One-on-ones are the most important tool you have to effectively manage and develop your employees, but for many leaders they are seen as a time waster and the first thing that gets cancelled when the calendar gets full. This course will reveal how to change your one-on-one meetings from something you dread to something you value and anticipate. We will first discuss three misconceptions and errors related to one-on-one meetings. Next we will explore the four elements of a successful agenda that will not only allow you to get the information you need to be successful but to more effectively guide your team to incredible results. In the third segment we will discuss the occasional performance focused one-on-one. This one-on-one allows your team members to know where they stand on performance, behavior and career development throughout the year. At the conclusion is a checklist for you to use to ensure your next 1:1s add value to both you and your boss.

Course Key Contents: 1:1, One-on-one, Meeting with Boss, Performance against schedule, Performance against success measures, 1:1 Agenda, Performance objectives, Employee value, Key accomplishments, Career development, Performance feedback, Behavioral feedback

Learning Objectives
  • Discover the value that 1:1s bring to your leadership competencies and to your team’s project management skills
  • Discover three common mistakes made in 1:1s
  • Explore the four components of a typical one-on-one that can accelerate your management success
  • Recognize the three components of the key project report segment of your 1:1 that will hold your employees accountable and enable you to course correct their work without micromanaging
  • Discover the importance of occasionally focusing a 1:1 discussion on performance feedback and career development
Last updated/reviewed: March 12, 2024
48 Reviews (230 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Insightful course. I was just recently promoted and now manage a team of 10 employees. I have been looking for advice and tips to make my 1:1s more impactful and this course delivered! While I have set the expectation with each employee to come prepared with 1:1 agendas, I have fallen short on not asking my employees to recap our discussions. Rather, I take care of that which takes additional time and strain on me and limits the development of my team members and holding them and myself accountable.

Anonymous Author
I have a one-on-one coming up next week for a new employee and have some performance issues to address. This course was very informative and will give me the tools to guide a meaningful one-on-one meeting with this employee. I also recognized some communication tips that will help me to communicate more effectively the objectives of a project and how to check in on the status in an organized and meaningful manner.

Anonymous Author
Excellent course, particularly meaningful in a virtual work environment as supervisors navigate remote employee relationships and 1:1 meetings by necessity take place more frequently. Good strategy around structuring these meetings. I especially liked the idea of the direct report having responsibility for the meeting agenda. Course is well worth it.

Anonymous Author
Glad I didn't pay additional money for this course. The same information was delivered in Having 1:1 with Boss. In some cases the words on the slide were not even changed to the Employee point of view. The content was valuable, I just didn't need to receive it twice.

Member's Profile
This was really great information. I would love to find a course similar to this that is focused a bit more on healthcare workers or similar where the scope of the job is less about project management or task accomplishment and more about front line staff.

Anonymous Author
Very helpful insight about ways to make one on one meetings productive. Practical steps with do's and don'ts gave me knowledge I didn't have before. Good for both employees and managers.

Anonymous Author
good course to go along with one on ones with your boss. Similar material covered in both but from 2 different perspectives. It shows how one one ones are important in both situations.

Anonymous Author
This is a great reminder of how to have a successful 1:1. I really think Carlann this an excellent job of presenting and providing great examples to help visualize how it would work.

Anonymous Author
Good review of 1-on-1's for managers, especially with new employees. It is hard to keep up sometimes, if you have several employees working on different tasks / projects.

Anonymous Author
Great tips and helpful information. Materials were relevant, the time given on the information was perfect. I thought the instructor was very informative and effective.

Anonymous Author
I perform 1-1's monthly with my team, but I have always driven the meeting. This gave me ideas to empower the team member to come prepared with their own agenda.

Anonymous Author
This course provided additional items that I could utilize in my 1 on 1 meetings. It gives thoughts and ideas on increasing the structure of the meetings.

Anonymous Author
This was a good course for higher level managers and I would recommend it for them only. Managers with direct line employees would not benefit as much.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course, it provided valuable insight from the employee perspective for managers. Good information and well presented.

Member's Profile
This was a good refresher and also added some good pointers on working with your associates and how to make them feel more valued.

Anonymous Author
Good helpful reminders for managers. Stressed the importance of frequency which is often forgotten or meetings are often cancelled.

Anonymous Author
//overall this was a good course carlann has been a coach for a lot of people, so this was good....................

Member's Profile
very useful course, I would recommend everyone who has difficulty in couching their one-downs to take this course.

Anonymous Author
The information shared was insightful and will assist me set structured expectations with those that I manage.

Anonymous Author
I thought this course was insightful as a new manager. The instructor was effective and easy to listen too.

Member's Profile
Instructor provides a lot of practical advice to make your employee meetings more effective and efficient.

Anonymous Author
Enjoyed this series - a lot of helpful information that will help me and my employees be more successful.

Member's Profile
Great info with practical tips and takeaways that I can implement easily and will use in the near term.

Anonymous Author

Anonymous Author
A very informative course. The time allotted is about right and the instructor is very engaging.

Member's Profile
Useful information to help frame 1:1's. Enjoyed how it was presented and ease of course layout.

Member's Profile
This training inspired me to work on a one on one template that I will role out to my team.

Member's Profile
Helpful tips and ideas to keep 1:1's going and actual benefit both the employee and manager

Member's Profile
Excellent overview of principles I embrace with a few extra tips for me to apply and teach.

Anonymous Author
How to Effectively Present Information I like the content of this course. Thank you!

Member's Profile
The instructor was very clear, and the presentation met the objectives of the course.

Anonymous Author
Great course to learn and reinforce the professional relationships with your coworkers.

Anonymous Author
Very good course to understand the importance of having one on ones with the employees

Anonymous Author
Good content; nice reminder of the importance of regular meetings with your employees

Anonymous Author
Amazing course with detailed techniques on how to maximize the one-on-one meetings.

Anonymous Author
There were some good strategies for one-on-one meeting which I will begin to use.

Anonymous Author
overall this was a good course, not much else to say about that.................

Member's Profile
very good course. the examples from the real world were helpful and insightful

Member's Profile
Very helpful insight about ways to make one on one meetings productive

Member's Profile
I enjoyed the course and plan on implementing several of the concepts

Anonymous Author
Great course. Lots of great material packed into less than an hour.

Anonymous Author
Multitude of specific, actionable ideas with broad applicability.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course. It pointed out things I was not aware of.

Anonymous Author
This was a good overview of how to run your 1:1s with staff

Member's Profile
Great complementary program to the One-on-One for employees

Anonymous Author
It was a very useful information that I can use in my 1:1s

Anonymous Author
I found this course helpful and I liked the instructor.

Anonymous Author
The class was full of great ideas and easy to follow.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Course Questions and Answers1 Question
User picture
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Mastering Your One-on-Ones (1:1s) with Your Employees 4:27
  The Typical Agenda10:07
  The Typical Agenda Continued20:04
  The Performance Focused Agenda 9:42
Continuous Play
  Mastering Your One-on-Ones (1:1s) with Your Employees 57:29
Supporting Materials
  Slides: Mastering Your One-on-Ones (1:1s) with Your EmployeesPDF
  Mastering Your One-on-Ones (1:1s) with Your Employees Glossary/IndexPDF
Review And Test