32
  Harassment Sexual and Other Kinds Continued...19:22
  Bullying 5:12
  Handling Complaints3:32
  Things to Remember 1:46
  Preventing Harassment, Abusive Behavior,Bullying and Discrimination in The Workplace 2020 Update 2 Hour Training1:44:01
  Slides: Preventing Harassment, Abusive Behavior, Bullying, And Discrimination In The Workplace 2020 UpdatePDF
  Preventing Harassment, Abusive Behavior, Bullying, And Discrimination In The Workplace 2020 Update Glossary/IndexPDF
  Addendum for Maine Employers and EmployeesPDF