This course explores functions in Excel that CPAs need to use to enhance productivity and ensure accurate answers when working with data. Functions are built-in, preset formulas in the Excel program that calculate certain values or accomplish a certain calculation goal. Functions are essential to CPAs as they provide a simplified user interface to work with complex formulas. This course covers basic functions and then goes into logic functions, text functions, lookup functions and financial functions. This course provides step by step instruction and Excel practice exercises.

Functions discussed include: Database functions such as DSUM and DCOUNT; Lookup functions such as XLOOKUP and INDEX MATCH, Logic functions such as IF OR, IFERROR; Text functions such as CONCAT, LEN,TEXTSPLIT and TEXTBEFORE. A lot of time is given to financial functions with multiple little case studies as it delves into PV,PMT,NPER FV and RATE. Basically, every important function you need to know!

Learning Objectives
  • Recognize functions used to sum and count data and their uses.
  • Discover and define logical functions to locate items to test and to locate and handle exceptions.
  • Discover and define text functions to manipulate text data.
  • Discover and define the VLOOKUP function, XLOOKUP function and a combination of the index and match functions.
  • Identify and compute a payment, rate, term, present value or future value using time value of money functions.
Last updated/reviewed: December 16, 2024
2 Reviews (8 ratings)


Anonymous Author
I am keeping the PDF for future reference. I found some functions not what I would ever use like AND or OR. I was surprised that the vlookup and hlookup were the last functions discussed and I felt more examples should have been provided since these functions are used more. I did love the money functions examples. Some final exam questions were tricky. I had to read it a few times because I wasn't sure how to get the answer.

Member's Profile
It continues to amaze me at the number of ways to use excel. Even after years, it's apparent, I only know a small subset of the functions available.

Course Complexity: Foundational
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Must Know Excel Functions for CPAs (Text Based Course)PDF
  Exercise Workbook - Must Know Excel Functions for CPAsXLSX