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This 'hands on' course takes the theory from the course, "Using Regressions for Forecasting", and puts it into practice. The goal is to allow participants to follow along with the instructor and run regressions for forecasting in Excel.

***Please download and open all supporting materials before starting the course videos.***

Learning Objectives
  • Explore how to apply a regression to create a forecast
  • Recognize how to interpret output from a regression
  • Identify the limitations on regression-based forecasts
  • Identify margin of error on regression-based forecasts
Last updated/reviewed: March 14, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

15 CoursesData Analytics Professional (DAP) Certification

  1. The Fundamentals of Business Intelligence (BI): What it Does and Why it's so Essential
  2. How is Industry Using Big Data? – A Case Study Reading
  3. Business Intelligence - Data Collection and Cleaning
  4. Business Intelligence - Structuring Data for Analysis
  5. Business Intelligence - Fundamentals of Data Analysis
  6. Business Intelligence - Using Big Data Analytics
  7. Doing Data Analytics In Excel (Hands-on module)
  8. Regressions in Excel (Hands-on module)
  9. Financial Forecasting
  10. Advanced Analytics – Omitted Variables
  11. Advanced Analytics – Fixed Effects
  12. Case Study in Data Analytics
  13. Using Regressions for Forecasting
  14. Financial Forecasting in Excel (Hands-on module)
  15. Blockchain for Business
30 Reviews (227 ratings)


Member's Profile
Another excellent course from Mr. McDonald. One suggestion for improvement... In the final segment a "discount rate" variable was included. This variable was not clearly explained, yet had by far the greatest impact on the projected sales figure. It increased the sales projection almost three-fold, an impact of $971M on a base of $371M of sales. It would be helpful to either exclude this variable or spend a bit of time explaining why it can be valid given its overwhelming influence on the sales projection.

Member's Profile
Really like going through the hands on exercises. The in-depth explanations were helpful in understanding the different types of methods and the reasoning for preferring regression to other more simplified methods. Needed understanding of some of the use of terminology, but overall a great hands on treatment of the subject matter.

Member's Profile
The course was great. It gives me another avenue to use for forecasting. I usually us CAGRs but this is good insights into regression that could be used to forecast different financial variables. Eventhough the variables are a catch all, give light to different types of analysis that could be performed.

Member's Profile
The material was straight forward, and well explained. super helpful for anyone trying to build a forecasting model. I was not sure about where to start, but from watching the sales example, I am confident building a revenue forecast model for my internship

Anonymous Author
This course builds on prior materials and shows an example in excel. The second example was a little slow in delivery, but the first to analyze the thief was interesting and effective to show the power of regressions.

Anonymous Author
Once again a knowledge of the exam questions is dependent on the participants enrollment in other programs within this certification program. Useful information but not connection to final exam questions.

Anonymous Author
Good hands-on course to put into practice the teaching from other training in the program. Make sure to take the explanatory course before taking this hands-on course.

Anonymous Author
The course was very challenging, however, the instructor was very effective in presenting course materials. The time allotted for the course was sufficient as well.

Anonymous Author
The hands on examples were helpful in clarifying the steps needed to conduct a regression analysis with better results and more confidence in decisions.

Anonymous Author
It has been awhile since I took this type of course in college. Instructed suggested that you take other course first - it would be helpful.

Member's Profile
great course. it was very helpful in learning the theory behind financial forecasting. would prefer a few more hands on exercises.

Member's Profile
Thank you instructor for the grate material and topics explanations, it makes the course easy and motivate to continue study.

Anonymous Author
I really loved the employee embezzlement example. I never thought of using regression for that particular purpose.

Member's Profile
Good introduction to regressions in excel. Clean explanations of each field generated by the excel regression tool.

Anonymous Author
The course did a nice job and explained important, relevant information in a manageable and easy-to- digest manner.

Anonymous Author
Michael was able to deliver the financial forecasting material in a way that was easy to understand and enjoyable.

Member's Profile
Really loved this course. Much thanks to Grant Thornton for making the video and the instructor available.

Anonymous Author
Excel examples were useful and I can see the relevance that can be used by lessons taught in this course.

Anonymous Author
This course was useful in allowing us to work alongside the instructor and see the steps in excel.

Member's Profile
Great hands on tools provided to help navigate the otherwise nuanced side of analytics

Anonymous Author
Course was informative and easy to navigate. I would recommend to a colleague.

Anonymous Author
Course was informative and easy to navigate. I would recommend to a colleague.

Member's Profile
Good course. Each step was well explained. I wood recommend this course.

Anonymous Author
needs much better supporting documentation and not just the glossary

Anonymous Author
Enjoyed the examples given - easy to follow and understand.

Anonymous Author
This was a great course. I will recommend it to coworkers.

Anonymous Author
Very good class, informative materials and well presented

Anonymous Author
Very good module and hands on learning video and slides

Member's Profile
Everything about this course was absolutely fantastic.

Anonymous Author
The real life examples were helpful to walk through

Course Complexity: Intermediate

Viewers should be familiar with basic financial and accounting concepts. In addition, viewers should be familiar with Big Data and Business Intelligence, or review my existing courses on the topic. Familiarity with and access to Excel will be helpful.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Forecasting in Excel (Hands-on module)00:41
  Forecasting in Excel Exercise 113:54
  Forecasting in Excel Exercise 212:08
  Forecasting in Excel Exercise 2 (Continued)11:27
  Forecasting in Excel (Hands-on module) 38:12
  Forecasting in Excel (Hands-on module) Glossary/IndexPDF
  Workbook: Forecasting in Excel (Hands-on module) PART 1XLS
  Workbook: Forecasting in Excel (Hands-on module) PART 2XLS
  Completed Workbook: Forecasting in Excel (Hands-on module) XLS