This course introduces financial professionals to “real” wellness ROI measurement, which usually yields the opposite result from what your Human Resources department is telling you (and what they in turn are being told/sold by their consultants and vendors).  As the department that is ultimately responsible for healthcare spending, you can’t allow yourselves to be “shown savings” that don’t exist. 

We demonstrate exactly how to question those "savings" and determine if, indeed, there is any value in this expenditure, which – including incentives, program expense, screening, consulting fees, management time, and extra doctor visits and testing – can easily exceed $600/employee/year. We also discuss whether medicalizing the workplace may even be harmful to employees and highlight how to closely supervise the entire organization on this topic with the tools, knowledge and links this course provides.

Learning Objectives
  • Estimate total spending and benefits from wellness and related activities
  • Recognize how to critically analyze savings reports presented by vendors and benefits consultants
Last updated/reviewed: March 9, 2024
8 Reviews (36 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Interesting material regarding looking at the wellness world and realizing it does not always translate into cost savings for the organization. I used to believe proactive health measures prevent high-cost visits, but that is not always the case.

Anonymous Author
Great presentation to make you think about the different costs/benefits and pitfalls of wellness programs which seem to be very common with at least large companies in the US these days.

Anonymous Author
A lot of info packed into this course. Helpful in becoming more aware of unreliable data and unreliable sources who have alternate agendas.

Anonymous Author
Very interesting subject matter. Thanks for the interesting lesson. Very unique.

Anonymous Author
Very informative course. I suggest it to all HR groups and CEO/CFOs.

Member's Profile
Very interesting class, I have not worked alot with welness programs

Member's Profile
Information is out of date, exam is overly tricky.

Member's Profile
Great course! Very informative.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

Prerequisite: Exposure to wellness programs.

Advanced Preparation: None

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
The Numbers
  Warm Up Numbers and Statistics 3:50
  Wellness Spending and Saving Calculation20:28
  Ethics of Wellness6:25
  5 Ways Vendors May Take Advantage of YOU10:25
  Course Summary and Conclusion13:55
Continuous Play
  Measuring the ROI from Wellness programs – For Real57:49
  Slides: Measuring the ROI from Wellness ProgramsPDF
  Measuring the ROI from Wellness programs Glossary/IndexPDF