Every finance professional should master the mechanics of how to put together a cash flow statement, and understand the differences between the direct and indirect methods of cash flow reporting. But things become more interesting when you start to attach meaning to the numbers.

What does the cash flow footprint look like for an embryonic company like Tesla? What about a retail company with an optimized supply chain like Walmart? Or a capital-intensive oil and gas company like Shell? How does cash flow relate to strategy? How do companies use non-GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) cash flow metrics to tell the story of their performance?

Philip de Vroe, The Finance Storyteller, helps you discuss cash flow with your business stakeholders using fresh insights and illustrative benchmarks.


Learning Objectives
  • Identify the elements of the direct method versus the indirect method of cash flow reporting
  • Identify the main differences between Cash (Flow) From Operating Activities (CFOA) and net income
  • Discover how the cash flow patterns of companies vary by industry and by stage of maturity of the company
  • Recognize GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) versus non-GAAP metrics in cash flow reporting
  • Explore the role of dividends in the strategic decisions that companies make in the area of cash and cash flow
Last updated/reviewed: March 10, 2024
29 Reviews (84 ratings)


Anonymous Author
A fantastic overview presented in an easy-to-follow lecture format. The only issue for me was that the slides didn't quite line up with what was shown, and at one point, the audio didn't line up with the video for the remainder of that section seemingly due to the use of a graphic with sound. I did love the graphic, though.

Member's Profile
It is a bit mixed in its objectives. I wanted to learn how to prepare a CFS but what i found is more of how to read a a CFS and then a section on dividends whcih appears unconnected with the stated objectives.

Anonymous Author
Excellent course on Cash Flows - learned more than ever about this statement. Illustrations, images, and company examples added much to the course. Instructor was very knowledgable.

Member's Profile
enjoyable course, appreciate the use of actual public corporation annual reports as working examples. Consider combining all of the slides into a single pdf to make more useful

Anonymous Author
Great refresher of cash flow concepts. Great use of examples to really understand how items flow through the cash flow and the main differences between indirect and direct.

Member's Profile
SCF concepts are not straight forward even for accountants - this was a very good overview of some of these concepts and allowed me to be a more well-versed accountant.

Anonymous Author
Excellent explanation of the Statement of Cash Flows. Highlights the important aspects of understanding Free Cash Flow. I found this very educational, good refresher!

Anonymous Author
The instructor made the topic interesting with real life examples. I thought it was very thorough and was excellent and helping you understand a cash flow statement.

Anonymous Author
Great refresh on statements of cash flows. Good to review for the differences between direct and indirect methods if you are used to use one more consistently.

Anonymous Author
The presentation was tremendous, all of the different movie like parts helped create visuals that I will remember when preparing my cash flow statements.

Anonymous Author
The cash flow statements were good but there wasn't any real documentation that related to the exam. I wanted to understand why, not just numbers.

Anonymous Author
This is an excellent course to introduce an understanding of the cash flow statement and hire to analyze and use the information provided by it.

Anonymous Author
Fantastic refresher that provides great examples to review for a complete understanding. Great instructor and presentations are easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
excellent course- very clear explanations anchored with examples from real companies. This instructor is awesome- Highly recommended

Anonymous Author
Very good training and very complete one. It gives a complete overview of CFS and its different methods.

Anonymous Author
i liked this corse, it is very informative, not boring, engaging. Also it helps navigate annual reports.

Anonymous Author
Good class that is fast and easy to get through. There are a couple of tricky items on the quiz.

Anonymous Author
good course and helpful content and examples that others can use to guide in their statement prep

Anonymous Author
Good explanation with examples of various cash flow statements, both indirect and direct method.

Anonymous Author
Great flow throughout the session. Excellent examples to help drive home the learning points.

Anonymous Author
excellent course for presenting the cash flow statement and explaining to non financial folks

Anonymous Author
A great way to recap one of the most important forms of accountability. Thanks to the author

Member's Profile
The Finance Storyteller is enjoyable and his method enhances the learning experience.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of the basic structures and concepts of the statement of cash flows.

Member's Profile
Good Course. I recommend all users to go through this course and learn

Member's Profile
Well presented, easy to follow, not dull. Informative and relevant.

Member's Profile
I enjoyed this course because of the real-life company examples.

Member's Profile
I would recommend any cpa take this course and learn its contents.

Anonymous Author
The real examples was very helpful in understanding this course.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Cash Flow Statement8:59
Cash Flow Statement
  CFOA versus Net Income1:29
  Cash Flow Statement - Tesla Example8:08
  Cash Flow Statement Tutorial Tesla 2016-20189:04
  Cash Flow Patterns Across a Business lifecycle3:39
  Cash Flow Statement - Walmart 2017 Example11:08
  Cash Flow - Direct Method versus Indirect Method4:05
  Cash From Operating Activities - Indirect Method Simple!4:03
  Cash From Operating Activities - Direct Method Explained5:35
  Cash Flow Statement - CVS Health Direct Method5:56
  Free Cash Flow Explained!12:09
  Dividend Explained4:54
  Preparing and Understanding a Cash Flow Statement1:24:01
  Slides: Preparing and Understanding a Cash Flow StatementZIP
  Preparing and Understanding a Cash Flow Statement Glossary/IndexPDF