Some of the hardest working, highest performing, and biggest impact employees and job seekers are unknown, passed over, and unrewarded. Why? That's exactly what we are going to find out.
Once you create your brand and value proposition, the next step is “How do you communicate with others?” Marketing communications is about how insiders communicate with others in a way that influencers, trusted advisors, and decision makers understand, remember, and know how to help you.
We review how to craft your image (brand) and create your value proposition. Then we explain the use of stories and layered conversation. Finally, we reveal two key tools that can set you apart from your competition. The first is a marketing document and the second is a marketing action plan.
With these tools and techniques, you will be ready to talk to anyone. Finally, others will learn who you are and be able to help your career success.
Course Series
This course is included in the following series:
8 CoursesThe Road Map to Career Success
- Why You Need to Compete in Your Career
- What is The Road Map to Career Success?
- What do You Really Want to Do? Defining Your Passion and Vision for Your Career
- How to Close the Gaps Between What You Want Versus Are Getting
- How can You Help Others to Know Who You Are?
- How can You Communicate with Others?
- How can You Sell Yourself to Decision Makers? Part One
- How can You Sell Yourself to Decision Makers? Part Two
Learning Objectives
- Recognize how stories are used
- Discover what Layered Conversation is
- Explore what a Marketing Document is
- Identify what a Marketing Action Plan is
23 Reviews (143 ratings)
No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. However, it is recommended to take the other courses in the series prior to completing this one.
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