This course covers like-kind exchanges in detail, and it reflects the recent 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that limits those exchanges to real property.

We provide in-depth coverage of the key aspects of Section 1031 like-kind exchanges, including potential uses for such exchanges (such as “drop and swap” planning), requirements to qualify an exchange for nonrecognition treatment, and implications of like-kind exchanges (including tax basis and holding period rules concerning properties received in such an exchange).The course describes considerations concerning non-qualifying property (i.e., boot) and liabilities, which are often present in like-kind exchanges. It explains practical concerns that can apply to like-kind exchanges, and approaches that have been developed to address them including multiple party exchanges, deferred exchanges (including the qualified intermediary, qualified trust and qualified escrow safe harbors) and “reverse” exchanges. It also covers other aspects of like-kind exchanges, including tax reporting requirements.

While tax professionals will find the technical aspects of these courses helpful in  comprehensively understanding the Section 1031 like-kind exchange rules, it will also be valuable to real estate professionals, finance and accounting executives, accountants dealing in business and individual planning (including trusts and estates) and others who invest in real property or might otherwise benefit from knowledge of the like-kind exchange rules.

Course Key Concepts: Tax, Like-kind exchange, Tax-free exchange, Real Property, Deferred exchange, Reverse exchange, Qualified intermediary

Learning Objectives
  • Discover innovative uses for like-kind exchanges
  • Identify requirements for like-kind exchanges
  • Explore key implications of like-kind exchanges
  • Recognize potential exposures concerning like-kind exchanges, and ways of mitigating those exposures
Last updated/reviewed: March 27, 2024
17 Reviews (80 ratings)


Member's Profile
Would appreciate more examples in the presentation - to cover more specific real life transactions. Or, more working through the math alongside IRS definitions/precidents and real deal terms. A working excel model, such as provided for other classes covering cash flow budgeting, might help as well. For one who is interested in the topic but has not handled a transaction in real life, more examples might help bridge gaps in terminology as well--had to research triple net leases offline for example, so my time to finish the course to well over the estimate. Thank you for the great presentation and valuable knowledge!!

Member's Profile
I appreciated the instructor for the use of good examples. I found them to be very helpful in understanding the concepts. The slides were helpful and the speed of information was good. I would have liked a few more minutes at the end on some of the more advanced concepts/examples.

Anonymous Author
Online instruction was too general. In order to follow along, you need to have prior knowledge of definitions within IRS code sections. Test was very detailed and hard to pass if your only knowledge of 1031s was through this course.

Member's Profile
This course went over a very detailed topic and should have included a large number of examples to illustrate concepts. The instructor was clear and knowledgeable, but the format was not conducive to absorbing the material.

Member's Profile
Final exam requires significant understanding to calculate gains / loss based on facts presented. I've had a few 1031 classes and this was my least favorite. Presentation was good though.

Member's Profile
OH My God!!! This was the most difficult subject and material. The questions were hard. I think it would have been more manageable if the answers would have been explained.

Anonymous Author
I agree with the comment that says some more examples would have been useful as I know despite going through the material, I wasn't grasping it like I was hoping.

Anonymous Author
This was a very challenging course - materials were good, speaker was good, but not enough examples and really a tough final exam vs. the materials provided.

Anonymous Author
Excellent knowledge as a presenter, but there is no way that a test for a little 2-hr CPE course like this should ever be that difficult.

Anonymous Author
Good overview but could have used some more examples, especially since the exam had additional items not discussed in course examples.

Member's Profile
Great presentation style describing the material rather than just reading the slides. The examples from his practice were helpful.

Anonymous Author
Exam includes questions not covered in the slides. Lack of examples in the slides and poorly written bullet points in the slides.

Anonymous Author
I found the 1030 exchange class to be insightful and helpful as a good refresher class. I hope that this gets a second follow up

Anonymous Author
difficult material. more examples would help. secondary topics not discussed enough. good overall.

Member's Profile
good, but more explanation of correct answers in some cases on review q's

Anonymous Author
Excellent Course. Great info. Please keep the good work. Thank you!!

Anonymous Author
I liked the Court Case references. Exam seemed to a bit hard.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
Introduction And Overview
  Introduction to Like-Kind Exchanges under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code13:10
  General Statutory Requirements13:45
  Multiple Properties6:21
  Basis and Holding Period Rules13:22
  Multiple Party Exchanges5:33
  Deferred Exchanges9:25
  Deferred Exchanges Cont'd9:01
  Reverse Exchanges6:48
  Other Aspects5:07
Continuous Play
  Like-Kind Exchanges under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code1:22:32
Supporting Material
  Slides: Like-Kind Exchanges under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue CodePDF
  Like-Kind Exchanges under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code Glossary/IndexPDF
Review And Test