In this course you will learn the primary purpose of financial statement analysis, including examinig financial statements through the lens of an analyst who does not prepare the statements. You will also learn the premise upon which analysis can occur.

You will be introduced to the basic tools of analysis from a conceptual standpoint, including how to identify anomalies that appear during analysis, how to calculate and interpret ratios related to financial statements accounts, and how to combine certain related ratios in order to better understand the financial issues facing any company. Then we will apply these tools in a practice, problem-solving case.

In addition, you will learn how to gain an understanding of the dynamics of a business prior to performing financial analysis as a means of improving your skills in problem identification. We cover learning how fraud might impact the financial statements which could be identified during analysis in order to solve a fraud case.

You will apply these concepts through two real-world cases to test your skills in analysis. During the process we cover how to calculate return on invested capital by using the ROIC tree concept, and how to apply the ROIC tree in making day-to-day decisions to improve the return on invested capital as well as understanding the financial condition and profitability of a company.

Finally, we analyze future possibilities for improvements based upon past realities and learn methods used by management to increase the value of the company in the market place.

Learning Objectives
  • You will learn the primary purpose of financial statement analysis.
  • You will examine financial statements through the lens of an analyst who does not prepare the statements.
  • You will learn the premise upon which analysis can occur.
  • You will be introduced to the basic tools of analysis from a conceptual standpoint.
  • You will learn how to identify anomalies that appear during analysis.
  • You will learn the how to calculate and interpret ratios related to financial statements accounts.
  • You will learn how to combine certain related ratios in order to better understand the financial issues facing any company.
  • You will learn how to apply these tools in a practice problem-solving case.
  • You will learn how to gain an understanding of the dynamics of a business prior to performing financial analysis as a means of improving your skills in problem identification.
  • You will learn how fraud might impact the financial statements which could be identified during analysis in order to solve a fraud case.
  • You will apply these concepts through two real-world cases to test your skills in analysis.
  • You will learn how to calculate return on invested capital by using the ROIC tree concept.
  • You will learn how to apply the ROIC tree in making day-to-day decisions to improve the return on invested capital.
  • Understand how to evaluate the financial condition and profitability of a company.
  • Analyze future possibilities for improvements based upon past realities.
  • Learn methods used by management to increase the value of the company in the market place.
Last updated/reviewed: March 23, 2024
29 Reviews (131 ratings)


Member's Profile
This was a very engaging class taught by a great instructor. I found myself excited about the information and looking forward to being able to use it. The presentation method was unique and refreshing, as we saw the instructor actually working through the examples rather than it being simply a bunch of boring slides with a voice-over or a face in the corner. Highly recommended!

Member's Profile
Fascinating course! I really enjoyed learning the relationships among accounts and seeing how different companies showed different relationships among accounts. This class presents useful tools for analyzing financials in real life. I look forward to using the concepts.

Member's Profile
I always enjoy Garland's presentation style. Very clear as always, very engaging. Efficient coverage of the material. One of the questions had two identical answers available -- can't recall which now, but it was early in the exam, maybe in the first 3 or 4 questions.

Anonymous Author
This was one of the most practical courses I have taken so far. The instructor was engaging and did a great job driving in each point with excellent analogies and examples. The exercises will make you think. I recommend this course

Member's Profile
Honestly this was an enjoyable course, and I like the instructor's enthusiasm and knowledge of the subject matter. as an auditor, it was great to revisit some fin stmt analytical tools.

Member's Profile
Excellent class and great materials, there was minor confusion with the exam which I am sure can be corrected for the future test takers. Overall It was a pleasure to take this class.

Anonymous Author
This was one of the better courses I have taken. Great refresher on financial analysis. It was on the longer side, but i thought it was worth the extra time.

Anonymous Author
Good course, not too long, reasonable exam. Good refresher course, rather than just memorizing accounting terms, more application to real world

Anonymous Author
I was surprised at how comprehensive the course is. It was a great refresher of foundational concepts needed to review financial statements.

Anonymous Author
Good course, lots of good real life examples are reflected in the materials. A little difficult to read small font at certain points.

Member's Profile
The exam for this instructor will challenge you but you will learn alot in the materials and the information is good.

Anonymous Author
The info in this course was great but the questions in the exam could have tied in or been worded in a similar way.

Anonymous Author
There are multiple exam questions that are either vaguely worded or appear to have multiple correct answers.

Anonymous Author
Thorough summary. I enjoyed taking this course. The instructor has an adequate teaching methodology.

Member's Profile
several mistakes in exam questions and answers and several mistakes in exam questions and answeres

Anonymous Author
Great course for beginners or those who need a refresher on the basics of ratio analysis.

Member's Profile
helpful class with an excellent instructor who made the content very understandable

Anonymous Author
Very in-depth review with good examples of how to analyze financial statements

Member's Profile
Great course! Enjoyed how it was both succinct yet thorough at the same time.

Member's Profile
This was very comprehensive and a great review. I would definitely recommend.

Anonymous Author
Good course! Thank you, will look for more courses given by this instructor.

Member's Profile
Great course with a good overview to understand better the analysis process.

Member's Profile
Presenter was excellent. He really had a great grasp of the material.

Anonymous Author
The course met its stated objectives, and the case study was useful.

Member's Profile
Really great teacher. I am going to do more of his courses.

Member's Profile
Love this instructors videos. So engaging and information!

Anonymous Author
Good overview. A few typos throughout, but very thorough.

Anonymous Author
Minimum word count is a very stupid requirement!!!

Member's Profile
Great course covering topics exactly as expected.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Financial Statement Aerobics – Toning Your Fiscal Physique Part 1 2 3 and 427:27
  Lesson 2 - Tools and Techniques for Financial Statement Analysis29:10
  Lesson 3 - Utilizing and Interpreting Ratios19:36
  Lesson 4 - Introduction to Part 2 - Calculating and Understanding Ratios Ratio Analysis5:31
  Lesson 5 - List of Key Financial Statement Analysis Measurements - Part 1 - Liquidity24:06
  Lesson 6 - List of Key Financial Statement Analysis Measurements - Part 2 22:33
  Lesson 7 - Ratio Evaluation Questions17:16
  Lesson 8 - Introduction to Part 3 - Utilizing Analytical Procedures to Detect Red Flags and Potential Fraud8:44
  Lesson 9 - Backlog Manufacturing Company Business Understanding and Impact Factors - Part 118:58
  Lesson 10 - Backlog Manufacturing Company Business Understanding and Impact Factors - Part 218:28
  Lesson 11 - Fraud Detection through Analytical Procedures10:35
  Lesson 12 - Fraud Case for U.S. Surgical Corporation8:09
  Lesson 13 - Introduction to Improving the Operations of the Company - Part 117:36
  Lesson 14 - Improving the Operations of the Company - Part 225:01
  Lesson 15 - Improving the Operations of the Company - Part 3 and Conclusion27:06
  Study Guide: Financial Statement Aerobics - Toning Your Fiscal Physique Parts 1 2 3 and 4PDF
  Financial Statement Aerobics - Toning Your Fiscal Physique Parts 1 2 3 and 4 Glossary/IndexPDF