A derivative is a financial product that derives its value based on an underlying asset, liability or other variable (such as an interest rate, foreign currency or commodity price). Derivatives have become very popular tools for “hedging” (i.e. reducing) financial risk; they have also become an increasingly standard item on big companies' balance sheets. Yet understanding how they work, what they are used for and how they can affect the bottom line of a business has proven to be a significant challenge for the accounting and auditing industries.

This course provides an “accountant-friendly” overview of financial risk management and derivative instruments. This overview focuses on the various types of risk that impact financial markets today, as well as the four major categories of derivatives commonly used to hedge these risks (i.e. forwards, futures, swaps and options).

Learning Objectives
  • Discover and define the various types of risk that impact financial markets.
  • Identify the unique characteristics of forwards, futures, swaps and options.
  • Recognize appropriate hedging practices using derivative instruments.
Last updated/reviewed: January 31, 2025
Course Complexity: Foundational
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
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Course Syllabus
  Derivatives & Hedging for Accountants (Text Based Course)PDF