When it comes to cementing your professional reputation, building your network and advancing your career, you can't leave anything to chance. Now, more than ever, finance executives must think like marketers to build their professional brands for maximum impact in your current role, and in your next. This course walks you through the steps involved in developing your personal marketing plan so you can stay focused on targeting--and achieving--the next step in your career.

In this course we'll cover:

Learning how to quickly and accurately identify your skills and passions and then use this information to develop your marketing materials:

  • Your resume
  • Your pitch
  • Your online profile
  • The content you bring to the interview. 

Learning how to develop your Personal Marketing Plan:

  • How many companies to contact
  • Which companies to contact
  • In what order to contact them
  • Whom to contact within each company and 
  • How to find their contact information

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

7 CoursesManaging Your Career

  1. Why You Need to Compete in Your Career
  2. What is The Road Map to Career Success?
  3. Target Your Next Job: How to Develop Your Personal Marketing Plan
  4. Building A Great Corporate Resume
  5. Interview Essentials and Resume Writing Course
  6. Job Interview Skills Training
  7. Succession Planning
Learning Objectives
  • Explore how to compile an INVENTORY of your skills & passions and use it to BRAINSTORM job possibilities. 
  • Explore how to TARGET appropriate positions and know if your target includes enough positions.
  • Discover how to use RESEARCH to find the companies you should apply to and the contact information for individuals within those companies.
Last updated/reviewed: March 12, 2024
24 Reviews (96 ratings)


Member's Profile
I would have liked to hear more about the marketing plan. The rest of the information was good with examples and details but then there was only 1 minute spent on actually marketing your plan. As well, it is good to take when looking for a job but I thought (before I started the course) that it was going to be more about self marketing and brand development applied within an existing job/industry.

Anonymous Author
What I liked most about the course was the illustration of before and after developing the actual plan. The questions and answers are great resources, specifically the insight on accepting what might affect marketability moving forward. Thanks Moshe!

Anonymous Author
The presentation style for this course was effective. Many people cannot figure out how to think outside the box and this course provided actionable steps to continue to move forward and increase the likelihood of success.

Member's Profile
I thought Moshe gave a great path to target where you personally want to take your career. It provided good questions to ask yourself about where you want to take your career and being your own career coach.

Moshe did a great job of explaining the process. Clear, concise action points, defined, academic and real-world examples were provided. My only real complaint was the uneven audio.

Anonymous Author
Good course full of reminders on what things you should do to advance in your career or find a new job. The importance of continual networking should not be overlooked.

Anonymous Author
Fair and honest approach to this miserable activity. I wish someone would market a wand so we could turn this into an event rather than a process. Very nice job Moshe!

Member's Profile
Very Informative. A structured approach to one's personal marketing plan, and ways to structure it. Definitely will review this one! Very Good.

Member's Profile
I love this course, and think I can use it for more than job applications. I am considering it for business too. Thanks Prof Moshe

Anonymous Author
This was succinct and informative! I wish he had indicated the names of the other webinars he referenced so I could look them up.

Member's Profile
I need this structure to move my current search out of a rut. Very practical action items to get me started and revitalized!

Anonymous Author
This course was informative but the speaker was very slow in his communication and boring in his expressions.

Member's Profile
Great class. Helpful and useful tips. Something that most everybody in corporate world can utilize.

Anonymous Author
There were some good suggestions in this course. I will use these during my current job search!

Member's Profile
Interesting questions, not what I was expecting. It was worth checking out though!

Anonymous Author
Good information, but was not what I expected looking at the title of the course.

Anonymous Author
Comprehensive approach to look right beyond current openings.

Anonymous Author
Course gets you thinking, but does it present new concepts.

Member's Profile
would have liked more on the topic of developing brand.

Anonymous Author
Very good content, and the pacing was a little slow.

Member's Profile
the course was very clear and to the point

Member's Profile
This was a bit to high level for me

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
Positions Vs. Openings
  How Many Positions Are You Targeting?6:04
Ranking and Research
  Anatomy of a Target9:40
  Brainstorming 12:33
Market Yourself
  Research and Resources 7:35
  Questions & Answers11:51
  Questions & Answers Continued8:53
Continuous Play
  Target Your Next Job: How to Develop Your Personal Marketing Plan58:10
  Slides: Target Your Next Job: How to Develop Your Personal Marketing Planpdf
  Target Your Next Job: How to Develop Your Personal Marketing Plan Glossary/Indexpdf