You may be the best kept secret in your company, industry, or location. Meanwhile, less qualified employees and job seekers are getting opportunities that you deserve. It happens. Some of the hardest working, highest performing, and biggest impact professionals are unknown, passed over, and not hired. Why does this happen? What is the difference?
The difference is marketing. Even companies with the best products in the world struggle to sell their products unless they know how to communicate their value through branding and communications. So, how can you learn from successful companies and apply it to yourself?
This course focuses on the fourth and fifth steps of the Road Map that helps you learn how to create your brand and value proposition so that others know who you are and the value you bring to the table. Until you address these areas, others who might be able to help you won’t. You need to learn to market yourself to help them to help you.
We begin with understanding branding then discuss how you can brand yourself to match your vision of what you are passionate about wanting to do. Then we discuss the concept of a value proposition and discuss how you can create your value proposition and use it to separate yourself from the competition.
Course Series
This course is included in the following series:
8 CoursesThe Road Map to Career Success
- Why You Need to Compete in Your Career
- What is The Road Map to Career Success?
- What do You Really Want to Do? Defining Your Passion and Vision for Your Career
- How to Close the Gaps Between What You Want Versus Are Getting
- How can You Help Others to Know Who You Are?
- How can You Communicate with Others?
- How can You Sell Yourself to Decision Makers? Part One
- How can You Sell Yourself to Decision Makers? Part Two
Learning Objectives
- Discover what a Brand is and recognize its value
- Explore how can you create your Brand
- Discover what a Value Proposition is and recognize it’s critical purpose
- Explore how can you create your Value Proposition
12 Reviews (72 ratings)
No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. However, it is recommended to take the other courses in the series prior to completing this one.
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