Auditors are expected to demonstrate mastery of many skills – including interpersonal communication, data analysis, idea generation, and motivating managers to take needed corrective action. But is it fair to assume that it’s the auditor’s job to convince managers to act? Unfortunately for auditors, most executives and managers believe that the answer to this question is a resounding “Yes!”
In this course we take a deep-dive into how to sell improvement ideas that come from our work as auditors.
You’ll learn:
- What everyone means by Selling Audit Ideas
- The fundamentals of influencing managers – and nudging them toward effective action where it’s needed
- Why and how to use seeding, framing and anchoring in every audit project interaction
- A proven 10-Step Checklist for selling improvement ideas
Learning Objectives
- Recognize what Selling Audit Ideas means – and what’s expected as a result
- Identify the fundamentals of selling improvement ideas – and increasing the probability that your ideas will be heard
- Explore exactly how to influence managers we audit – and discover why the default position is to resist ideas they didn't generate themselves
- Discover 10 proven steps for selling audit-based improvement ideas
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There are no specific prerequisites for this program, although a working knowledge of auditing principles and practices will be helpful. However, it is recommended to take the other courses in the series in addition to completing this one.