It’s not just employers who are using LinkedIn to research candidates for employment. In some cases, even before you are selected for an interview a recruiter or hiring manager will check you out on LinkedIn to see what you've accomplished, who you are connected to, and who is recommending you. Guess who else is checking your recommendations? Potential strategic partners and other types of prospects.

This means that recommendations are a vital component of an effective LinkedIn profile.

LinkedIn recommendations beat the heck out of old-fashioned reference letters because your LinkedIn recommendation lives on forever online, right on your LinkedIn profile. Even better, your recommendation lives on the recommender’s profile too.

Someone who’s checking out your profile can easily jump from a recommendation someone wrote for you right to the recommender’s own profile, and see for themselves how credible that person is.

See how superior LinkedIn recommendations attract genuine opportunities in this installment of the series on How to Make LinkedIn an Amazing Attraction Magnet, which guides you through best practices for writing, giving and receiving recommendations. Welcome to How to Magnetize Your LinkedIn Recommendations for Attraction.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

3 CoursesLinkedIn Training

  1. How to Magnetize Your LinkedIn Profile for Attraction
  2. How to Magnetize LinkedIn Recommendations for Attraction
  3. How to Magnetize Your LinkedIn Activity to Build a Network
Learning Objectives
  • Discover how to customize your LinkedIn contact information
  • Identify 3 ways to ignite the LinkedIn recommendation process
  • Explore how to follow the internal LinkedIn steps to send and receive LinkedIn recommendations
  • Discover how to apply strategies for getting recommendation outside of LinkedIn
  • Explore how to write magnetic recommendations 
Last updated/reviewed: March 7, 2024
6 Reviews (18 ratings)


Member's Profile
Excellent topic on how to use LinkedIn's lesser known features to jump start views on your profile. I love the discussion on proper recommendation etiquettes. Highly suggest!

Anonymous Author
This was a great way to learn how to receive recommendations on Linked In. This should go a long way in personal marketing for me and my brand.

Anonymous Author
This course was incredibly effective at teaching effective ways to increase exposure on LinkedIn.

Anonymous Author
Very helpful step by step instructions for LinkedIn Recommendation process.

Anonymous Author
Had no idea that emailing people for a LNKD review was appropriate.

Member's Profile
Very useful information.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. However, it is recommended to take the other courses in the series prior to completing this one.


Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to How to Magnetize LinkedIn Recommendations4:06
  Contact Information8:16
  The Valuable LinkedIn Recommendation2:52
  The LinkedIn Recommendation Process Part 17:51
  The LinkedIn Recommendation Process Part 28:00
  Writting a LinkedIn Recommendation & Summary4:41
  How to Magnetize LinkedIn Recommendations for Attraction 35:46
  Slides: How to Magnetize LinkedIn Recommendations for AttractionPDF
  How to Magnetize LinkedIn Recommendations for Attraction Glossary/IndexPDF
  Writing LinkedIn Recommendations TemplatePDF
  Sample LinkedIn Recommendation PDF
  Review Questions quiz
 Final Examexam