Groups of all sizes and areas of responsibility are often called upon to reach consensus on an issue or to agree to the solution of problems.  At the Board of Directors level this might include decisions about policy, compensation of the CEO, inclusion of new board members or other issues.  The executive team is often in a position of having to agree about company direction, strategy and tactics. In our business world each manager, department and working team is confronted with decisions and sometimes confrontation.

How do we go about making decisions that take the best ideas from the group involved and execute them so that they are good for the organization being served?

In part the responsibility lies with the head of the chain of command of that group – but probably more important is the facilitator of the process.  And, of course, facilitation most frequently is a function allocated to Human Resources.

One would think that the more educated and experienced the members of the group, the easier it would be for them to come to amicable agreements.  Not so!   Look at what happens on the floor of the senate!  Let me also tell you that in the years in which I traveled the country training boards of directors, I found the same hurt feelings, bullying behavior, insulting the person with the other opinion, and voting on popularity rather than position.

So how do we get away from these problems which are primarily based on emotion as opposed to logic.  I believe part of the answer lies in creating processes that move people forward in a more rational manner.  This course offers you a series of exercises that you can use where you believe them to be appropriate.

The exercises include: 

  • Brainstorming, both structured and unstructured versions with ways to use the raw data obtained.
  • A series of organization of data, such as affinity diagrams, fishbone exercises, iceberg chart, Pareto chart, rank order, slice of the pie and values clarification.
  • Story Boarding, and
  • Six Thinking Hats

I provide you with tips based on my experience as to how best to implement each of these exercises.    


Learning Objectives
  • Explore the role of the leader and that of the facilitator and recognize when to use each
  • Discover The Art of Facilitating and recognize how to be effective in the role of Facilitator
  • Identify several techniques for making order out of chaos and
  • Discover a problem-solving process.
Last updated/reviewed: March 23, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

29 CoursesMastering Management Certification

  1. Preventing Harassment, Abusive Behavior, Bullying, And Discrimination In the Workplace
  2. The Art and Science of Interviewing
  3. Investigating a Complaint of Inappropriate Behavior in The Workplace
  4. Understanding Our Unconscious Biases
  5. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Management’s Role
  6. Management Providing Safety and Better Ergonomics
  7. Maintaining a Culture of Innovation and Creativity
  8. Managing Passive People
  9. Group Decision Making and Problem Solving
  10. Resolving Workplace Conflict
  11. Company Culture: Creating and Maintaining the Best
  12. Part I: Cultural and Behavioral Information for Business in an International – Global Environment
  13. Part II: Country Specific, Cultural, and Behavioral Information - Doing Business in a Global Environment
  14. Effective Time Management and Goal Setting/Delegation
  15. Culture: Inside the Company and Outside the Country
  16. Cognitive Styles (Styles of Thinking, Talking, Giving and Receiving Information)
  17. Finding Success with Teams Working Far Apart
  18. Change Management: The People Side
  19. Effective Workplace Negotiation and Persuasion
  20. Ethics and Attitude in the Workplace
  21. Creating Rewards and Recognitions that Get You What You Want to Achieve
  22. Onboarding: From Entry-Level to Senior Executive
  23. Marrying Career Development with Succession Planning
  24. Visibility Enhances Promotability
  25. Delegating Skills for Managers
  26. Assertiveness Skills for Executives, Managers and HR Professionals
  27. How EQ Helps Motivate Your Staff
  28. Effective Meeting Management for Leaders, Managers, and Facilitators
  29. Communication: A Two-Way Process

10 CoursesMastering Board of Directors Participation Certification

  1. Types of Boards and Expected Level of Participation in Each
  2. Integrating and Training Your Board Member
  3. Assertiveness Skills for Executives, Managers and HR Professionals
  4. Preparing to Be on a Board
  5. Board Participation
  6. Creating Rewards and Recognitions that Get You What You Want to Achieve
  7. Volunteers Working Together
  8. Group Decision Making and Problem Solving
  9. Management of Meetings, Committees and Boards
  10. Raising Funds: Investments – Donations – Events – Grants
18 Reviews (89 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course verbalized what I have often experienced in a group decision making body. When the leader is in the room, only his/or her opinion seems to be valued by the group. The idea of using a skilled facilitator seems to be under utilized in our society. Thank you for sharing the tips of effective facilitators. I definitely will apply these in the future both professional and while serving at church.

Anonymous Author
This course provided a comprehensive overview of role responsibilities as well as tools and techniques to effectively engage others in the art of identifying and solving problems. The facilitator presented content and learning materials in a logical, easy-to-understand manner.

Anonymous Author
I really liked the trainer of this course, she used real examples and explained things very well. She leads you through each step of problem solving, the groups responsibility, the leader and brainstorming ideas. Making is sound seamless.

Anonymous Author
good course for group projects and how they should be led. most of the time these projects tend to lean towards just a few contributors. this shows how everyone should contribute their opinions and how it should be faciliated

Anonymous Author
I learned a lot from this. We have a highly collaborative work culture, but it's sometimes difficult to get to decisions in groups. There was a lot here that I can implement in my daily work.

Member's Profile
This is a very good course on working together as a team to solve problems. I would've liked to see more concrete examples of the different techniques such as the Fishbone and Pareto methods.

Anonymous Author
I liked learning about the role between leader and facilitator. Decision making and problem solving happens in every organization, so this training is very relevant to HR professionals.

Anonymous Author
Great course. Stated learning objectives were met. Program materials were relevant and contributed to the achievement of the learning objectives.

Anonymous Author
The time allotted for this course is about right. The information included in this course is very basic but are helpful information.

Member's Profile

Member's Profile
Very well presented. Outlined some very useful tools for facilitation problem solving and dealing with various personalities.

Member's Profile
This course contains many excellent insights into the challenges and opportunities involved in group decision making.

Anonymous Author
This was a very instructive course. It was very informative and the supporting materials were effective.

Anonymous Author

Anonymous Author
This course gave helpful tips on how to manage large scale projects.

Anonymous Author
Presenter was thorough and course content was appropriate.

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Course Complexity: Foundational

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. 

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Group Decision Making and Problem Solving00:33
The Group
  Group Responsibilities 4:58
  The Role of The Leader and that of The Facilitator 3:47
  The Art of Facilitating 7:48
  Brainstorming 11:54
Arrangements and Problem Solving
  Some Types of Arrangements 8:26
  Arrangements (Continued) and Story Boarding 8:18
  Six Thinking Hats 4:56
  A Problem Solving Process 6:00
  The Tyranny of Pleasantness and Conclusion 7:23
Continuous Play
  Group Decision Making and Problem Solving 1:04:07
  Slides: Group Decision Making and Problem SolvingPDF
  Group Decision Making and Problem Solving Glossary/IndexPDF