There is no single topic that affects accounting professionals with such ferocity as sustained overtime. Work/life nirvana has been the goal of our profession for decades, yet we continue to face mounting hours despite countless advances in technology. During this course, we’ll unpack this topic, discuss the negative impact of sustained over time, and propose strategies to tame this monster.

Learning Objectives
  • Recognize and recall key trends and statistics associated with overtime in the accounting profession.
  • Identify key attributes concerning social anxiety and work addiction.
  • Identify and recall proven strategies to reduce the number of hours spent working overtime.
Last updated/reviewed: March 18, 2024
11 Reviews (35 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course acts like an intervention by showing the cost of the "heroism" that leads to "success". I will add this not only extends to work but also extra curricular activities like pursuing certifications or advanced degrees. If not managed carefully, the stress and excessive time will lead to burnout. Burnout is very difficult to recover from and varies from person to person. My experience with burnout was like my brain struggled to put together a coherent thought. The results were worse when trying to explain it to peers and management. Please, do not get into that state. Follow this course's advice on balance. Because once you lose your "self", it is hard to get back.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed and learned a lot. I appreciate a lot that the author uses a lot of scientific figures to explain the concept based on science instead of personal observations.

Anonymous Author
Very well presented and engaging. I really learned a lot and found the information and discussion very helpful and applicable to my current work environment.

Anonymous Author
The course was very good. The speaker was very good. He provided a lot of inputs and valuable insights. The material was well organized and well structured.

Anonymous Author
Effective strategies were shared in this presentation that can be realistically implemented in the workplace.

Anonymous Author
Enjoyed the presentation provided by Frank. The material and recommendations will be put into practice.

Anonymous Author
Good discussion that goes largely unspoken in the industry. I appreciate the scientific research.

Anonymous Author
Gave a good overview of working overtime and why it is not necessarily beneficial

Anonymous Author
Great job, thank you so much for valuable information, it is greatly appreciated.

Anonymous Author
Enjoyed the class and will use some of the recommendations going forward.

Member's Profile
This is a great, informative course. Would recommend!

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to I’m Over Overtime1:46
  Overtime Trends10:28
  The Science...5:48
  External Pressure9:18
  The Pressure from Within20:05
  Call to Action13:30
  Call to Action Cont'd12:39
  Wrap Up3:36
  I'm Over Overtime1:17:10
  Slides: I’m Over OvertimePDF
  I’m Over Overtime Glossary/ IndexPDF