This program provides a basic understanding of the new lease accounting 101 rules pursuant to Accounting Standards Codification Topic 842 (ASC 842 lease accounting 101) issued in February 2016. It provides instructions on accounting and financial reporting for lease agreements that fulfil the standard's definition of a lease. ASC 842 makes substantial changes to the lease accounting 101 primarily for the Lessee. A lease conveys the right to the Lessee to control the use of identified property, plant, or equipment for a period of time in exchange for consideration to the Lessor. For the Lessee, leases are either Finance leases or Operating leases.

The Lessee will record a right of use asset and a lease liability for all leases with a term greater than one year. A Finance lease must meet one of five requirements, four of which are similar to prior capital lease accounting. If a lease is not a Finance lease, it’s an operating lease. Most leases of equipment will be Finance leases and space leases will be Operating leases. For the Lessor, a lease is either an Operating lease, Direct Financing lease, or Sales-Type lease. In general, the accounting for the Lessor has not changed substantially from the prior rules. Accounting for leases from both the Lessee and Lessors perspective will be analyzed as well as lease straight-lining, advantages, and disadvantages of leasing, financial statement disclosure, and the financial impact of the new rules.

Learning Objectives
  • Discover and gain a basic understanding of the new accounting rules pursuant to ASC Topic 842.
  • Explore and understand the accounting for Finance and Operating lease for Lessees.
  • Explore and understand the accounting for Operating, Direct Financing and Sales-Type leases for Lessors.
  • Identify and calculate right of use asset, lease liability, interest expense and amortization of the leased asset.
  • Identify and review specific examples of lease accounting 101 for both Lessee and Lessor.
  • Discover and discuss the straight-lining of leases.
  • Explore and understand the advantages and disadvantages of leasing.
  • Discover and discuss the new financial statement disclosures for leases.
  • Identify and analyze the financial impact on company financial statements, accounting process and financial ratios of the new rules.
  • Recognize the effective dates of ASC 842.
Last updated/reviewed: March 25, 2024
214 Reviews (815 ratings)


Member's Profile
Examples are great. He teaches the concepts but then shows how to implement those concepts. So many CPE courses do not show examples. Understanding concepts is one thing, actually doing journal entries is another. Used this course to right up journal entries for $6m in ROU assets. Highly recommended.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of the new lease accounting rules with examples to reinforce understanding. One of the exam questions, however, seems to provide an answer contrary to the information provided in the presentation slides. It states lessor accounting for an operating lease of rental space includes "A debit to leased asset and a credit to net investment in lease." as the correct answer. The slide presentation clearly indicates that the answer should be a dr. to cash and a cr. to rent income. I believe a dr. to cash and a cr. to rental income is the correct answer for lessor's operating lease. Why would one ever dr. a leased asset and cr. to net investment in lease?

Anonymous Author
Overall effective overview. Test focused more on whether one can perform calculations versus understanding the basics of new lease accounting rules and impact. Since it is a "101" course, I believe the concepts and impact are more important than the calculations. Instructor starts off the presentation very technical, with the information I wished to glean more in the impact and overview. For those in the business of lease accounting, this would be fine.

I appreciated the update on accounting for leases. I have a CPA, but have worked primarily in security and compliance. The course was helpful to stay up to date with the evolution of Lease accounting. I wish the slides included all the formulas right there with the examples we walked through. I'm a visual learner so seeing the formulas right there with the values helps the calculations stick.

Anonymous Author
The presentation needs to be updated. It is quite blend and hard to stay focus. I have no doubt that the presenter is quite knowledgeable, but he basically reads the slides. I do realize that it is an hour presentation, which needs to stay very basic; but there were a couple of slides that appears to be hurried and no additional explanation was given.

Anonymous Author
The presentation needs to be updated. It is quite blend and hard to stay focus. I have no doubt that the presenter is quite knowledgeable, but he basically reads the slides. I do realize that it is an hour presentation, which needs to stay very basic; but there were a couple of slides that appears to be hurried and no additional explanation was given.

Anonymous Author
Overall I would say it is a good overview. I did find that the instructor just read the slides, sometimes very quickly. Having examples of journal entries was helpful. However, there were 2 example where I didn't understand how the number was calculated. I would recommend that the instructor explain how every number entry was calculated.

Anonymous Author
Great refresher course with Covid-19 updates on the new lease standard. Very thorough slide handouts, and the videos/instructor were engaging. Highly recommend for anyone affected by the new lease standard - corporate accountants, public accountants, etc. The number of actual examples and case problems for this course were a great addition!

Anonymous Author
I thought this provided a good overview of the new standard and the key changes to the former accounting standards. I don't think the questions in the final exam that required calculations are fair to those who don't have the tools handy. Questions on the actual guidance would have been more appropriate.

Member's Profile
Material was solid but presentation included too much slide reading. Reference to each slide's number was unnecessary since presenter is driving the slide advancement. Additionally, as one Anonymous comment states, it appears that one Final Exam answer is graded in contrast to the materials presented.

Member's Profile
I think we should have a more examples of lessee lease and lessor journal entries for the finance lease and even the operating lease. The examples should have been taken from many industries. Instructor included comments about action the Trump administration would take that I thought were superfluous

Member's Profile
This is a very good introduction and summary of the new lease accounting standard, ASC 842. It does a nice job of walking through the actual transactions. However, the differences between the old and the new standard are not discussed in any detail. It would be nice to know exactly what has changed.

Anonymous Author
Haven't done this in years and founds this to be a good refresher reflecting updates. I was able to follow along just fine except in one place (ROU for the straight line operating lease) where I needed to pause the video and try to back into the calculations by hand to understand the computation.

Anonymous Author
This course is outdated - effective dates of the new rule is incorrect. What is the point of presenter just reading slides? There is no explanation for most of calculations. Text based material would be much more effective. The review quiz and final exam has only 3 and 5 questions respectively.

Anonymous Author
I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn the key points of ASC 842. This course is much better than other similar course (ASC842) which I took from other instructor at illumeo. It clearly provides the journal entries of lessee and lessor books for each type of leasing.

Anonymous Author
For being a 101 course I expected it to be a little more basic and explanatory. I felt like the instructor kept saying the same things over and over. Would have liked more examples on how to calculate amounts especially since two of the final exam questions were calculations.

Member's Profile
Content was good. Course provided a good high level summary of the complex new lease accounting standards. The instructor's style was a bit difficult to listen to (straight reading of slides, constant mention of slide number and asking to move to the next slide, frequent "um/uh").

Anonymous Author
Overall the material provided was very helpful. The challenge I had was the pace of the program and that the slides were read. It would be good for people who are auditory learners and don't like to read. The slides are very helpful for reviewing the concepts presented.

Anonymous Author
Overall, I liked the course. I would like a little more explanation of some of the rules rather than just reading the slides. All accounting rules are written in very complex terms and I felt as though the instructor was merely reading the slides for most of the course.

Anonymous Author
I definitely think this course provides a good overview to the new lease accounting standards, however this course is just a high-level overview and personally for myself I need much more time and practice to truly understand it's complicity. But this is a good course.

Anonymous Author
Learned a great deal of knowledge from this course and I thought the test at the end was challenging. I remembered some of this from past classes in school and this was a nice refresher course. The instructor was pretty detailed and easy to follow / understand..

Anonymous Author
The course is a great overview of leases, and the professor does a great job in explaining material. The course gives perspectives from lessor and lessee. I do feel an hour is not enough to go over everything especially if you don't have much exposure to ASC 842.

Member's Profile
A great introductory course for the new lease accounting standard. Covers pretty much all of what I'm expecting for the course (overview of the new rules). As other students pointed out, the exam was too technical and also one question has 2 possible answers.

Member's Profile
Presenter was not too enthusiastic or exited about the material. Only ASC 842 was quoted but never the exact paragraph within that topic. At the end I did not know what exact question was right or wrong. I merely received the end result without explanation.

Anonymous Author
Good course. The presenter was very knowledgeable and covered the information in a concise and understandable way. However, some of the information was dated, but the was apparent from the title. So overall, I felt this met my needs. Thanks.

Anonymous Author
It would be more instructive to show the calculation for the ROU and Lease liability in the table format and then include the JE on the following slide. The amounts on the JE are not immediately determinable without calculating on excel.

Member's Profile
Great material with a lot of examples on the journal entry side for both sides of the equation but the pace is just too fast that it takes a another read through just bring it all in. But the calculations and why are very valuable.

Member's Profile
Liked the entry, schedules. Anyone wanting to learn about basic lease accounting. I say that without knowing any advanced lease accounting, just assume it gets more complicated. Would be nice to get excel incorporated in here.

Anonymous Author
Laid out well. However, it lacks simple examples or clarifying items that could make some of the statements more transparent. I like ASC 842 and have seen more clear presentations, so my apologies if I'm a bit biased.

Anonymous Author
Although this is a 101 course, I struggled with the JE section of an Lease Straight Lining section on slides 40 - 42. It would be helpful to break it out more as everyone is still getting used to the change. Thank you

Anonymous Author
Provided a great overview and introduction into the world of ASC 842 from both sides (lessor accounting and lessee accounting). Really helped identify the trouble areas to be on the lookout for with the new standard.

Anonymous Author
I still believe that this application will create financial statements for small companies distorted and of little value to the users of the financial statements. The presenter was effective at explaining the process.

Anonymous Author
I thought the course and instructor were very good. With all the material to test on, I thought it was unfair to have 2 out of the 5 questions calculating PV when this course never showed how PV was calculated.

Member's Profile
Good course with good examples

Anonymous Author
The course was straight to the point and provided good examples. I thought the slides held good information regarding the different classifications. Also enjoyed the disclosure and impact sections.

Anonymous Author
It would really help to add the updates since we at the end of 2019 now. Also would be good to have more in depth courses on this site as this is a very big topic (as the speaker said as well).

Member's Profile
the information was exactly what I was looking for. It went a little fast sometimes, so I had to pause a few times to read and understand the slides, but this is exactly what I was hoping for.

Member's Profile
Slides were great. I will definitely make use of the info presented at work. Also appreciate the names of a few of the lease softwares companies that can be used for large lease holdings.

Member's Profile
I like how well the course is organized. I'm surprised at how much I need to prep for teaching in my intermediate course. Anyone teaching intermediate accounting would benefit.

Anonymous Author
I thought this course was very thorough in explaining the accounting of leases for both the lessee and lessor and also how the new rules for lease accounting affect businesses.

Anonymous Author
Good as/where I focused on content related to ASC 842. A lot is covered within an hour so may be quick for some. Tried not to be distracted minor points around presentation.

Member's Profile
Nice presentation with a valuable insight of the impact of this ASC in real world business, with considerations over financial ratios and possible effects on loan covenants.

Member's Profile
I took the course on line while traveling and did not have a financial calculator with me. Showing the calculations for some of the latter modules should have been helpful.

Member's Profile
I enjoyed Joe Ori's summary of ASC 842. He was to the point and I really liked the financial impact slides as a result of implementing the new lease accounting rules.

Member's Profile
I agree with the other reviewers that the exam focused too much on the actual result of a calculation of present value and not on the actual topic of lease accounting.

Anonymous Author
This a great course to get up to date on current lease accounting guidance. It's complicated and will be reviewing the slides a few times to make sure I get it.

Anonymous Author
reminds me how much I am not a fan of lease accounting but the course provide one of the best summaries of key accounting treatment for the lessor and the lessee

Member's Profile
Very analytical but was basically reading off the PowerPoint. A great deal of information packed in to the hour, could probably have been a 1.5 or 2.0 session

Member's Profile
This is a good overall overview of the accounting requirements for ASC 842. It does a good job of highlighting the key items that you need to be aware of.

Anonymous Author
As others have commented I wish the presenter didn't read word for word from the slides. I bet he has some real world knowledge that he could have added.

Member's Profile
I felt a little more discussion on the NPV of lease payments year over year to arrive at amortization of lease asset could have used some more discussion

Anonymous Author
A very thorough discussion on the new accounting requirements. The examples made the learning a lot easier and help explain the various requirements.

Member's Profile
This was a very good introduction course to the topic. However, I think a few additional examples would better assist in illustrating the rules.

Anonymous Author
The presentation was straight forward and clearly presented. Showing examples was good. Reading the slides is not the best presentation style.

Anonymous Author
Course was well structured. Examples were plentiful and well thought out. Found the review questions to be helpful and the test challenging.

Anonymous Author
Instructor primarily just read the slides. I would have preferred more discussion around the journal entries required for each lease scenario.

Anonymous Author
Very clear instructions for a complicated topic.I advise for anyone that needs to understand this all the way through to the journal entries.

Anonymous Author
This course is a good 101 overview course. The instructor goes really fast but the materials are helpful if you need to refer back to them.

Anonymous Author
The examples were relevant and easy to follow. Discussed the lessor and the lessee accounting and was relevant to my job as a Controller.

Anonymous Author
Graded quiz has too many calculation questions that are not necessarily helpful in understanding the conceptual requirements of ASC 842.

Anonymous Author
This course makes me realize there is a lot of work needed to review current lease agreements and determine how the new asc will apply.

Member's Profile
Great basic overview of ASC 842. Thankful to have the specific journal entries laid out, and discussion of disclosure requirements.

Member's Profile
Really well explained overview with examples of journal entries. I liked that both the lessee and lessor's entries are demonstrated.

Member's Profile
I thought this was a good course on lease accounting. I would recommend it to anyone looking to learn more about lease accounting.

Anonymous Author
I loved the high level explanation of ASC842. I am new to lease accounting and the easy to follow examples brought it live for me.

Anonymous Author
This course is an excellent introduction to Lease Accounting.Great slides with useful information and real life journal entries.

Member's Profile
My one issue was the presenter's pronunciation of a long 'e' on the first syllable of lessor and lessee. Very distracting to me.

Anonymous Author
This is a great course. I used to avoid the new lease accounting because I thought it is difficult, but now I am more confident.

Member's Profile
Very detailed and informative. Some suggestion on sites to help with PV Calculation and disclosure samples would be beneficial.

Member's Profile
Very complex topic. Instructor did a good job of going over it but he could have been better about explaining the PV discounts.

Member's Profile
I would have like to see the calculation of the final exam answers. I missed one, #5 and did not understand the correct answer.

Anonymous Author
One of the oldest FASB's still around - great refresher - all accounting personnel needs to know the 4 criteria - well covered.

Member's Profile
This course covers a lot of ground in a one hour period. Instructor made good use of examples and calculated amounts for each.

Anonymous Author
Good time for this review - need a refresher on the calcs and change due to Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) Topic 842.

Anonymous Author
Helpful content was presented. Also the examples with dollars really helped with the understanding of the concepts presented.

Anonymous Author
The information now is a bit out-dated. Primarily just read through the slides, and did not offer as much ad hoc commentary.

Member's Profile
Lease accounting has always confused me. I am not sure I learned much from this course as I am not sure its updated for 2020?

Member's Profile
Thank you for the Lease Accounting 101, it was helpful to get a basis in lease accounting to understand the recent changes.

Member's Profile
Overall a decent overview but ambiguities (eg in advantages / disadvantages of leasing) meant it lacked clarity in places.

Anonymous Author
Good information but the presenter just read the slides pretty much verbatim... Didn't seem to have much else to contribute

Member's Profile
I wish the calculations were show for PV of lease payments. Liked eh journal entries and real life examples. Good class.

Anonymous Author
This course was a good baseline training ASC 842. It was helpful to go through real life calculations for Right of Use.

Member's Profile
Excellent overview of the new rules. I especially liked the examples which reinforced my understanding of the lesson.

Member's Profile
good but relatively simplistic overview. would like more detail in terms of cap leases. will look for further courses.

Anonymous Author
great course but some of the journal entry calculations could have been better discussed/illustrated for understanding

Anonymous Author
High level overview. Good basics - goes quickly through material. Formulas for calculations would have been helpful.

Member's Profile
I think that it should state that a calulator is needed to review some of the calculations presented in presentation.

Member's Profile
The calculations included in the test component were not beneficial - I would prefer to have the test cover concepts.

Anonymous Author
Good basic lease information, touches some at the end on new leasing standard, though information is not up to date.

Anonymous Author
This course what a little dry but the point got across so I am satisfied. The presenter was a little boring as well.

Anonymous Author
Great overview of the new and updated Lease Accounting 101. Gave great examples. Instructor was clear and concise.

Member's Profile
Good overview. Wish there had been a table summarizing the accounting and disclosure requirements (a cheatsheet).

Member's Profile
Great course. Speaker was easy to follow and provided helpful insight into the new accounting for leasing rules.

Anonymous Author
I do not agree with the answer for question number 4. Is that not the correct answer for a lessor, not a lessee?

Anonymous Author
A good course to refresh your know-how about leasing topic. Informative, detailed yet concise. Worth the time.

Member's Profile
Very relevant to today, in my last few positions, I've had to calculate the book impact of this new standard.

Member's Profile
Solid 101 course. Would like to see a table added to the straight line section summarizing the five years.

Member's Profile
The course was everything I expected on the topic to date and adequate to educate to the objectives stated.

Anonymous Author
Great explanations on a complex topic. Easy to understand with the examples given. Very helpful. Thank you!

Member's Profile
Good foundational information about accounting for leases that I'll keep in my files for future reference.

Anonymous Author
Not the most interesting or well-presented, but. The content is organized and meets the course objectives.

Anonymous Author
The fundamentals were explained well. However, the straight-line rent expense entries were not explained.

Anonymous Author
This course is helpful for understanding ASC 842 and the changes in the codification. Great presentation.

Member's Profile
an honest approach by the instructor to an unnecessary pronouncement from FASB. he was very informative.

Anonymous Author
The course is a little hard, and I think next time I would learn more better. Thanks for Joseph' work.

Member's Profile
Short and to the point. Good presentation. Also good that new proposed accounting rules discussed.

Anonymous Author
The tables are very helpful to understand all the accounting entries needed each period. Well done.

Anonymous Author
Good update on new lease accounting. the annuity due term was not a term that I was familiar with

Anonymous Author
What you would expect for a foundation level course. The questions proved to be a nice refresher.

Member's Profile
The course is easy to understand. Especially, the examples with the journal entries help a lot.

Member's Profile
Good overview of lease accounting, and how to determine and treat the different types of leases.

Anonymous Author
This course is very useful and beneficial to my job responsibility. I am glad to have taken it.

Member's Profile
This course was too boring. The instructor was very monotone and read right off of the slides.

Member's Profile
Difficulty calculating PV without a calculator. Overall a good refresher on lease accounting

Anonymous Author
This ASC842 summary provides highlights and examples that are easy to understand and retain.

Member's Profile
Good by basic...wish there had been a little more focus on some of the implementation issues.

Anonymous Author
This course provides a solid introduction into the fundamentals of the new lease standard.

Member's Profile
Overall the course was great, but the sound quality wasn't as good as I would have liked.

Member's Profile
Very knowledgeable instructor. I appreciate the walkthrough of actual accounting entries.

Member's Profile
Toughest course I've taken her so far, but very comprehensive and very recent material.

Anonymous Author
I was glad that the course had the updated information on the new and upcoming changes.

Anonymous Author
Boring topic, but well presented by the author. Lease topics are not generally exciting

Member's Profile
The instructor did not explain how the amortization was calculated on slides 40 and 41.

Member's Profile
Simple topic breakdowns in short segments. Good summary and questions prior to test.

Member's Profile
In simple word the instructor was able to pass the proper knowledge about the subject

Anonymous Author
Excellent detail and examples to work through both the NPV math and debits/credits.

Anonymous Author
Excellent overview of the new lease accounting standard with some helpful examples.

Member's Profile
This module was very helpful in learning what is required to do lease accounting.

Anonymous Author
FASB requirement to average the annual lease expense over the life of the lease

Member's Profile
Content good however pace could have been a little slower with more examples.

Member's Profile
Provided a well rounded explanation and the considerations in lease accounting.

Anonymous Author
Good overview. More information and mechanics on calculations would be helpful.

Member's Profile
There was a whole lot of slides, I would have liked more written out examples.

Anonymous Author
An interesting introduction to ASC 842 at a high level from a non-accountant.

Anonymous Author
Good simple overview, but did not have my financial calculator for the quiz.

Member's Profile
I liked the examples and the descriptions and definitions used in the course.

Member's Profile
The instructor sped through the course and mostly just read from the slides.

Member's Profile
I did not like that the final exam seemed to require a financial calculator.

Member's Profile
It was a clearly explained the topic and the financial impact of the changes

Anonymous Author
Good basic course, easy to follow. A bit outdated but will give you basics.

Anonymous Author
Good course as a refresher for auditors or as a beginning course for novice.

Anonymous Author
refresher overview on leases and asc 842 and new lease rules and accounting

Member's Profile
General review of lease accounting with examples that are easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
The pace was a little too fast, instructor basically just read the slides.

Member's Profile
Very good explained, but i would like to see a second part with exercises.

Member's Profile
This course was a practical approach to learning accounting under ASC 842

Member's Profile
pretty good but needs a little more depth. Tested math more than concepts

Member's Profile
The financial impact of the new lease rules was a very valuable section.

Anonymous Author
It was a good overview of the new lease accounting standard. Thank you.

Member's Profile
This was a good course. I enjoyed learning more about Lease Accounting.

Member's Profile
Information was good, but the presenter just read what was on the slide.

Anonymous Author
Decent summary of the new lease rules and overview of lease accounting.

Anonymous Author
Very detailed 101-level overview of accounting regulations for Leases.

Member's Profile
I do not think this provided a valuable course for this complex topic.

Anonymous Author
Very Complex. Should have shown how the present values were calculated

Anonymous Author
Excellent explanations and discussions. Examples were well explained.

Member's Profile
Very complicated accounting but a well taught class. Kudos to you.

Anonymous Author
Great overview of the subject. Well laid out and easy to understand.

Anonymous Author

Anonymous Author
Would like more charts and diagrams, very strictly text and tables.

Anonymous Author
Very concise and practical presentation. A great refresher course.

Member's Profile
Great examples used to show the difference...what a pain to report.

Member's Profile
Lease accounting is critical for finance staffs of mfg enterprises

Anonymous Author
Great course. Provides a good overview of the new lease standard.

Anonymous Author
Awesome overview - looking forward to implementing the new rule!

Anonymous Author
Great overview on a topic that I will have to address this year.

Member's Profile
good material. Controllers should take this, and internal audit

Member's Profile
Very thorough but was not well presented; presented too quickly.

Anonymous Author
This was a helpful course regarding leases. I highly recommend

Member's Profile
Thanks for helping me better understand leases. Thanks again.

Member's Profile
Presenter read the slides and did not provide much commentary.

Anonymous Author
Great practical summary of lease accounting and current issues

Member's Profile
I liked the examples used. The presenter was easy to follow.

Member's Profile
The course was short, informative and very well presented.

Member's Profile
Good course. I like how the effect on KPI's was addressed.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of ASC 842. The example entires were helpful.

Member's Profile
Be prepared with a finance calculator fir the final exam!

Anonymous Author
This course provided a good overview of Lease Accounting.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of leasing. Clear and concise instructor.

Anonymous Author
good introduction into new standards on lease accounting

Member's Profile
Great course to learn the basics about lease accounting.

Member's Profile
Great high-level presentation. Very effective overview.

Anonymous Author
Nice course with great illustration of journal entries.

Member's Profile
The course was very informative and I really enjoyed it

Anonymous Author
Simple and straightforward introduction to Topic 842.

Anonymous Author
This provides a simple, bare bones intro to ASC 842.

Anonymous Author
Good high level look at new lease accounting guidance

Member's Profile
a great overview of the changes to lease accounting

Member's Profile
I enjoyed the course, and the information was useful

Member's Profile
A good and to the point overview of the standard...

Member's Profile
I liked the general overview of the subject matter.

Anonymous Author
A lot packed in to a short course. very helpful!

Member's Profile
the narrator just seemed to read fro the slides

Member's Profile
Liked to keep up to date with new changes.

Member's Profile
detailed information and good presentation

Anonymous Author
A complex course for introductory purposes

Member's Profile
Very well explained, practical, succinct.

Member's Profile
A lot of material for a one-hour course.

Anonymous Author
Good concise presentation of the basics

Anonymous Author
Not much you can do with Lease subject.

Anonymous Author
i have learned through this course

Member's Profile
Great course! Very informative.

Anonymous Author
Very informative.

Member's Profile
Informative course

Member's Profile
Easy to follow.

Member's Profile
very informative

Anonymous Author
welll presented

Anonymous Author
great resource

Anonymous Author
That is great!

Member's Profile
good course

Anonymous Author

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Course Complexity: Intermediate

Basic understanding of accounting and corporate finance.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Course Questions and Answers(6 Questions)
Member's Profile

I don't think the answer to question number 4 on the exam is correct. Lessor's entry for operating lease should be just dr cash/cr rental income, right???

Member's Profile

You are correct and that is the answer choice D, debit cash and credit rent revenue.

Member's Profile

What is the calculation for #5 question?

Member's Profile

Since the rent payments are made at the beginning of the year, its an annuity due. The NPV is 6 payments of $20,000 discounted at10% or $87,105 plus the first payment of $20,000 or $107,105. In the real world space leases are paid monthly in advance but on a yearly basis would be an ordinary annuity and the ROU asset would be $97,368 (7 payments of $20,000 discounted at 10%).

Member's Profile

If the lease terms are stated for monthly payments, how would the time value calculations would go?

Member's Profile

Most time value of money calculations are done on an annual basis, therefore, just add up the monthly amounts over the year period and then calculate the present value or other amounts.

Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Lease Accounting 1011:54
  Executive Summary5:33
  Overview of Leasing1:19
Lease Accounting 101
  Lessee Accounting12:43
  Lessor Accounting 10:13
  Advantages and Disadvantages of Leasing1:42
  Lease Straight Lining 3:50
  Financial Statement Disclosure6:43
  Financial Impact of New Lease Rules6:42
  Biography of Instructor0:38
  New and Updated Lease Accounting 10151:17
  Slides: New and Updated Lease Accounting 101 PDF
  New and Updated Lease Accounting 101 Glossary/IndexPDF