In one short course, you receive clear guidance on practical steps to becoming a better manager. This course includes a revised description of the role of a manager and how management includes many aspects of leadership.
This course builds on the work of Ken Blanchard, Henry Mintzberg, and many others, and applies equally to managers in all sectors in the for-profit world, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and educational institutions. These new standards and best practices for managers apply globally and will lead to greater motivation for employees, greater satisfaction by -- and respect for -- managers, and will improve the culture of your organization. For consultants, this course provides excellent material for you to use in helping guide organizations.
Today, employees rarely leave companies, they leave bad managers. The skills and aptitude necessary to be an effective manager can be taught, but they also require discipline and forthrightness. Management failures now extract a huge cost, and this course analyzes how management has failed in several recent instances causing great harm to people and hundreds of millions, even billions, of dollars of losses to the organizations.
Learning Objectives
- Explore why significant management failures occur.
- Discover how you can become a better manager.
- Explore key principles showing how management and leadership are linked and are mutually supportive.
- Recognize how to work with key stakeholders to improve how you manage them and how they help you manage others.
- Discover how improved and honest communication with those who report to you can and will make you a better manager.
- Recognize how the laws are shifting to punish bad management severely.
12 Reviews (70 ratings)
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
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