Over the past several years, the concepts of internal controls have undergone a change. They are still as important as ever but with all the new technology and work habits, it is even more critical that individuals have a strong understanding of controls and how to identify and use them.

Internal Controls (IC) are in place for a reason. They help maintain the control environment and establish efficient and effective processes. They also serve as a mitigation technique for identifying when processes have changed and when procedures need to be adjusted. In today’s business world, all personnel must understand the concept of internal control, how they should be utilized and their benefits.

The purpose and value of internal controls are often misunderstood and misapplied by management. Internal controls should be viewed as a value-oriented activity that assists the organization in the effective execution of its objectives. Properly designed and executed controls are the key to ensuring this view.

A previous course “The Manager’s Responsibility for Internal Control," addressed these concepts at a higher level. This course further explores the types of ICs, how they can be properly utilized and the cost benefit considerations for implementation.

Internal control is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following areas:

  • Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
  • Reliability of financial reporting
  • Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
  • Safeguarding assets
Learning Objectives
  • Explore basic concepts, myths and facts of Internal Controls (IC).
  • Discover typical control types.
  • Identify why controls fail.
  • Identify a framework to develop the right balance of controls.
  • Explore the differences between automated and manual controls.
Last updated/reviewed: March 12, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

15 CoursesNot-For-Profit and Small Business Entities Certification

  1. Introduction to Not-for-Profit Entities
  2. Introduction to Accounting for Not-For-Profit Entities
  3. Identifying and Implementing the Proper Balance of Internal Controls
  4. Segregation of Duties for Core Business Processes
  5. Bookkeeping: Journals, Subsidiary Ledgers and General Ledger
  6. Bookkeeping: Payroll And Expenses
  7. Bookkeeping: Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable And Receipts
  8. Effectively Managing and Controlling Travel and Entertainment (T&E) Expenses
  9. Management Internal Control Essentials
  10. Financial Statement Essentials for Not-for-Profits
  11. Not-for-Profit Financial Statements Part 2
  12. Not for Profit Financials - Focus on Net Assets
  13. Cyber Risk in Small-Medium Entities
  14. Fraud in Small-Medium Entities
  15. Not-For-Profit Accountability and Responsibility

15 CoursesManagement Oversight, Analysis and Internal Controls Certification

  1. Management Internal Control Essentials
  2. Comprehensive Examination of COSO 2013: Components and Principles
  3. Keys to an Effective Code of Conduct
  4. Fraud Risk Assessments
  5. Enterprise Risk Management 101
  6. Identifying and Implementing the Proper Balance of Internal Controls
  7. Information Technology (IT) Controls in Emerging Business Environments
  8. Analyzing Financial Ratios - Solvency, Liquidity and Debt
  9. Analyzing Financial Ratios - Leverage
  10. Effectively Managing and Controlling Travel and Entertainment (T&E) Expenses
  11. Keys to Understanding Conflicts of Interest
  12. Documentation Methods For Internal Control Processes
  13. Segregation of Duties for Core Business Processes
  14. Professional Skepticism - Keys to Maintaining
  15. Whistleblower Hotlines - Effective Management

32 CoursesInternal Controls and Internal Audit Certification

  1. Internal Audit Standards Overview
  2. Managing the Internal Audit Function in Line with GIAS - Part 1
  3. Managing the Internal Audit Function in Line with GIAS – Part 2
  4. Managing the Internal Audit Function in Line with GIAS – Part 3
  5. Executing the Internal Audit Engagement in Line with GIAS – Part 1
  6. Executing the Internal Audit Engagement in Line with GIAS – Part 2
  7. Identifying and Implementing the Proper Balance of Internal Controls
  8. Documentation Methods For Internal Control Processes
  9. Segregation of Duties for Core Business Processes
  10. Foundations for a Strong Internal Audit Department
  11. Internal Audit Management - Top Skills
  12. Internal Audit: Keys to Managing an Effective Function
  13. Understanding Risk-Based Auditing
  14. Risk Based Auditing – Establishing a Methodology
  15. Risk Based Auditing – Applying the Methodology
  16. Cyber Risk Frameworks And Concepts
  17. Information Technology (IT) Controls in Emerging Business Environments
  18. Fraud Risk Assessments
  19. Professional Skepticism - Keys to Maintaining
  20. Introduction to Forensic Accounting
  21. The Fraud Triangle
  22. Internal Audit Effective Relations with the Audit Committee
  23. COSO 2013 Overview
  24. COSO 2013 - Operational Execution
  25. Internal Audit Emerging Risks for 2021 and Beyond - Part 1
  26. Internal Audit Emerging Risks for 2021 and Beyond - Part 2
  27. Internal Audit Emerging Risks for 2021 and Beyond - Part 3
  28. Internal Audit Emerging Risks for 2021 and Beyond - Part 4
  29. Internal Audit Challenges During Times of COVID
  30. Global Internal Audit Standards (GIAS) - Overview and Contrast to 2017 International Professional Practices Framework
  31. Tools for Internal Control Certificate
  32. Lessons of an Auditor- Tools for Internal Control Certificate
219 Reviews (943 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This was a great overview of how a company should identify and implement internal controls. The instructor broke down information regarding the different types of controls that companies typically use and analyzed pros and cons for the various control types and methodology. I especially appreciated the charts and graphs regarding the risk profile process as it provided a good flowchart of how to determine the best controls for each organization.

Member's Profile
This course provided great information regarding assessing and implementing a good balance of internal controls. It helped clarify what to assess, what to consider, and how to identify what an appropriate level of risks and controls might be for an organization depending on the organization's attitude toward risk. Lynn makes these concepts very easy to understand. I highly recommend this course and am looking forward to her other courses.

Anonymous Author
A comprehensive and informative course many cross-functional business stakeholders, heavily focused on the identification and implementation of internal controls across the organization. Lynn's presentation skills are top notch and she provides an organized and thorough deck to further illustrate real-world examples and navigate course content with ease!

Anonymous Author
Identifying and Implementing the Proper Balance of Internal Controls is a very helpful course! It provides insight into the different types of controls, benefits and disadvantages of all of them, how to implement them, and emphasizes the overall importance of internal controls. They are key in today's business world.

Member's Profile
Мне бы хотелось видеть данный курс в расширенном виде. При этом его необходимо сопроводить множеством примеров. Голая теория без примеров усваивается довольно трудно

Anonymous Author
This course is informative, and the presenter speaks with the maturity of a healthy amount of work experience. I personally found this course to have an over-abundance of information to digest in one session. Other courses by this presenter were more cohesive and followed a nature discussion path.

Anonymous Author
I liked how this course provided an in depth analysis on controls, including the corresponding types and risks. The instructor also reviews various examples, including automated vs manual controls and their pros and cons. Solid course for journeying into the world of internal controls.

Anonymous Author
I am surprised to understand the NFP I work for relies on the audit will catch it method of internal controls. I had suspected there were not enough controls in place, specifically around payroll, and now I know for sure we need to implement more controls in all areas.

Member's Profile
The material was presented well. I appreciate the variety of examples and different scenarios provided. The questions about the control environment are thought provoking and I intend to implement this method of stopping and asking questions in my current position.

Anonymous Author
I found this to be a very easy to understand and fairly comprehensive review of internal controls and how to balance controls and risk. The presenter was clear and easy to understand. I also really appreciated the ability to work at my own speed. Wonderful course!

Anonymous Author
Information presentation of controls_ types, risks, success vs failed. Thorough description of automated vs manual controls. Heightens awareness to look for implementing controls in daily tasks where makes business sense based on cost - benefit. Great course.

Anonymous Author
The course is good. The manner that the concepts are presented with a real life examples are helpful. The topics are well organized. The instructor is very engaging. This course is applicable to all levels and working in any department within any organization.

Anonymous Author
The is a very informative course. The way in which the concepts are presented is helpful and it is easy to understand. The instructor was engaging and was able to keep this interesting. This course could be useful across many levels of an organization.

Anonymous Author
Very in-depth course with great videos and slide handouts. I highly recommend to anyone in a corporate accounting or internal/external auditing position - this course would be a great introduction to internal controls or a great refresher for you.

Anonymous Author
There is a lot of great information in this presentation to give a great on different types on controls within companies. People who discuss controls can describe them overly complex. This presentation provides the proper level of details.

Member's Profile
Another good course. This course identified the types of internal controls, and the benefits and disadvantages of each type. This course would be good to help anyone in business decide on types of internal controls to implement.

Anonymous Author
Helps example what works and doesn't for internal controls. Reiterates the myth and facts of internal controls and shows why preventative controls are so important and what type of controls are important and what controls are not.

Anonymous Author
Great concise course over automated vs. manual controls. I was able to increase my understanding on how to properly identify automated or manual controls and the best way to go about testing them. I would recommend this course.

Anonymous Author
The instructor provided a great initial overview of the difference between automated vs. manual. I think more in-depth detail around the cost vs. benefit would be helpful in determining the best course of action my company.

Anonymous Author
Interesting module with outstanding presentation, as usual from Lynn. Would be useful, in my opinion, to whoever is responsible for establishment and implementation of internal controls in organization. Highly recommended.

Member's Profile
This is an excellent refresher course that I would recommend. It is a good suggestion to keep the slide materials for future reference and is also great for recertification of the CPP. I highly recommend this course.

Anonymous Author
This course was a great explanation of internal controls. The information from this course helped me understand the importance of internal controls and a good understanding of the foundation of internal controls.

Anonymous Author
Excellent content. This course really did a good job at getting to the meat and potatoes of the content. The content, context, and multiple modes of representation they provide is highly effective and enjoyable!

Anonymous Author
I have been an auditor for many years. I still found this course to be helpful as a refresher. It covered many different types of controls. The instructor used relevant stories/examples to illustrate concepts.

Anonymous Author
Great course on internal controls that combs over the basics perfectly for a refresher course. Topics covered that were helpful included manual vs automatic controls and detective vs preventive controls.

Member's Profile
This was good coverage of automated and manual controls and was logically explained and the myth and facts of internal controls was helpful in understanding the controls in the company that I work for.

Anonymous Author
Provides a great overview of IC's, the different types of IC's, explains why controls can fail, depicts a control balance framework, and explains the differences between the various types of controls.

Member's Profile
This course provided the structure and steps to ensure that a proper balance of controls exists. I especially appreciated the examples and breakdown of control types with great explanations.

Member's Profile
Fantastic coverage of internal controls and how they relate to risks, internal control frameworks, as well as distinction between preventative, detective, automated, manual, and IT controls.

Member's Profile
This is a good course that outlines the benefits of having good internal controls in place. A good course for those that may not appreciate the need for these processes to be in place.

Anonymous Author
Course was a good representative of controls and identifying them. Instructor was someone I have taken a course from before. I find her informative and easy to follow and understand.

Anonymous Author
This is a veryhelpful course that looks at the different types of controls and the benefits and downfalls of each. The material is presented well and delivered by a strong presenter.

Anonymous Author
The course provides a basis for explaining types of controls. This type of breakdown is especially useful for auditors to master in order to explain these concepts to control owners.

Member's Profile
Great course on Internal controls. Providing many practical information on internal control, pitfalls of using internal control and self-considering method to avoid these pitfalls.

Member's Profile
I like Ms.Fountain’s approach to explaining the subjects she presents. This is the third course I have completed. The teaching approach is direct, well-explained and insightful,

Member's Profile
Very detailed on internal controls and I think this course would be of benefits to everyone especially top management who may not have a clear understanding of internal controls.

Anonymous Author
Great class, that covered the process of internal control from beginning to end. I also appreciate the inclusion of IT controls that aren't discussed as much in other facets.

Anonymous Author
Great review of internal control environment evaluation issues, with comprehensive discussion about the different types internal controls (automated versus manual, etc.)

Member's Profile
The course was very easy to follow and understand. I was unaware of the different types of internal controls but had a better understanding after this course.

Member's Profile
Good introduction to controls. Insight would be valuable to new internal control auditors, as well as new managers responsible for controls over their areas.

Member's Profile
Good overview of internal controls and considerations that should be made when setting them...i look forward to applying lessons learned in the workplace!

Anonymous Author
A good reminder of the need for strong internal controls. I could especially identify with the example of payroll controls that was used as an example.

Anonymous Author
Lynn delivers material in a way that always seems to make sense to me. The examples and dialogue, along with the slides make for a great presentation.

Anonymous Author
This was a good training on the different types of controls and the differences between them. The examples help to reinforce the information presented.

Anonymous Author
This course is designed to provide a good overview of the need for implementing internal controls and risks related to failure of automated controls.

Anonymous Author
This was a great course on the various types of internal controls that organisations can put in place and the advantages / disadvantages for each.

Member's Profile
Recommended. Another fine Internal Control course that does a deep dive with lots of experienced and competent mentoring. Thank you Lynn. Larry

Member's Profile
Lynn is such a good instructor! She makes the information easy to understand with examples that relate to the subject being discussed. Thank you!

Anonymous Author
Good starter on internal controls and how they help companies maintain balance cost/benefit of internal controls and operational effectiveness.

Anonymous Author
This course provided an indepth analysis on intetrnal controls including corresponding types and risks. Automated vs manual risks very helpful.

Anonymous Author
Excellent treatment of the importance of internal controls in organizations. Presenter provides many interesting examples throughout the course.

Anonymous Author
Good course, logical information with an emphasis of the importance of internal controls and each employee's role in those controls for success.

Member's Profile
This is class that every auditor or internal control staff must take. Great review about importance of controls and diferente classifications.

Member's Profile
This was a great course, very informative and presented nicely. I've learned a great deal and look forward to taking more courses with Lynn.

Anonymous Author
try comprehensive instruction on internal controls. Real life examples of failure in different companies was great supporting illustration.

Anonymous Author
This course covered a lot of material. Some of the more complex subjects needed more lecturing notes. Overall it is a very good lesson.

Anonymous Author
This a great course on learning more about the background of internal controls and the balance of apply controls to a business process.

Anonymous Author
This is an excellent, detailed course on internal controls. The material is presented in a logical manner and is easy to understand.

Anonymous Author
This course is a great beginning level webinar that does well at identifying controls and risks that are involved with the controls.

Anonymous Author
Useful information and a great refresher on the importance and usefulness of internal controls across all levels of an organization.

Anonymous Author
This course allowed me to understand the importance of internal control balances and the effective management of automated controls.

Member's Profile
Interesting and useful course with many examples, I would recommend it to anyone dealing with internal controls in the organization.

Anonymous Author
Course in detailed with good definition. It would be a good entry level course for someone just starting out in a risk related role.

Anonymous Author
This was a great course and the material addressed the healthy balance between automated and manual controls as well as IT controls.

Member's Profile
Have been a SOX auditor for awhile, but this course had a couple of new perspectives for me. Although it was longer, I enjoyed it.

Member's Profile
Still many management believe "Myths of internal controls". That's very interesting point. The course is basic but good to follow !

Anonymous Author
This course provided a good breakdown of the types of controls that can be considered when developing automated/manual controls.

Member's Profile
The instructor was very knowledgeable. Course provides a good overview of internal controls. Good examples helped to add context.

Member's Profile
New staff auditors or entry level risk management employees would benefit, as well as front-line control owners in the business.

Anonymous Author
Very thorough and well-organized material; a good refresher on controls and how to think about them from an audit perspective.

Anonymous Author
This is a great course with one of my favorite trainers. She is very direct but general enough to help non-experts understand.

Anonymous Author
Nicely laid out. Bite-sized modules, given by an experienced individual who lived through the initial implementation of SOX.

Member's Profile
I enjoyed this course thoroughly and feel as though I've learned a great deal of information in regard to internal controls.

Anonymous Author
Another great session by Ms. Fountain! The material was relevant and well presented; the examples - clear and to the point.

Anonymous Author
This course was a refresher and very effective. The instructor was also very effective in presenting the course materials.

Anonymous Author
the course was very thorough and met the objectives. I really appreciated the real world examples of controls gone wrong.

Member's Profile
nothing to add - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Member's Profile
very helpful in explaining the controls and how things should be set up. I'm grateful for the chance to take this course.

Member's Profile
The course was information packed with a good balance of examples. Management personnel would benefit from this course.

Anonymous Author
I really liked this review. Covers both automated and manual controls. The instructor knows how to convey the message.

Anonymous Author
This was a good course for beginners trying to better understand what internal controls are and why they're important.

Anonymous Author
The speaker discussed a depth overview ICS Many examples are provided to give you a better understanding of these ICS

Member's Profile
We have been recently been taking a deep dive into our internal control processes and this lecture was very helpful!

Member's Profile
A good course, but parts of it tended to be a bit dry. Overall, a good introduction or review of internal controls.

Member's Profile
This training session really helped me understand the differences and various uses of automated vs. manual controls.

Member's Profile
The seminar was concise and informative. Covered all relative ares of internal controls. Great refresher course!

Anonymous Author
Good set of information about controls and differences among them. Information presented in easily understandable.

Member's Profile
Interesting introduction. Helpful and easy to understand information; useful and relevant for any company/employee

Member's Profile
Interesting course. Pretty basic information about the importance of internal controls. The slides were very good.

Anonymous Author
This course includes good handouts to the Business when attempting to implement internal controls. Good refresher.

Anonymous Author
The training was refreshing. Nothing surprised me. New internal auditors will benefit the most from this training

Member's Profile
This was a great course in internal control with lots of details about automated and manual controls. Thank you.

Anonymous Author
Good course about the proper balance of internal controls. Some especially good insights into automated controls

Member's Profile
Great course on understanding and implementing internal controls. If you need a quick review take this course.

Member's Profile
Very good information and informative. Exam questions were a bit trickier with the "not" statement added in...

Member's Profile
I felt this was a high-level overview course and appropriate for me as a new internal auditor out of college.

Member's Profile
I found this course on internal controls to be very helpful in understanding the different options available.

Member's Profile
Great course that enable me to dive in identifying and implementing the proper balance of internal controls.

Member's Profile
Provided great tools and insight to implement appropriate controls for the finance department where I work.

Anonymous Author
Miss Fountain is a good instructor. Her courses have been really good and filled with great information.

Anonymous Author
The course flow was well thought out and the information was valuable to understanding internal controls.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of internal controls. Good reminder of things to put in place and things to watch out for.

Anonymous Author
This course was a good overview of what internal controls are and how to implement it across a business.

Anonymous Author
Great course on differences in types of controls and how to consider when building a control structure.

Anonymous Author
Good presentation and discussion on the cost-benefit analysis of differing internal control structures.

Member's Profile
This course has good materials on identifying and implementing the proper balance of internal controls.

Anonymous Author
A decent study in setting up and evaluating internal controls systems, and management decision-making.

Anonymous Author
Lynn presented a great class on Identifying and Implementing the Proper Balance of Internal Controls.

Member's Profile
Good wording, nice examples are taken, many pictures are used in the slides, better understandable....

Member's Profile
nice primer for introduction of internal controls to your organization. recommend this for managers.

Anonymous Author
Very easy to understand and course provide a great overview with lots of examples. Highly recommend!

Member's Profile
Great overview covering all aspects of internal controls. I especially liked the examples provided.

Member's Profile
Great detailed course. Lynn explains things so well and really gets you to understand the material.

Anonymous Author
Content was appropriate, up to date, and relevant for any professional in the internal audit field.

Anonymous Author
Great course for distinguishing the usage of Automated vs Manual Controls and the benefits of each.

Anonymous Author
This was a course on Internal Controls! More words are needed to make it informative to my peers.

Anonymous Author
Nice review of internal control. Source materials are robust and meet the course objectives well.

Anonymous Author
Good course! Focuses on automated vs manual controls and analyzing cost benefit of such controls.

Anonymous Author
Very easy to digest course, with great real world examples, presented by an engaging instructor.

Anonymous Author
This is a very interesting course on internal controls and it contains lots of useful information

Anonymous Author
Great Course - Wonderful Content - Excellent Trainer - Good information for everyone in business

Member's Profile
Great review of the balance of the internal control process. Informative and appropriate length.

Anonymous Author
This is an excellent primer on the need to balance internal controls and I recommend it. Thanks!

Anonymous Author
Great introduction course that covers all the main areas to get started. I would recommend this.

Anonymous Author
I liked that there were a number of real life examples that were shared during the presentation.

Anonymous Author
Strong course overall and with good reminders about the foundations of the control environment.

Anonymous Author
Great information. Informative slides. Really explains clearly the different types of controls.

Anonymous Author
This a great course about the different types of controls and when and where they are in place.

Member's Profile
I liked the emphasis on everyone in the company having an important role in internal controls.

Member's Profile
Good summary of internal controls as a refresher for those who have knowledge on the subject.

Anonymous Author
Course provides very detailed explanations and examples on the different types of controls.

Member's Profile
This training provided a good basis and reminder for internal controls at a conceptual level.

Member's Profile
This course provided useful insight into controls. Several items I have not seen previously.

Anonymous Author
course materials were appropriate for the course and the presenter effectively communicated.

Anonymous Author
Biggest takeaway was all the information in connection with automated vs manual controls.

Anonymous Author
Very talented speaker, lot of interesting examples. Would definitely recommend this course

Member's Profile
This course was well organized and well presented with helpful examples where appropriate.

Anonymous Author
Good course as a filler if you need CPEs. Controls, Failures, Reasons why to install them.

Anonymous Author
Good overview, helpful to keep some of these items in mind when talking with management.

Anonymous Author
great overview of Internal controls that is very helpful for small growing organizations.

Anonymous Author
Good reminder to be proactive and not overly rely on technology when developing controls.

Member's Profile
I like all of Lynn Fountain's classes. She has solid examples to back up every example.

Anonymous Author
Informative course that I will be able to reference with implementing internal controls.

Member's Profile
This speaker was very clear and concise in how she broke down each area of the training.

Anonymous Author
This is a very informative course for helping to identify Automated and manual controls

Anonymous Author
Very informational course that I would definitely recommend. Full if great information!

Anonymous Author
great summary of manual vs IT controls and the importance of putting controls in place

Member's Profile
Great course. Great examples. Balanced explanation. Not too detailed not too short.

Member's Profile
Enjoyed the course but the structure of some questions in final exam were confusing.

Anonymous Author
Good thought process on how to gain balance on the right number and type of controls.

Anonymous Author
Great course stated expectations were appropriate and Program materials were relevant

Member's Profile
This webinar is very educational. Thank you for allowing me to view it and apply it.

Anonymous Author
This lesson was well-developed and easy to comprehend. Perfect foundation refresher.

Anonymous Author
this course was great and really helped better my understanding on internal controls

Member's Profile
Excellent presentation and organization of the materials, including great examples.

Anonymous Author
Most interesting part of the course is about choosing appropriate set of controls.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of how to design internal controls - would recommend for beginners.

Member's Profile
I think it provided a good understanding of controls and how to balance controls

Anonymous Author
Good overview covering a variety of internal controls topics and considerations

Member's Profile
A good overview of the types of controls and examples of the different types.

Anonymous Author
Detailed course on internal controls with in depth elaboration and information

Anonymous Author
Good Internal Control overview with examples, basic concepts, myths and facts.

Anonymous Author
excellent course I would take this again for a quick refresh of control basics

Member's Profile
Presentation well laid out. Understandable with the right amount of content.

Member's Profile
An effictive course.... very good information....and easy to understand....

Member's Profile
Good class - covered a lot of ground clearly. Was balanced and informative.

Member's Profile
Good course regarding IC and the pros/cons on manual vs automated controls.

Member's Profile
Well laid out and easy to follow. Very applicable to real world companies

Member's Profile
good info, good course, have to keep typing, not done, more typing needed

Member's Profile
Good course for someone who has never been exposed to internal controls.

Anonymous Author
Excellent content and instruction - very succinct and practical course.

Anonymous Author
Thank you for this course. I learned a lot of new lessons .

Member's Profile
Good course, relevant examples, nice speaking voice, I learned a lot,

Anonymous Author
This webinar was very useful for my work and an excellent refresher.

Anonymous Author
This course gives you a good understanding of implementing controls.

Anonymous Author
A general recap of internal controls when setting up an organization

Member's Profile
Outstanding overview of considerations in internal control design.

Anonymous Author
This course was really easy to understand and used many examples.

Anonymous Author
This course helped reaffirm my understanding of control frameworks.

Anonymous Author
very refreshing materials. well summarized and laid out effectively

Anonymous Author
This is a good course on key concepts regarding internal auditing.

Anonymous Author
Great control primer and examples around manual, automated IT etc.

Member's Profile
Very educating course into manual, and automated internal controls

Anonymous Author
Good class. Good materials. Would take again. Was very helpful.

Anonymous Author
Helpful course on a series of topics relevant to all businesses.

Anonymous Author
Fun and Easy, another great interesting topic. Lets get CPE done!

Member's Profile
Good conversation on which types of controls to focus on and why.

Anonymous Author
Presenter was very thorough and content provided was appropriate.

Anonymous Author
great course, easy to follow and understand.....................

Anonymous Author
The course was informative and presented in a meaningful manner.

Anonymous Author
I'm down for any course that starts out talking about puppies :)

Member's Profile
Easy to follow along with good explanations of course concepts.

Member's Profile
Very thorough. Thank you very much for a well thought out CPE.

Anonymous Author
good course for all auditors and internal control departments.

Anonymous Author
great overview of the control environment, types and pros/cons

Member's Profile
Great review on internal controls, their types and purpose.

Member's Profile
good enough for me to get my cpes for my cia and cpa licenses

Anonymous Author
great content and very helpful, will recommend. Thank you.

Anonymous Author
Great course, very informative and helpful, great instructor.

Member's Profile
Good review of internal controls; this was a good refresher

Member's Profile
Good overall summary of control types and appropriate uses.

Anonymous Author
Excellent overview of different types of internal controls.

Member's Profile
interesting subject, well distributed , good instructor

Member's Profile
Great course on IC's. Pretty comprehensive and thorpough.

Member's Profile
Important subject nicely explained for our understanding.

Anonymous Author
Course was as expected and CPE credits seemed appropriate

Anonymous Author
Great course about internal controls. I would recommend.

Member's Profile
repetitive of the internal controls - essentials course

Anonymous Author
A good primer on the development of internal controls.

Anonymous Author
This class was informative and helpful towards my job.

Anonymous Author
Great webinar. Thank you for the useful information.

Member's Profile
Information was well presented and easy to follow.

Member's Profile
Detailed insight into automated and manual conytrol

Member's Profile
Really great information and always well presented!

Anonymous Author
Good resource and reference for internal controls.

Member's Profile
clear, concise explanations

Member's Profile
Great Presentation

Anonymous Author
Very educational.

Anonymous Author
Great course

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. 

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Identifying and Implementing the Proper Balance of Internal Controls5:16
  Defining Internal Control12:38
  Typical Control Types15:48
  Understanding Controls and Why They Fail9:40
  Framework for Controls Identification9:41
  How to Choose the Proper Control Type6:14
  Costs Vs Benefit and Risk Profile10:41
  Evaluating Control Functions6:04
  Testing Controls2:57
  Automated vs Manual Controls1:57
  Automated Controls4:44
  Automated Control Failures5:52
  Preparing to Test Automated Controls9:51
  IT Manual Controls5:36
Continuous Play
  Identifying and Implementing the Proper Balance of Internal Controls 2:07:51
  Slides: Identifying and Implementing the Proper Balance of Internal ControlsPDF
  Identifying and Implementing the Proper Balance of Internal Controls Glossary/IndexPDF