The dynamics of the workforce are changing.  The workplace is made up of individuals of all generations, cultures and moral values.  Expectations of millennials vs. "the older" generation can vary dramatically.  Attitudes and reactions to simple, day to day management instruction can be interpreted in numerous ways.

Whether you have held a management position for several years, or are just transitioning to a role which requires you to manage other individuals, you will find that becoming and remaining a good manager is often as much art as science. 

This is the second course in a two part series that is designed to help both new managers and experienced managers excel in their roles. This session focuses on techniques and concepts managers need to understand when working in today’s multi-generational and cultural work force.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

2 CoursesThe Art of Being a Good Manager

  1. The Art of Being a Manager - Focus on Traits and Skills
  2. Managing - Generational and Cultural variances
Learning Objectives
  • Explore Cultural Variances
  • Explore the multi-generational and cultural workforce.
  • Identify Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and Generation Z
  • Explore the challenges for today’s managers
Last updated/reviewed: March 15, 2024
32 Reviews (134 ratings)


Member's Profile
Lynn Fountain's teaching style is most effective when illustrating points with anecdotal illustrations. I found the contrasting work approaches by generation type to be fascinating and compelling. However on her section on cultural competence, I felt the information was vague and therefore the presented information to be rather dry, abstract and vague. All in all, except for the final 10 minutes, I found this course very interesting and most importantly, found that this provides an excellent framework to allow the learner to enhance their management styles to better guide their work groups and teams most closely towards a successful outcome.

Anonymous Author
This is very interesting and is very helpful if you are working in an environment with different age bracket. There are various tips that can be applied on day to day operations. The speaker is good and very knowledgeable of the topic.

Anonymous Author
very interesting points brought up that I think we forget about. Communication styles and work ethics are different amount generations but that doesn't mean one is right and one is wrong. Understanding this can help managers.

Anonymous Author
A good course in navigating cultural differences in workplace. i think it's very important to raise this awareness as it can promote a much better and collaborative environment and efficiency in accomplishing tasks.

Anonymous Author
Helpful course in expanding the ability to mange different people throughout larger companies. Informative about how to give all team members a voice and recognize how they may need different styles.

Member's Profile
I found this course to be very useful. I've heard a lot of the generational concepts before but it's something that we need to study continuously to keep perspective. Great presentation!

Anonymous Author
This is a nice course for those with a mixed-age workforce, provinding many generalizations ased on age that provide perspective on how to adapt management style accordingly.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed learning about the differences between the different generations in the workforce and the concept of cultural competence. Another great course by Lynn.

Anonymous Author
Great overview of generational differences and tips on how to work with people from each. I have enjoyed all of the classes from this instructor.

Member's Profile
Great course. It summarizes well differences among generations. The cultural differences section could have been more comprehensive though.

Anonymous Author
Characteristics provided for different generations seem reasonable. Not sure that I agree with all the causes noted but does not matter.

Member's Profile
Good overview of generations, appreciate the considerations for working across generations in the current workplace environment.

Member's Profile
A good management course to understand how different generations and cultures have different needs in the workplace.

Member's Profile
I found this second module to be more instructive/informational than the first with more actionable information.

Member's Profile
She has done it again. Lynn is a great presenter and I always walk away with valuable nuggets. Thanks Lynn

Anonymous Author
Interesting take on cultural diversity at the workplace. The insight was relevant and constructive.

Anonymous Author
Crucial topic for management, unfortunately often missed. Well presented in a constructive way.

Anonymous Author
we need more research like these to understand better the generation we are working with

Member's Profile
Learned much about Gen X and Y as I am not familar with their norms and values.

Member's Profile
Another good course with very good points that I hadn't considered previously.

Anonymous Author
I like this instructor's session. It is very useful, concise and organized.

Member's Profile
Very good course explaining the cultural differences between generations.

Anonymous Author
Good content on generational issues. Deliver was on the slow side.

Anonymous Author
Very Interesting Course. I think that it is right on target.

Anonymous Author
Great overview for all members of your team.

Member's Profile
Good easy to follow. Good notes

Anonymous Author
good course, I would recommend

Anonymous Author
nice refresher course

Anonymous Author
Good course

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Anonymous Author

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. 

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Generational and Cultural Considerations5:54
Generational and Cultural Considerations
  Generational Workforce5:58
  Managing Boomers 11:04
  Gen Xer's8:14
  Gen Y11:34
  Other Generational Management Techniques 8:54
  Cultural Competence 9:57
  Gen Z???4:08
Continuous Play
  The art of being a good manager-Managing a multi-dimensional workforce1:05:43
  Slides: Generational and Cultural ConsiderationsPDF
  Generational and Cultural Considerations Glossary/IndexPDF