In this course you learn proven principles successful people use to accomplish their personal and business life dreams. You will walk away with the knowledge of how to build the life you want starting by accomplishing personal and business goals.

The problem isn’t that we need more time. We are all given 24 hours a day. The problem is how we manage our activities. Dreaming about a better life, job, relationship or income is common to all of us. What is not common is how we go about our day turning imaginations into real accomplishments.

In this course you will learn how highly successful people turn their time into successful accomplishments. It is important to understand that you don’t do “goals”, you simply accomplish goals. What you learn is the process for effective goal setting thinking and how easy it is to do the activities needed to accomplish your life time dreams.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore how to develop the right attitude toward controlling your time.
  • Recognize how to use the time available and ignore nonessentials.
  • Recognize the importance of having professional and personal goals.
  • Explore how to create goals using the acronym S.M.A.R.T.
  • Identify the right activities to reach goals.
  • Discover how to prioritize your time to maintain balance.
  • Explore how to master the habit of planning.
  • Recognize how to schedule when to do what you planned.
  • Recognize how to avoid procrastination which can impede your success.
Last updated/reviewed: March 20, 2024
109 Reviews (529 ratings)


Member's Profile
This was an eye opening experience. I think everyone thinks planning and goal setting is a waste of time. And now I've learned that those people, myself included, have been living in the present by focusing on just getting going on something, with no real clear goal, in mind. I need to set aside some time no matter what and really plan out any goal I set out to accomplish. It's easy to think you will be able to come up with a plan on the way, but that was my naive thinking.

Member's Profile
This course is a great reminder that it's important to set specific goals and write them down. Dream big, stay focused and have a time frame to accomplish your goals.I plan to Turbo Charge my goals by using the chart and sharing it with others to see if goals are important, not important, urgent or not urgent and focus on the ones that provide more value to my life. Thanks Stepp for the encouragement, tools and reminder to create goals and set priorities.

Member's Profile
This is a presentation that I would want to come back to occasionally. It can help to focus your mind to think about goals. As I near retirement, I often think that I need to have goals for retirement but have yet to write these down. I think now it is time to use the SMART plan to put some of these goals into action

Member's Profile
This course is great to help you figure out what's important in your life and how you can become more intentional about how you spend your time. I recommend that you put these into practice and invest in your future by planning the activities needed to get you where you want to be.

Anonymous Author
Good course for someone just starting out and trying to identify how to set goals and how to achieve them. Stepp does a nice job in breaking it down into smaller pieces making the process easier to understand and manage. I will be using many of his tips and suggestions.

Member's Profile
Setting goals is an important aspect of life, whether your business or personal life. The SMART acronym is a helpful as a reminder what needs to be in place for you to accomplish your goal and keep on track. Thankful for this reminder

Anonymous Author
Good course with detailed examples of how to both create and achieve goals. Before taking this course, I did not realize just how much you actually can achieve if you come up with specific goals and a plan to achieve them.

Anonymous Author
Fantastic for an intro course (freshman business class, new hire orientation, etc.), but if you've ever read Stephen Covey or any other similar author, you've heard this information before and could probably skip.

Anonymous Author
The course was well thought out, and it could not have come at a more perfect time. I walked away from the course with a lot of useful information that I will implement in my professional and personal life.

Anonymous Author
Lots of great advice.I will definitely save this for future reference. People always talk about what they wish they could or should've have done, I say just do it. You'll never know yourself unless you try.

Member's Profile
I really like this program thank you, Stepp. I'm buying a white board from amazon, so I can write out all my goals. Hang the white board in front of my work computer, so I can read my goals each day!

Anonymous Author
He’s the first person I’ve heard who has said set 50 to 70 goals. That appeals to me rather than common advice to set only three goals for a quarter. I have way more interests than that. :-)

Anonymous Author
Practical & meaningful steps to accomplish goals both personally & professionally. Several presentation slides on download different than webinar's. Trainer presented material well.

Member's Profile
Liked: Content was great and laid out in an easy to comprehend fashion. Disliked: Not a big deal, but the presentation slides were slightly different the the downloadable slides.

Member's Profile
this course barely covers the essentials of how to do this important human resources function. the section on goal setting should be a bit more inclusive of fact-based materials.

Anonymous Author
This webinar lost my interest a couple of times. I think there were a few items that were repeated more than necessary, and some topics that were not talked about enough.

Anonymous Author
Practical advice and guidance on how to make a plan to identify goals, how to think about them in a broad context and how to take specific steps towards achieving them.

Anonymous Author
This course was great in that helps put things into prospective when setting goals. I believe the instructor was very effective in presenting the course materials.

Member's Profile
Clear and easy to digest information. Helps understand how some people get stuff done and others don't. Stepp explains this by incorporating personal experiences.

Anonymous Author
Great course to learn how to create goals and set priorities. The tips explained are extremely helpful for goals in both your professional and personal life.

Anonymous Author
I very much enjoyed this course. I myself can get stuck in ruts in life and this just helped motivate me to set some goals for myself and to achieve them!

Anonymous Author
I liked the SMART objectives guidance. I would recommend revisiting the wording in the final exam since some questions are not clearly communicated.

Member's Profile
This course was well prepared and presented very effectively. Excellent information regarding the process of creating goals and setting priorities.

Anonymous Author
The course gives a great definition of what goals are. It also gives a road map to accomplish these goals and is specific enough that all can use.

Anonymous Author
Great back to basics review of SMART goals. The priority matrix was a good way to think about various tasks that come up in our day to day lives.

Anonymous Author
The course was a good reminder on how to keep goals in mind and how to better achieve goals. Always good to revisit the process of SMART goals.

Anonymous Author
Overview and decent refresher on goal setting, would like to see more visuals in the supporting material to take home for later review

Anonymous Author
The course is well presented and outlined. It helps you understand the process of setting goals and meeting those accomplishments.

Anonymous Author
Overall content was solid, however I think the key points could have been accomplished in half the time without losing impact.

Anonymous Author
Helpful tools for creating goals and setting priorities and how they are important in your career and day to day life.

Anonymous Author
Very informative on goal setting and goal accomplishment. Reiterated prior knowledge but also gave additional guidance.

Anonymous Author
how to create goals is a good course, easy to follow and very useful. It met all objectives and will be easy to adapt.

Anonymous Author
Very interesting topic. Things we forget to think about in our busy lives. Especially creating goals that are visual.

Member's Profile
Very helpful lesson. Stepp explained things in a way easy to understand, he had a positive outlook in the lesson.

Member's Profile
Speaker is very relatable and understandable. He provides illustrative stories to help tie the concepts together.

Anonymous Author
Great topics to discuss and also a good refresher as we enter year end and planning for the upcoming year begins.

Anonymous Author
Overall a good course on setting goals and priorities, with good tips on how to evaluate how to spend one's time.

Anonymous Author
Well presented and very interesting. Good example of setting and attaining personal and business related goals.

Member's Profile
Good refresher on goal setting and why it is important. Instructor had a effective pace and presentation style.

Anonymous Author
Very interesting and helpful course on how to set goals and plan your day to be productive and time efficient.

Member's Profile
I love the way the course is organized. Examples are relevant and down to the point. Great visualization too.

Member's Profile
i liked the SMART goals! This will definitely help me to have a clearer picture on where i'm going in life.

Anonymous Author
Great course on creating goals and setting priorities! The SMART method is very effective. Thanks Stepp!

Anonymous Author
Course was straight forward and informational. The priority matrix really put things into perspective.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed the reminder of the infrastructure of SMART goals and in breaking them down into milestones.

Anonymous Author
Great course Stepp. A refresher on goals is always a good thing. I like his real life examples too.

Anonymous Author
This was a good and practical session for those that are resistant to setting goals for themselves.

Member's Profile
This course was very helpful and I consider my goals for 2021 and my teams goals. Good framework.

Anonymous Author
not too much to write about this course... pretty simple and good. that's my opinion; no surprises

Member's Profile
SMART goals are the way to success. Good information to help people understand how to set those.

Anonymous Author
It was very good and informative. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Great job. You did great.

Member's Profile
This points out why setting goals is so important and lays down some concrete ways for doing so.

Anonymous Author
This course gave helpful insight how to manage your day and set achievable goals in your career.

Member's Profile
Stepp's course was very motivational but also practical in discussing the goal setting process.

Anonymous Author
The course is concise and organized. The speaker shared so many useful and helpful insights.

Anonymous Author
This course does a great job explaining the importance of SMART goals and how to create them.

Member's Profile
Great. Useful. I start the matrix already. I believe therei will suggest this to more people

Anonymous Author
This class was a good refresher on the importance of setting goals and setting SMART goals.

Anonymous Author
Words used are easy to understand. Makes you learn something without the complicated terms.

Anonymous Author
Good information. Recommend this course to anyone not already familiar with goal setting.

Anonymous Author
good common sense course.

Anonymous Author
Good job stepp you are a sales and business leadership expert............................

Member's Profile
Although I have received similar information in HR sessions, I enjoyed this refresher.

Member's Profile
Quite an interesting course. Makes you look at your daily activities in a different way.

Anonymous Author
the SMART goals are a great thing to follow and very helpful when thinking out my goals

Anonymous Author
I really enjoyed this course. It was very clear in the goals it was planning to teach!

Anonymous Author
This course is a good overview of goal prioritization and ensuring you meet your goals.

Anonymous Author
good course and taken with annual goal writing help drill home how important goals are

Anonymous Author
What I like about this course is that it has helped me to set goals and achieve them.

Anonymous Author
Awesome course - really needed this for both professional and personal goal setting.

Anonymous Author
This course was very simple and straightforward. I will apply what I have learned.

Anonymous Author
The course taught me alot about setting goals and an easy way to track my progress.

Anonymous Author
The importance of writing down your goals will go a long way in accomplishing them.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course. A lot of good reminders on being specific and attainable.

Member's Profile
nice 1 hour review, i want my son to watch also, as he is being entrepreneurial...

Anonymous Author
Interesting and well structured course. Helps put me on coursed to achieve goals.

Anonymous Author
interesting course on goal setting and how to manage your priorities for the day

Member's Profile
loved the instructor, examples, stories, and cadence of the lecture. excellent!

Anonymous Author
This is a great course that can be used to help one learn how to develop goals.

Member's Profile
I enjoyed the course and it motivated me to kick start my goals for the year.

Anonymous Author
Course helps you think about activities and goals to get items accomplished.

Anonymous Author
This course is a lot of information. But it accomplishes what it sets out do.

Anonymous Author
Solid quick refresher, especially worth taking at the start of the New Year.

Anonymous Author
Very good course. Will be checking out Mr Sydnor's website in the future.

Anonymous Author
interesting perspective on goal setting - going to apply this to my life.

Anonymous Author
Good high level overview on the importance of goals and how to make them.

Member's Profile
This is a simple course but well organized and helpful in setting goals.

Anonymous Author
Interesting course. Helpful information. Enjoyed it and learned a lot.

Anonymous Author
Very useful and well explained. It's true, we must write down our goals

Anonymous Author
Good Course with solid reminders on the need to set quantifiable goals.

Member's Profile
Reminder of goals and a path to accomplish them. Easy quick course.

Member's Profile
Good basis for starting to formulate goals. Will share with my team.

Member's Profile
Very motivating and great tips for setting and accomplishing goals.

Anonymous Author
great class thank you. i will recommend. i am so glad i took it.

Member's Profile
This course is a very basic but important guide in setting goals

Anonymous Author
plesant to listen to, well laid out thoughts and useful insight

Anonymous Author
Helpful course that explains how to assist with setting goals

Anonymous Author
I liked this course because it was common sense and logical.

Anonymous Author
Setting SMART goals is very important, love your enthusiasm!

Member's Profile
Easy subject and properly explained for our understanding.

Member's Profile
Very insightful tools for setting and prioritizing goals.

Member's Profile
Excellent course learned a lot about establishing goals.

Anonymous Author
A good review of goal setting and prioritizing your time.

Anonymous Author
Great course. Very happy with the message. recommended

Member's Profile
interesting topic, good to know. I have to keep writing

Anonymous Author
Excellent reminder of how to go about setting goals.

Anonymous Author
Helpful course in the fundamentals of goal setting.

Anonymous Author
Very informative.

Member's Profile

Course Complexity: Foundational

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. 

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Course Questions and Answers1 Question
Member's Profile
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to How to Create Goals and Set Priorities11:05
Create Goals and Set Priorities
  What Keeps People from Setting Goals?9:37
  How Many Goals?8:25
  The Infrastructure of SMART Goals 8:50
  How to Turbo Charge Your Goals 9:33
  Creating Goals - Setting Priorities 5:18
Continuous Play
  How to Create Goals and Set Priorities 52:48
  Slides: How to Create Goals and Set PrioritiesPDF
  How to Create Goals and Set Priorities Glossary/IndexPDF