The “new normal” is forcing many changes.  Many companies have lost considerable business income and have had to layoff employees.  Also, due to "social distancing" requirements many people who came to the office each day are now being required to work from home.  These are major – and for many frightening - changes.  This course is designed to help management and staff learn new and smarter ways in which to do business and achieve more, with less.

The course is divided into three sections:  Section I offers suggestions to the workers working from home for the first time, as well as ideas for those they work with and those that manage them.  For example:  No longer can you manage casually by “walking around.”  Now specific behaviors are required to manage people working remotely. 

The second section deals with the ramifications of having to re-configure the workspace for safety – and considerations for safety and sanitation.  It also has many examples of how small changes can save time and money in organizations, followed up examples of techniques this instructor developed and used in her practice. 

The third and final section is an overview of many formal quality and process improvement techniques, followed by reminders of the needs special to managing change.

Learning Objectives
  • Discover the changes that working from home require.
  • Recognize that many people will be anxious and fearful due to all the changes.
  • Identify things management can do to mitigate the discomfort.
  • Explore ideas for making the physical and sanitation changes at work.
  • Discover many new techniques for improving quality, reducing costs, and working smarter with fewer people.
  • Recognize that little “tweaks” can make profoundly positive changes.
  • Explore different theories of change and how to best create and manage it.
  • Recognize that good things can come from “the new normal.”
Last updated/reviewed: March 24, 2024
4 Reviews (14 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Though the content was great, I thought there was too much information (125 slides) for a 1 hour CPE. Also the first half of the presentation is common knowledge, so was a waste of time.

Member's Profile
Information was a little dated. Most items discussed have come and gone.

Member's Profile
This course should be at least 1.5 CPE Credit since it is 1.5 hour long

Anonymous Author
Helpful to navigate the new workplace. Thank you!

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Helping People Work Remotely and Optimizing Business Operations due to Layoffs2:58
Working Remotely
  Working Remotely for The First Time14:24
  Managing People Working Remotely6:51
  Working Smarter due to Layoffs7:47
  Working Smarter10:27
  Working Smarter Cont'd11:08
  Search for Improvements15:27
Techniques and Change Management
  Managing Quality3:56
  Formal Improvement Techniques13:39
  Major Change7:43
  Summary and Conclusions1:46
  Helping People Work Remotely and Optimizing Business Operations due to Layoffs1:36:06
  Slides: Helping People Work Remotely and Optimizing Business Operations due to LayoffsPDF
  Helping People Work Remotely and Optimizing Business Operations due to Layoffs Glossary/ IndexPDF