Many people work hard, accomplish much, and yet find themselves not getting the promotions they want, the respect they deserve, or the new job that they need. Previous courses covered the overview and the first two steps of the Road Map for Career and Job Search Success. This course focuses on the third step of the Road Map that helps you identify your “Red Lights” that may be derailing or impeding your career or job search.

We begin with reviewing examples of what they can be and suggesting that you personally examine yourself to see what areas may need improving. However, every company and hiring manager has different opinions and priorities for what really matters to them – and it may not be what you think. The challenge is to find out what decision makers think which is why we will introduce The Secret Formula, Level Two. This process will help you identify gaps that can be prioritized to help your career.

Finally, after understanding what you think are your Red Lights and what others think is important, we introduce an Advisory Program that you can use for either career success or the job search to actually solicit advice that can leapfrog your journey by months and years. By closing your red light gaps, as viewed by key decision makers with their priorities, you begin the process of revolutionizing your competitive edge – versus those who choose to “go it alone” and wonder why success is so hard.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

8 CoursesThe Road Map to Career Success

  1. Why You Need to Compete in Your Career
  2. What is The Road Map to Career Success?
  3. What do You Really Want to Do? Defining Your Passion and Vision for Your Career
  4. How to Close the Gaps Between What You Want Versus Are Getting
  5. How can You Help Others to Know Who You Are?
  6. How can You Communicate with Others?
  7. How can You Sell Yourself to Decision Makers? Part One
  8. How can You Sell Yourself to Decision Makers? Part Two
Learning Objectives
  • Identify Red Lights
  • Explore why Red Lights matter
  • Explore why Perceptions matter
  • Recognize how Red Lights are a Two-Way Street
  • Explore The Secret Formula #2 and recognize why it matters
  • Explore how an Advisory Program differs from being Mentored
  • Explore how using an Advisor can accelerate your career or job search
Last updated/reviewed: March 5, 2024
28 Reviews (126 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Great course! It’s one thing to have a college degree, certifications, and solid work experience, but if you don’t know how to deliver what is needed to the influencers and key members of management at your company, your career may come to a standstill. Jim provides a formula and great advice for doing just that!

Member's Profile
The instructor gives me much to think about. There is so much in here that I think many aren't willing to say even though we know it to be true. There are many politics involved in the workplace. It is unfortunate, but reality, and he helps you to work through this unfortunate reality.

Anonymous Author
This course and ever other one so fr in this series has been insightful on how I can make a personal honest assessment of myself and where I want to go, and how to get here. Focusing on what I truly have to offer and matching that with what those above me truly need is the focus.

Anonymous Author
I found solid material in this course to help me identify where I am and where I want to go. But most importantly, how I can do so. Insightful. Specifically, the formulas provided are invaluable!. Thanks Jim

Anonymous Author
The time allotted for this course is about right. The instructor is very good and the materials are very well organized. It provides a lot of valuable information and helpful tips.

Anonymous Author
As with the prior sessions of this series, this source offers a very practical road map for setting oneself up for career success - or at least boosting the likelihood of success!

Anonymous Author
Good content but would have been helpful to include some worksheets to help supplement the homework slide to help visualize the questions to ask yourself.

Anonymous Author
Very good course. Excellent bridge between what I want and what employer and decision makers want with the two strategic formulas, gaps, and red lights.

Member's Profile
Great work on this one Jim, as always! You are right, we are the master of our fate and the strategic formulas are so important.

Anonymous Author
The formula and the results were interesting as a model to demonstrate the value of understanding what makes others successful.

Anonymous Author
The instructor's material gives you confirmation that red lighting exists in company's. I appreciated the transparency.

Member's Profile
Another great course to learn about how to bridge the red light gap and how to align oneself into the advisory program.

Anonymous Author
A lot of what was presented was common sense. Suitable primarily for individuals who are early on in their careers.

Anonymous Author
Generally good advices and I hope the course can add more real life examples to support the theoretical system.

Anonymous Author
Another great course in this series. The examples that are woven into the discussion are very helpful.

Anonymous Author
Good course, some more specific scenarios and real world examples would bring this to life for me.

Member's Profile
This is a good course for people looking to advance in their career and how to go about doing it.

Anonymous Author
Thought provoking content on red lights, seeking out advisors and having realistic expectations.

Member's Profile
another great course! insightful... I recommended to everyone seeking personal advancement.

Anonymous Author
Really enjoying the Road Map to Success series! Thank you for sharing this information.

Anonymous Author
What a different way of looking at success I had never heard before - refreshing!

Anonymous Author
Interesting topic to make you think about your career and employer decisions

Anonymous Author
Great on decision makers, (mis)perceptions & their needs/wants.

Anonymous Author
Good emphasis on what decision makers want in closing the gap.

Anonymous Author
I wish I had listened to and acted on this advice years ago.

Member's Profile
I'd like more real world examples, less catch phrases.

Member's Profile
Great course. Jim has great insight into the topic.

Anonymous Author
Audio Quality needed improvement at times.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. However, it is recommended to take the other courses in the series prior to completing this one.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to How to Close the Gaps Between What You Want Versus Are Getting3:48
Close The Gaps
  Do Decision Makers Know You?10:03
  Reality Vs. Perceptions 14:08
  Reality Vs. Perceptions (Continued)16:06
  Code Words 9:18
  Strategic Formula Number 29:51
  Advisory Programs 11:56
Continuous Play
  How to Close the Gaps Between What You Want Versus Are Getting1:15:09
  Slides: How to Close the Gaps Between What You Want Versus Are GettingPDF
  How to Close the Gaps Between What You Want Versus Are Getting Glossary/IndexPDF