This is another lesson in our set of courses on “The Internal Audit Function”. The series was developed by Lynn Fountain, CPA, CGMA, CRMA, MBA, cPIA and past Chief Audit Executive. Lynn authored the book Leading the Internal Audit Function which was released by Taylor & Francis in 2017. In the book she outlines not only the Standards and expectations for internal auditors but the many challenges individuals in the profession face when trying to execute their duties.
This text base course is provided in several sections. This session overviews the context of the IIA Performance Standards and a review of some of the major challenges when trying to abide by the Standards.
Future courses will cover the Internal Audit Consulting, the Internal Audit Code of Ethics and internal audit’s role in Risk Management and Governance and Managing the function.
Course Series
This course is included in the following series:
8 CoursesThe Internal Audit Function
- The Internal Audit Function - Purpose and Establishing the Function (Text Based Course)
- The Internal Audit Function - The Attribute Standards (Text Based Course)
- The Internal Audit Function - The Performance Standards (Text Based Course)
- The Internal Audit Function - Internal Audit’s Assurance Role and Risk Based Auditing (Text Based Course)
- The Internal Audit Function - Governance Role (Text Based Course)
- The Internal Audit Function - Internal Audit’s Role in Fraud Work (Text Based Course)
- The Internal Audit Function - Internal Audit’s Role in Fraud Risk Assessments (Text Based Course)
- The Internal Audit Function - Fraud Evaluation vs. Fraud Investigation (Text Based Course)
Learning Objectives
- Identify and understand the importance of the Performance Standards.
- Identify the various elements incorporate in the Performance Standards.
- Explore and examine important concepts for managing the internal audit activity.
- Explore and evaluate the nature of work performed by the internal audit activity.
- Explore and examine elements of Engagement Planning, Engagement Objectives, Engagement Scope.
- Identify and understand elements of performing the engagement, identifying information, documenting information, engagement supervision.
- Recognize and review methods of communication and monitoring.
19 Reviews (79 ratings)
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
Education Provider Information