In this case study reading about how a firm has used big data to improve operations, participants read outside material and then watch a brief presentation highlighting the most important parts of the case.

***Please download and open all supporting materials before starting the course videos.***

The goal is to get participants thinking on their own about how Big Data can be used in practice.

Learning Objectives
  • Discover how business intelligence (BI) works in practice
  • Identify areas where business intelligence can alter the way a company conducts operations
  • Last updated/reviewed: March 28, 2024

    Included In Certifications

    This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

    15 CoursesData Analytics Professional (DAP) Certification

    1. The Fundamentals of Business Intelligence (BI): What it Does and Why it's so Essential
    2. How is Industry Using Big Data? – A Case Study Reading
    3. Business Intelligence - Data Collection and Cleaning
    4. Business Intelligence - Structuring Data for Analysis
    5. Business Intelligence - Fundamentals of Data Analysis
    6. Business Intelligence - Using Big Data Analytics
    7. Doing Data Analytics In Excel (Hands-on module)
    8. Regressions in Excel (Hands-on module)
    9. Financial Forecasting
    10. Advanced Analytics – Omitted Variables
    11. Advanced Analytics – Fixed Effects
    12. Case Study in Data Analytics
    13. Using Regressions for Forecasting
    14. Financial Forecasting in Excel (Hands-on module)
    15. Blockchain for Business
    120 Reviews (695 ratings)


    Anonymous Author
    In my opinion, some notions about prescriptive analytics (like, "most basic kind of analytics") are misleading. You will need results from descriptive and predictive stage to be able to propose decision options. Possibly in the next courses the trainer will explain, but as of now I believe that some concepts and use of terms here are wrong, possiby outdated.

    Member's Profile
    Now we start going a little deeper with the information. Looking forward to learning more and more! Thank you for helping set up the stage for this! Only recommendation is to upgrade the slides and video a bit. They seem really old, design-wise. At one point we couldn't read one of the boxes because of the poor choice of colors.

    Member's Profile
    The course was very helpful in defining certain terms that I hear a lot about but don't understand. I really don't desire to become an expert in Big Data but would like to be able to discuss with client and identify opportunities. This course was helpful in moving my understanding forward.

    Member's Profile
    I liked that the course gave us the big picture of softwares but also said we should focus on learning & understanding Big Data Analytics (not a particular software). This allows us to put the knowledge towards using any software that may be chosen in whichever company you work for.

    Anonymous Author
    This course provided detail training of data analytics tools, data visualization, case takeaways and conclusion on how the industry using big data. I think this course is helpful for us to learn how data is relevant to our day to day work.

    Anonymous Author
    While the course does give an interesting look at the processes behind big data, I think it focuses too much on specific tools instead of general concepts. Also I am not sure the case study was used in the most effective way.

    Anonymous Author
    Michael was clear and concise in his delivery in regards to Big Data. It was very interesting to hear about how important Big Data is, and how businesses are able to thrive off of every individual they come in contact with.

    Anonymous Author
    Although shorter and more applicable than the last course I completed (Business Intelligence), the case study seemed to be more a repeat of the slides, as opposed to a case study under the academic definition.

    Member's Profile
    I findvthe course very good forvthe continuation of the series, it gives a good understanding at a glance on Big Data, and even though we are in 2021 what is mentiined in the course remains true.

    Anonymous Author
    Still very generalized - I am looking forward to the more specifics of future classes. I like the exposure that it provided to some of the concepts and software available in the marketplace.

    Anonymous Author
    Interesting overview of Big Data presented at right level of information and pace. Interesting description of players in this industry and what they do and with whom they do business.

    Anonymous Author
    What surprised me was the data analytics was mostly backward looking. Executives at large companies would get a lot from this because it would better help them make decisions

    Anonymous Author
    I work at a mid-market company & we would struggle with the resources required to implement big data analytics. But still interesting to have an overview of what's out there.

    Member's Profile
    this course was my first introduction into data analytics. I liked the material, organization of the program and Mike's insight as a person who actually works in the field.

    Anonymous Author
    I appreciated the instructor's summary at the end of the presentation about the case study. It gave the course a well-rounded balance of self-study and group conclusion.

    Member's Profile
    This course was easy to follow and practical. I like the examples of providers that are out there. I don't know if the case study provided as much value as I had hoped.

    Member's Profile
    Learning about the current state of analytics in Big Data was interesting. Most businesses make some use, but there is considerably more that can be done with Big Data.

    Anonymous Author
    The article by PWC was way to long to have to read - maybe you could have highlighted the points that were not already covered in the video that were important to read.

    Anonymous Author
    The case study was very detailed and some parts were a little dry. However, the instructor summarized the key concepts in a very concise and illustrative manner.

    Member's Profile
    I thought the discussion on theory v. implementation drove a key point as to why this is difficult for firms to gain significant advantages from its use.

    Member's Profile
    Great overview of the use of Data analytics. Just the right level of detail to introduce the subject, applications and tools for implementing Big Data.

    Member's Profile
    The instructor and material were both great. The PWC case study was a bit long, however. It seemed to repeat a lot of the same key ideas several times.

    Anonymous Author
    The video presentation provides a good overview and the instructor has paced the training well. However, the case study from PWC is a bit too long.

    Anonymous Author
    Another great course. This course utilizes a case study to really give you deep insight into real world evaluations of the big data revolution.

    Member's Profile
    The course touched on a lot of names of difference programs and programming languages. I would like to know more about how the languages work.

    Anonymous Author
    The instructor broke down the programming jargon very well. I also liked how he stressed how big data can be used for companies of all sizes.

    Anonymous Author
    I thought the course provided good detail on a number of the tools available to use for analytics. The time allotted was also very reasonable.

    Anonymous Author
    Provided a solid foundation of data analytics and how it can be applied. I found the explanations of data analytics tools to be most helpful.

    Member's Profile
    I feel as though I could apply these lessons to my job. While I feel like I knew most of the material beforehand, this was a good refresher.

    Anonymous Author
    This one was a little trickier! I have a hard time understanding what these tools do (SAS, R, Tableau) but probably just have to use them.

    Member's Profile
    Good intro to data analytics with a survey of tools commonly used. Case study is more of a marketing presentation than a case study though.

    Anonymous Author
    It was nice to learn about how data is using big data, some of the tools they are using and how we can use big data better going forward.

    Anonymous Author
    Great course that takes you through some of the more popular data analytics tools used in industry today. Informative case study by PWC.

    Anonymous Author
    There are many tools out there and it seems hard to gain an understanding of these without proper training, but interesting information.

    Anonymous Author
    As someone who does not know much about big data, this is very insightful and gives us a chance to learn about more on a simple level.

    Anonymous Author
    Course is concise and clear. Examples and case study is included to clarify concepts. Instructor was clear and emphasized key points.

    Anonymous Author
    Please provide more examples (ie: how to apply big data when analyzing parent/sub companies with thousands of lines of transactions

    Anonymous Author
    Good overview of data analytics and its associated language, as well as the types of tools that can be utilized to do the analysis.

    Anonymous Author
    Good course, I learned a lot. The case study was a bit lengthy and the format made it a little difficult to read and stay engaged.

    Member's Profile
    An effective course at describing the different trends of big data and the nuances of analytics in the current business landscape.

    Anonymous Author
    Very concise in providing a high level overview of tools being used in the marketplace so that one can be conversant on the topic

    Member's Profile
    Good overview and case study. questions on exam are subject to interpretation, however, the course is full of innovative ideas.

    Member's Profile
    Course explained why data is gathered and the need for the tools to analyze and interpret the data to be useful for businesses.

    Anonymous Author
    Good course with good information. I liked the speed of the course, the information that was conveyed, and the length of it.

    Member's Profile
    good presentation and level of detail. additional examples of application to perhaps different industries would be helpful.

    Anonymous Author
    A comprehensive approach to providing an overview of Big Data and the current state verses future state. excellent course.

    Anonymous Author
    Very basic course - didn't offer much by way of new information. I felt like i could have used my time better on this one.

    Anonymous Author
    I loved the overall review of key concepts, especially covering the descriptive/prescriptive/predictive types of analytics.

    Anonymous Author
    While the presentation was informative, it would be more useful to have more analysis on the case study within the course.

    Anonymous Author
    Great course. Good high level overview of some of the key components of big data and which software tools are available.

    Anonymous Author
    like the software and application use of this course. enables the student to understand the logic and practical purposes

    Anonymous Author
    The case study was very helpful to see what big data is in the accounting industry and how it is currently being used.

    Anonymous Author
    This is a relevant topic today, but it is surprising that the data in this presentation on Data is more than 5 year old

    Anonymous Author
    This training is a good intro to show how industry is using big data and the major software players in the industry.

    Member's Profile
    This course provided a nice explanation of what big data is, the types of analytics and key data analytics tools.

    Anonymous Author
    The course was very helpful in defining certain terms and also helpful in making the understanding for beginners.

    Member's Profile
    Very useful for understanding data analytics from a high level perspective. Raises thought provoking questions.

    Anonymous Author
    Nice to learn about DA. It is truly changing the industry and how the businesses strategize in the marketplace

    Anonymous Author
    It was great to get to know different programming languages and available tools. Looking forward to next ones.

    Anonymous Author
    I learned a lot form this course and highly recommend it to the others. This CDAP is going great. Thank you :)

    Member's Profile
    The content of the material was good. The presentation was a bit dry. But the course was enjoyable overall.

    Anonymous Author
    the course was clear and very informative, i look forward to implementing this in my every day work life.

    Anonymous Author
    the case study was a great way to read at your own pace and understand the direction everything is headed

    Member's Profile
    Useful overview of what is big data and how can it be used. Case study material seemed outdated (~2013)

    Anonymous Author
    Great course - the case study was very informative. I wish they would go more into the software aspect.

    Member's Profile
    The course contained some insightful information on the subject of big data and was presented well.

    Member's Profile
    So many companies have huge data and most people struggle in how to handle it. Very informative.

    Member's Profile
    Easy to understand! I liked the real life examples that were unconventional and not intuitive.

    Member's Profile
    good intro to big data uses in the industry and how to determine the feasibility of a project

    Anonymous Author
    Really great introduction to data analytics and the role it plays/will play in big business.

    Member's Profile
    Great and concise information. He put everything in simple terms so it is easy to remember.

    Anonymous Author
    This review was worthwhile. I was surprised that most data analytics is backwards looking.

    Anonymous Author
    Descriptive but not useful, just like making us use at least 50 characters for this review.

    Member's Profile
    I liked this course's description of BI tools like Tableau and data analytic tools like R.

    Anonymous Author
    This course helped me understand the common areas of opportunity for using data analytics.

    Member's Profile
    This course helped me prepare for a training. I really feel like I got a good foundation.

    Anonymous Author
    Provided a fantastic description of the theory of data analytics. Another building block!

    Member's Profile
    I liked the course because of its length but thought the slides could have been briefer

    Member's Profile
    Great course - I felt that it gave a quality overview of how industry is using big data!

    Member's Profile
    This course was very helpful on data analytics. The instructor was very knowledgeable.

    Anonymous Author
    The case study was a good read. This course is a great introduction to data analytics.

    Anonymous Author
    Good course that explains what Big Data is and the types of analytics businesses use.

    Anonymous Author
    Gave a really good in-depth look of Big Data and the different tools used with it.

    Member's Profile
    Good introduction to the topic of big data especially for those who are unfamiliar.

    Anonymous Author
    Great course, I enjoyed the reding and the instructor explanations as well the case

    Anonymous Author
    Course was informative and easy to navigate. I would recommend it to a colleague.

    Anonymous Author
    I liked the case study as the PwC pdf was concise and easy to read and understand

    Anonymous Author
    The case study could have been shorten as I felt like it was pretty repetitive.

    Member's Profile
    Great overview of Big Data, now understand the foundation to continue learning.

    Member's Profile

    Member's Profile
    Dated - everything is 5 years old or more. Good information otherwise though.

    Anonymous Author
    Great course that taught the differences between different types of analytics

    Anonymous Author
    His session never disappoints me. Fun, well organized and clear information.

    Member's Profile
    Very informative course. Really appreciate the tutorial in big data tools.

    Anonymous Author
    I think this course was a great learning experience for tax profesisonals.

    Anonymous Author
    Very good background on Big Data and its application in our market today.

    Anonymous Author
    I like learning which programs were out there and how they may be applied.

    Member's Profile
    It says that theory is easy but applying is hard. We are doing theory....

    Member's Profile
    Very interesting and insightful course on new data analytics techniques.

    Member's Profile
    I was surprised by how broad the potential uses are for data analytics.

    Anonymous Author
    Great information presented to better understand how big data is used

    Anonymous Author
    The course was somewhat repetitive about importance of data analytics

    Anonymous Author
    This course was easy to follow and very informative, great job!!!!!!!

    Anonymous Author
    It was short and sweet which made it easy to digest the information

    Anonymous Author
    Interesting that we have a PwC case for a mandatory GT training.

    Member's Profile
    The case study was helpful to see how current firms are using BI.

    Anonymous Author
    interesting and informative course which introduces new ideas.

    Member's Profile
    this was a great learning experience. the videos were engaging.

    Anonymous Author
    I wish there are more questions. The choices are very tricky.

    Member's Profile
    Thanks for putting the course together. It was very helpful.

    Anonymous Author
    There are many different types of tools that can be used.

    Member's Profile

    Anonymous Author
    Good course work and interesting analysis. Recommended.

    Member's Profile
    Another good course for the data analytics certificate

    Member's Profile
    Everything about this course was absolutely fantastic.

    Anonymous Author
    Provides good examples and information at a high level

    Member's Profile
    Good case study on how industries are using big data.

    Anonymous Author
    An interesting discussion on what is available for BI

    Anonymous Author
    liked the overview of big data tools in the industry

    Anonymous Author
    Big data is a big deal and I am well-informed now.

    Course Complexity: Intermediate
    Viewers should be familiar with basic financial and accounting concepts. In addition, viewers should be familiar with Big Data and Business Intelligence, or review my existing courses on the topic.
    Education Provider Information
    Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
    Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
    Instructor for this course
    Course Syllabus
      Introduction and Overview of Big Data12:36
      Data Analytics Tools6:59
      Data Visualization3:11
      Case Takeaways and Conclusion7:23
      How is Industry Using Big Data? – A Case Study Reading30:10
      Case StudyPDF
      Slides: How is Industry Using Big Data? – A Case Study Reading PDF
      How is Industry Using Big Data? – A Case Study Reading Glossary/IndexPDF
     FINAL EXAMexam