The ability to effectively create and share information in a high-quality presentation can be the difference-maker for professionals who want to distinguish themselves in today’s competitive workforce.

This course is a practical quick start guide to help you easily build professional quality presentation content that’s visually pleasing and easy to understand.

I reveal how to energize your work by using SmartArt to wake up sleepy, unimaginative, bullet-point-text presentations that have become the norm. To start, I teach you how to break the mold of “meh” presentations by sharing the fundamentals of using eye-catching SmartArt. Next, I reveal the presentation purpose and power of using SmartArt to make you and your work stand out. Then, I walk you through common workplace examples, actually using real SmartArt, to help you see and imagine how your next presentation can engage the interest of your audience, elevate your organizational profile, and highlight your professional value.

You will discover how to get started using SmartArt. These key fundamentals lay the groundwork to get you started on the right foot. From there, you will identify practical applications and real examples to optimize the use of SmartArt. This fortifies your ability to conceive and then craft information into visual content to garner audience attention and fortify your presentation delivery. Finally, we explore lessons learned and ways to avoid common mishaps to fast-track your success using SmartArt.

This course is the first in a series of three designed to provide the practical skills and knowledge for the effective presentation and delivery of information. Each course shares invaluable insight, “how to” instructions, and real workplace examples to illuminate concepts. This condensed but material-packed class enriches your knowledge and ability to create and deliver high-quality presentations while sharpening your competitive advantage.

Course Key Concepts: How To, Effectively, SmartArt, Present, Information.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore how to gain practical knowledge immediately applying by identifying how to:
    • Get started
    • Practical uses & examples
    • Explore common information delivery pitfalls and remedies
  • Discover how to easily build professional quality presentation content that’s visually pleasing and easy to understand.
  • Identify how to energize your work by using SmartArt to wake up sleepy, unimaginative, bullet-point-text presentations that have become the norm.
Last updated/reviewed: March 26, 2024
12 Reviews (43 ratings)


Member's Profile
I learned a lot of new information that I was wanting to learn so I got a lot of value from this course. I can see how smart art can improve my presentations and also make them easier to compile with a professional result.

Anonymous Author
Very useful information for learning this new feature of powerpoint. Very helpful how he added the context of good presentation skills and getting the interest of the audience.

Member's Profile
Really really helpful info for preparing a presentation. I suffer from bullet point slides alot. This guy has shown me how to do it better going forward. Great class

Anonymous Author
Easy to follow and clear instructions on how to use SmartArt. Also understanding why to use along with how to use makes gives the learner practical skills.

Member's Profile
Do not underestimate this course. This course is packed with knowledge, tips, and information that will help you improve your presentation in many ways.

Anonymous Author
The instructor was engaging and the course had some practical tips to effectively convey your points when giving a presentation.

Anonymous Author
I can see the value in this presentation, but do I think it's worth the time to watch it if it wasn't free? Probably not.

Member's Profile
Excellent presenter, very practical content. I will put this to use in my presentations for sure.

Anonymous Author
Great course to help learn new tool. Loved how the instructor explained everything.

Member's Profile
Awesome course that will greatly help me when creating presentations.

Anonymous Author
Helpful introduction to the basics of using SmartArt.

Anonymous Author
Very helpful course as I WAS a former bullet queen.

Course Complexity: Foundational

Basic understanding of Microsoft PowerPoint presentation application.
It is recommended to take Other Segments of this series courses by Darrell Littleberry.
How to Effectively Use Animations to Present Information
How to Effectively Use Transitions to Present Information

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  How to Effectively Use SmartArt to Present Information3:48
  Lets Get Started with Smart Art10:22
  Uses and Examples with Smart Art16:16
  Smart Art Examples Cont'd9:44
  Key Takeaways and Tips and Section Wrap Up6:14
  Common Pitfalls and Remedies12:07
  Course Wrap Up5:43
  Behind the Scenes3:30
  How to Effectively Use SmartArt to Present Information1:07:44
  Slides: How to Effectively Use SmartArt to Present InformationPDF
  How to Effectively Use SmartArt to Present Information Glossary/IndexPDF