The Institute of Internal Auditors is recognized as the authority that establishes the guidelines and standards for the internal audit profession. This organization has made significant advancements over the past decade with development of the International Professional Practices Framework. The framework guides auditors in utilizing a structure methodology when performing internal audit evaluations.
As the world has rapidly evolved over the past several years, internal auditors have been called on to provide a wide array of services. Yet, management often does not understand the full breadth of the IIA Standards and protocols auditors should follow when performing both Assurance services and Consulting services.
This set of courses on “The Internal Audit Function” was developed by Lynn Fountain, CPA, CGMA, CRMA, MBA, cPIA and past Chief Audit Executive. Lynn authored the book Leading the Internal Audit Function which was released by Taylor & Francis in 2017. In the book she outlines not only the Standards and expectations for internal auditors but the many challenges individuals in the profession face when trying to execute their duties.
This section will focus on the IIA Attribute Standards and their purpose. We examine the requirements as well as the difficulty internal auditors may have when attempting to meet their work objectives while balancing management expectations.
Course Series
This course is included in the following series:
8 CoursesThe Internal Audit Function
- The Internal Audit Function - Purpose and Establishing the Function (Text Based Course)
- The Internal Audit Function - The Attribute Standards (Text Based Course)
- The Internal Audit Function - The Performance Standards (Text Based Course)
- The Internal Audit Function - Internal Audit’s Assurance Role and Risk Based Auditing (Text Based Course)
- The Internal Audit Function - Governance Role (Text Based Course)
- The Internal Audit Function - Internal Audit’s Role in Fraud Work (Text Based Course)
- The Internal Audit Function - Internal Audit’s Role in Fraud Risk Assessments (Text Based Course)
- The Internal Audit Function - Fraud Evaluation vs. Fraud Investigation (Text Based Course)
Learning Objectives
- Discover and overview of the Sections of the Attributes Standards.
- Explore Internal Audit’s Purpose and Authority.
- Identify and evaluate the Definition of Internal Auditing.
- Explore the meaning of independence, objectivity, proficiency and due care.
- Identify and evaluate the need for professional education.
- Explore the concepts of a quality assurance program.
15 Reviews (58 ratings)
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
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