This online course by Dennis Kushner and Robert Brancatelli will help you understand the radical changes affecting the economy of the twenty first century and how you can respond in ways that enhance business performance.

The course helps you analyze the root cause of current economic conditions. Based on that analysis, you will develop a vision and strategy as they relate to those conditions. You will learn to adapt to the changing environment. This includes assessing the current state of affairs, evaluating where you are today as an enterprise, and anticipating changes. You will then draft an action plan for where you want to be in three years.

Major sections of the course include: Economic Development, Industry Infrastructure, USA Infrastructure, Retail Industry, and the Aging Population.

This course begins at the individual level. You will be challenged to think creatively about the areas listed above. You will identify the effect of macroeconomic changes on you, your organization, and your employees. Finally, you will have an opportunity to identify and practice new ways of thinking about your business.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify the root causes of current economic problems.
  • Explore ways to respond to changes in the economy.
  • Identify a vision related to the changing environment.
  • Recognize the current environment and develop a plan for the future.
Last updated/reviewed: March 23, 2024
2 Reviews (8 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This is a great course that highlights the importance of changes that taking place right now. We need to prepare ourselves for a new economy and development of a plan so one will be prepared. Technology is changing at a fast pace; people are living longer, and we can't stay complicit.

Anonymous Author
this contents are inclued curent trends. some of them is knowledege and others are warnings for us. News are usefule and leave message how can we syrvive and protectby oneself.

Course Complexity: Foundational
  • Designed for mid and senior level managers responsible for decision making in areas such as strategy, planning and development, operations, and other areas of functional management.
  • No specific advance preparation required.
Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Here’s What’s New in the New Economy and What You Can Do About It4:35
  Economic Development 14:07
  Industry Infrastructure and Retail Industry14:39
  Aging Population6:56
  Your Action Plan21:23
  Here’s What’s New in the New Economy and What You Can Do About It 1:03:47
  Slides: Here’s What’s New in the New Economy and What You Can Do About ItPDF
  Here’s What’s New in the New Economy and What You Can Do About It Glossary/IndexPDF