What do Board Members need to understand about financial statements and budgets to be able to perform their duties? Certainly such things as:

  • Recognizing what each of the three financial statements is trying to tell the reader.
  • Understanding how to review an operating budget.
  • Identifying the differences between when we record an expenditure as an asset on the balance sheet or an expense on the income statement.
  • Exploring the types of internal controls that can be used to safeguard assets.
  • Ten steps that can be used to review a set of financial statements

This course provides – in an easy to understand manner – the basic knowledge to make a director comfortable at the boardroom table when the financial statements and budgets are handed out. 

Learning Objectives
  • Recognize what each of the three financial statements is trying to tell the reader.
  • Discover how to review an operating budget.
  • Identify the differences between when we record an expenditure as an asset on the balance sheet or an expense on the income statement.
  • Explore the types of internal control that can be used to safeguard assets.
  • Discover the ten steps that can be used to review a set of financial statements. 


Last updated/reviewed: March 20, 2024
6 Reviews (31 ratings)


Member's Profile
Excellent presentation of financial information that Board Members need to be able to read and interpret in order to fulfill their responsibilities.

Member's Profile
Excellent overview with practical information. Debi is extremely knowledgeable about the topics and the format was easy to follow and very helpful.

Anonymous Author
Very basic course. May be good for someone without any financial knowledge but not really suitable for a board member

Anonymous Author
Enjoyable course for an overview of key financial statements. The concepts are simply laid out.

Member's Profile
This Course is good.I recommend all freshers to go through this course.

Member's Profile
This is a good entry level overview of financial statements.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
The Basics of Financial Statements
  Overview of Financial Statements7:11
  Balance Sheet5:09
  Fixed Assets 6:00
  Liabilities & Equity8:34
  Income Statements 4:52
  Cash Flow Statements 6:00
Budgeting and Control
  Budgeting 6:18
  Internal Control8:04
  10 Steps to Reviewing Financial Statements5:01
  Course Summary 0:59
Continuous Play
  Financial Literacy for Board Members Full Video1:06:12
  Slides: Financial Literacy for Board MembersPDF
  Financial Literacy for Board Members Glossary/IndexPDF