This introductory class focuses on understanding the components and concepts that make up Critical Thinking.

We define Critical Thinking and explore the six steps in the Critical Thinking process, including; knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Obtaining and honing this set of skills will add value to both your personal and professional life because Critical Thinking is a proven method to solve challenging problems, particularly where solutions are not readily apparent.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify the meaning and characteristics of Critical Thinking
  • Identify the steps in the Critical Thinking process and recognize how and why each successive step builds upon the previous step
  • Recognize prevalent traits amongst critical thinkers
  • Discover how reasoning and our own constructs are used to either support or discount our own thoughts and ideas as well as those of others 
  • Explore what it means to understand, apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information for the purposes of arriving at a solid Critical Thinking conclusion
Last updated/reviewed: March 24, 2024
20 Reviews (76 ratings)


Member's Profile
While some of the course could go faster (and include the same amount of content) I can understand why this slow, deliberate approach was taken: the course includes a discussion of aspects of critical thinking that we do not usually think of. Due to the complexity of these concepts it would be easy to gloss over them and forget them if such a deliberate pace had not been used. This course gave me new insights. I particularly enjoyed the discussion of the step-by-step methodology of employing critical thinking. I parrtuclarly liked the analogy to reading a poem.

Member's Profile
This course renewed my confidence in my Critical Thinking Skills. I’ve always been good at analizing issues and I’m highly intuitive. This intuitive ability made me question my Critical Thinking however, I don’t anymore. Thank you for this easy course to follow.

Anonymous Author
There seemed to be an effort to stretch a half-hour subject into a 1 1/2 hour subject. There were also some factual errors in the examples (that most participants can easily overlook without much consequence.)

Anonymous Author
I found the course somewhat simplistic and it contained a fair amount of gratuitous repetition in some places. In particular, the course review section seemed unnecessary given the length of the course.

Anonymous Author
Thorough and detailed explanation of critical thinking. Includes the steps involved and how to navigate each of the steps. Real world examples for both professional and personal application.

Member's Profile
This is a good course because it helps with everyday analysis skills and how to better evaluate issues that one may encounter in their personal or professional lives.

Anonymous Author
I thought this course was very interesting and helpful. I thought the instructor explained the topic very well. I would recommend this course to others.

Member's Profile
Critical thinking is an essential skill that can be applied in everyday decision-making, fact-finding processes. I highly recommend this course.

Member's Profile
The course was interesting and helped articulate steps needed for critical thinking. This would be very helpful for less seasoned employees.

Anonymous Author
there a lot to think about here, the information presented was great. I dont understand even at the north pole how you end up at your tent

Member's Profile
I really enjoyed this course, the material was clear and well put together. The topics are relevant and useful in a practical way.

Anonymous Author
good information on critical information. The program materials were relevant and contributed to the achieving the objectives.

Anonymous Author
Good information but the speaker was a bit monotonous and it was more difficult to stay interested.

Anonymous Author
I truly enjoyed this session. It was fun, interesting and informative.

Member's Profile
Very in depth and informative look at the critical thinking process.

Anonymous Author
I don't really like it. I thought it was going to be different.

Member's Profile
lots of info on critical thinking. Points are well made.

Anonymous Author
This was an interesting course on critical thinking.

Member's Profile
course meets requirements for continuing education

Anonymous Author

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. 

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Critical Thinking: How to Think Logically1:48
  Critical Thinking and its Components5:51
  Prevalent Traits in Critical Thinking7:30
Six Steps in the Critical Thinking process
  Knowledge 6:48
  Understanding 6:06
  Application 3:38
  Analysis 16:25
  Synthesis 3:09
  Evaluation 6:03
  Course Review11:01
Continuous Play
  Critical Thinking: How to Think Logically 1:08:23
  Slides: Critical Thinking: How to Think LogicallyPDF
  Critical Thinking: How to Think Logically Glossary/IndexPDF