This is another lesson in our set of courses on “The Internal Audit Function”. The series was developed by Lynn Fountain, CPA, CGMA, CRMA, MBA, cPIA and past Chief Audit Executive. Lynn authored the book Leading the Internal Audit Function which was released by Taylor & Francis in 2017. In the book she outlines not only the Standards and expectations for internal auditors but the many challenges individuals in the profession face when trying to execute their duties.

This text base course is provided in several sections. This session overviews the context of the IIA Performance Standards and a review of some of the major challenges when trying to abide by the Standards.

Future courses will cover the Internal Audit Consulting, the Internal Audit Code of Ethics and internal audit’s role in Risk Management and Governance and Managing the function.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

8 CoursesThe Internal Audit Function

  1. The Internal Audit Function - Purpose and Establishing the Function (Text Based Course)
  2. The Internal Audit Function - The Attribute Standards (Text Based Course)
  3. The Internal Audit Function - The Performance Standards (Text Based Course)
  4. The Internal Audit Function - Internal Audit’s Assurance Role and Risk Based Auditing (Text Based Course)
  5. The Internal Audit Function - Governance Role (Text Based Course)
  6. The Internal Audit Function - Internal Audit’s Role in Fraud Work (Text Based Course)
  7. The Internal Audit Function - Internal Audit’s Role in Fraud Risk Assessments (Text Based Course)
  8. The Internal Audit Function - Fraud Evaluation vs. Fraud Investigation (Text Based Course)
Learning Objectives
  • Identify and understand the importance of the Performance Standards.
  • Identify the various elements incorporate in the Performance Standards.
  • Explore and examine important concepts for managing the internal audit activity.
  • Explore and evaluate the nature of work performed by the internal audit activity.
  • Explore and examine elements of Engagement Planning, Engagement Objectives, Engagement Scope.
  • Identify and understand elements of performing the engagement, identifying information, documenting information, engagement supervision.
  • Recognize and review methods of communication and monitoring.
Last updated/reviewed: March 4, 2024
19 Reviews (79 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Reasonable time spent to complete the course and the approach to study is also good to complete without too much stress to spend time to finish the course.

Anonymous Author
A good way to test how you remember the standards. Liked the pdf with "challenge" parts where I could see myself in some of them.

Anonymous Author
This is a great course for anyone looking to dive specifically into the performance standards of the Internal Audit function.

Member's Profile
Solid course. I learned some things that I never knew before and would help if I come across clients with internal audit.

Member's Profile
The Internal Audit Function - The Performance Standards Text is a concise overview that can serve as a reference.

Member's Profile
Very good class. It was a comprehensive review of the Internal Audit Function's Performance Standards.

Anonymous Author
Good insight into the internal audit function and standards in which the organization must abide by.

Anonymous Author
This was a great course on the performance standards and the challenges faced by Internal Audit.

Anonymous Author
Overall good content, however the material had numerous typos which slightly had me distracted.

Anonymous Author
This course provided a good overview of the performance standards and was easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
There are several typos in the pdf that need to be fixed. Some incomplete sentences.

Anonymous Author
Good explanation of what the Performance Standards entail for an internal audit,

Anonymous Author
Clear, concise language. Not over complicated for this foundational course

Anonymous Author
good overview of internal audit functions related to performance standards

Anonymous Author
I liked the clear on concise discussion on the internal audit function.

Member's Profile
Well explained and detailed content! I would recommend the course.

Anonymous Author
Great introduction to internal audit functions. I would recommend.

Anonymous Author
It was a very detailed and well organized texted based course.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of the Performance standard and how to apply it

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  The Internal Audit Function - The Performance Standards (Text Based Course)PDF